Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2214: , Catch a big fish!

Needless to say the ending, after chasing in such a narrow cabin, Miwa was naturally caught all at once. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Then, Xiaokong gave him a serious education, and he had to fight before it was over.

"Sister, you are really heavy..." Meiyu said with some complaints while rubbing her red cheeks.

Well, the severe lesson before is rubbing the cheek offensively.

As for the tickling offensive, I can't show it in the cabin, let alone the rhythm of the spring when the cabin is full.

Because, in order to avoid possible situations, Xiao Kong decisively launched an offensive to rub his cheeks.

"It's not heavy! Who told you to lie to me!" Xiao Kong said with some leeway.

"It's not too heavy, even the light makeup foundation on my cheeks is rubbed off." Miyu said with a little bulging.

And listening to their words, Zhang Xiang reluctantly interjected.

"Okay, Miwa, it's okay. You are also cute without foundation, and your skin still looks smooth. So, I don't know if you girls are only at the age of elementary school or junior high school, why do you need it? I started to put on makeup. Although I painted light makeup..." Zhang Xiang persuaded him from the side.

However, he did not expect it.

His remarks caused conquests among the three girls and one woman present.

"Brother, girls should pay attention to their appearance since elementary school!"

"Yeah, because my uncle said that I don’t like makeup, I only do light makeup. If I go to school without makeup, I’ll be told more by others. Even my identity as a fashion leader in elementary school will be Erased."

"Girls make up, but it's a matter of course!"

Facing the conquest from Xiaokong and others, Zhang Xiang had to raise the white flag and surrender.

Then, after a period of their conquest, they stopped.

But Zhang Xiang had no choice but to hug the little chick who was lying on the ground with his head lying on his hands to warm him.

"Fortunately, Xiao Chi still doesn't wear makeup, but still supports my uncle..." Zhang Xiang said comfortingly.

It's a pity that when he turned around, Xiao Chi looked at Zhang Xiang with big cute eyes, and said words that made Zhang Xiang almost petrified.

"That oh Xiao Chi's companion already has someone putting on makeup, Xiao Chi is planning to put on makeup too" Xiao Chi used a tender voice and gave a fatal attack.

Well, Zhang Xiang successfully petrified and weathered into powder...


After a few minutes, Zhang Xiang finally recovered from the petrochemical state.

He also severely condemned the bad ethos of neon that even elementary school students and even kindergartens began to put on makeup!

After that, he pulled up the girls in the cabin who had seen enough fish swimming around, and walked out of the cabin.

"Okay, now, our goal is the sea of ​​stars!" Zhang Xiang put out a sculpture on the bow of the boat, holding a long boom and said.

However, his serious expression was exchanged for the laughter of the girls.

"Brother, it's just a fish catch, don't you need to be so serious. Also, when did the lake become the sea of ​​stars?" Xiaokong, who looked after the young chicks next to him, couldn't help but smile and cover his mouth. .

"Yes, uncle, it's just fishing!" Meiyu who was next to him also nodded and said.

Well, listening to the voices of the girls, Zhang Xiang finally could no longer remain silent.

"Ahem... metaphor is just a metaphor. However, although this is a metaphor, it is a major item related to our lunch. If we can't catch any fish, then our lunch will be lost. You guys too. Don’t want to go hungry and walk on the mountain road for more than half an hour to go back to eat? By the way, the time has come close to noon. If there is no harvest in the next hour, we have to walk back. Now." Zhang Xiangqing coughed and announced to the girls.

"Eh not!"

"No, brother, I thought you prepared it, I didn't prepare a lunch box for lunch!"

Xiaokong and Miyu looked at Zhang Xiang with puffed eyes.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the chicks next to him cheered.

"Ye Xiaochun wants to catch a big fish, and the young one wants to eat the big fish that he caught." Under the double care of Xiaokong and Miss Sasha, the young chick let out a cheering sound, and took hold of the one in his hand. The little fishing rod began to make a declaration.

Looking at Xiao Chi's excitement, everyone couldn't help Xiao Chi's excitement, so after a vicious look at Zhang Xiang, he took up the fishing rod and started fighting.

However, although it is somewhat reluctant.

But when everyone picked up the fishing rod, they quickly felt full of energy.

Because the fish in this lake hasn't encountered humans for too long.

Therefore, as long as everyone makes a hook, it takes a few minutes to catch a big fish.

And Zhang Xiang is also constantly acting as a firefighter in this.

After all, many of the fish in the pond are big fish.

Anyone who has caught fish knows that only a dozen catties or dozens of catties can be weighed on the ground, but in the water, a force of tens to hundreds of catties can be exploded.

Without the appropriate arm strength and fishing skills, either people will be dragged into the water, or the fishing line will break and hit people in the face.

With the exception of Miss Sha Xia, Xiao Kong and others are all girls under the age of fifteen, and one can imagine how weak their arm strength is.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang can be said to be asking for trouble and fighting fire everywhere!

In the end, even Miss Sa Xia began to pretend to be weak, and she was almost dragged into the water by a fish of less than two catties.

It made Zhang Xiang exhausted in the end.

Fortunately, the result is still good.

After catching enough fish, and under the strong request of Xiao Hina, she put on a small fish jacket and picked up a big fish and took a picture. The girls finally started to give back to Zhang Xiang. Up.

Xiaokong and others are all cooking, planning to cook a dish alone to reward Zhang Xiang.

Xiaokong made the usual Japanese grilled fish, Miss Sasha made Russian fish soup, Meiyu made pickled fish, and even Xiaoxiao made a fried fish steak.

As for the result, it goes without saying that the craftsmanship of Xiaokong and Miss Sasha is still good.

Miyu, who had only started cooking for a long time, accidentally almost burned the sauerkraut fish soup, and the fried fish fillet of the young girl was too much under the flour, and the fried was too dark.

But in general, this day is still very meaningful.

Of course, it would be better to ignore Zhang Xiang's replacement of Xiaokong and others to kill those big fish, and get rid of the fishy odor from the internal organs and scales!

After eating and drinking, everyone began to stroll around the lake, and turned off the engine with great interest, and used the specially installed rollers on both sides to slowly wander the entire lake. .

Feel the virgin forest and lake scenery on the slightly cool lake surface.

However, a slightly dull gunshot rang out.

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