Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2202: , Kill the teacher or kill the teacher!

After that, it was naturally a helicopter. Another year from the island, it came here with a group of rookie chickens and took away the three killers and the fainted Eagle.

And Zhang Xiang followed Wujian Weichen, bringing these restless little carrot heads from Class E of the third year, and returned to the hotel to meet the other little carrot heads.

Then things can be known without saying.

When the two groups of restless guys met, they almost didn't make any noise.

Especially when the people who went to the top of the mountain in Class E for the third year told that after Zhang Xiang had bought the island, their eyes glowed to Zhang Xiang's side, almost never repeating the situation in the mountain top villa before.

It made Zhang Xiang had to say it was too late, and when he was about to go to bed, he could barely escape.

Of course, he naturally did not go to sleep.

Instead, they ran to a full meal.

Then, he ran home directly to sleep.

Well, he still prefers to sleep in bed.


Early the next morning, puff, puff...creak, creak... boom, boom...

A steady stream of voices came from the small island close to the periphery, so that the students in Class E for three years who had not slept for many hours were all awake.

However, there is no resentment on their faces.

Instead, there was a very excited expression, and they all ran towards the seaside.

Because today is the day to "execute" the teacher.

Yes, execution!

Of course, it is said that, but in fact, no one knows whether it will succeed.

No one knows whether killing the teacher is like Sun Monkey, invulnerable, chopped off one head and another. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

——Well, although killing the teacher now only has one head left.

However, even so, everyone still looks happy.

After all, this is the most likely time to kill the teacher.

"Kill the teacher, you must die!"

"Yeah, come on, clean and dying"

"Teacher Wujian also cheer up, try to kill the teacher once."

The shout of joy, full of expectation, passed from the edge of the beach.

And of course, the response to them was naturally the furious voice of Teacher Killing.

"Ah, student Nagisa Shioda, I can take care of you very often, how can you say that I must die."

"Also, classmate Xizi, last time I just did you a big favor and helped you get rid of that annoying fellow, how can you make me dead clean?"

"Also, Classmate Mao Yefeng, don't cheer for Teacher Wujian. If you want to cheer, you should also give me."

Mr. Killing, who was placed in the middle of the building where the pit kills Mr. Killing, was gradually taking shape, and delivered his voice a little angrily.

Although, the sound is gradually reduced due to the gradual shaping of the building.

However, everyone heard it clearly.

Listening to his words, the three-year E class students couldn't help showing a hearty smile.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang's voice suddenly appeared on the edge of the beach.

"Ah, everyone is very energetic. I experienced so many things yesterday, but I got up so early today. I thought I got up very early!" Zhang Xiang yawned and appeared on the beach. Said the three-year E class student at the edge of the line.

Then, he turned his head.

"Also, kill the teacher, you are too early. It seems that you seem to be very active today. Is it because you are going to be buried, so you are very happy?" Zhang Xiang floated directly from mid-air Say hello to the head of Teacher Killing who is about to be buried.

And watching Zhang Xiang appear in his field of vision, killing the teacher is just not getting angry.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Teacher Killing, who buried only half of his head, said angrily.

Naturally, listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang just yawned again.

"No way, I'm short of money recently..." Zhang Xiang spread his hands and said to Teacher Killing.

"Lack of a bird! I'm the one who lacks the most money. I read a little yellow book before, and I needed to pick up second-hand goods from other people. I almost didn't get caught up as a bug and you were really proud of it. After buying an island, who is the one who is short of money!!" The angrily Teacher Killing said in a black and historical manner.

After all, last night, in order to toss his physical strength, the students of Class E for three years forced him to watch the dark history of the night.

However, Zhang Xiang showed a sincere expression.

"Because I bought a small island, I was short of money, so I took you to the Ministry of Defense. After all, if they kill you, I will have a lot of money to spend. Well, I don’t I'm stingy, I'll give you half at that time." Zhang Xiang said with a'sincere' expression.

"Give you a head, how can you give it if you die!!!" If Teacher Killing has no body now, I am afraid that he will jump up directly.

"How do you know you can't?" Zhang Xiang said with a hippie smile.

However, in his eyes, there was no joking.

Of course, not many people have noticed this scene, or they should say no.

"You give me..." Teacher Killing's words were not finished yet, the last baffle was already installed.

At almost the same time, Teacher Wu Jian, who was wearing a helmet, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Finally it was completed before the scheduled time. Next is the time to see the actual effect." Teacher Wujian loosened the belt between his neck and looked at the huge square building in the distance that was built overnight. Said.

This is a building that is close to solid, only the center part is hollowed out, filled with ammunition specifically aimed at killing the teacher, and the teacher is buried deep in the middle.

If Teacher Killing recovers from a state of complete defense, he will definitely come into contact with the ammunition inside.

Of course, this is only theoretical.

In fact, he did not know the result.

Because Teacher Killing had already blew himself up, at the moment his body recovered, he would explode with a powerful force to directly squeeze out the ammunition specifically aimed at him with energy.

And before long, everyone started to count down.

"Ten, nine, eight... Three, two, one, time is up!" The faces of all the members of Class E for the third year showed expectant expressions.

And almost at the same time, a strong explosion erupted from the nearly solid building, exploding a huge pothole.

"Did you make it?!"

"What was the result?!"

Three-year E class and Wu Jian Weichen both watched that direction.

But the voice suddenly behind Class E in the third year gave everyone the answer.

"Hello everyone, I'm back full of blood and resurrected!" Teacher Killing's smug expression appeared in front of everyone.

As for Zhang Xiang, he had already rushed back to sleep well before.

When the explosion happened, he knew that Wujian Weichen's plan had failed.

Failed, it naturally means that it is all right to kill the teacher.

And he rushed to see the result. He already knew the result, and of course he was gone.

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