Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2192: , The protagonist, always comes last!

And listening to the words that seemed to be a little confused, Zhang Xiang quickly changed the topic. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Okay, I won't say anything about it. You will understand later. Now, let me detoxify the poisoned students first." Zhang Xiang looked at the ground, sweating profusely. Said the students who were in a semi-conscious state.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the other party's attention was immediately attracted.

"Detoxification, Teacher Dayu, can you really detoxify? However, Teacher Wujian said that these are specially made viruses, even if they are sent to the hospital, it will be of no avail. I can only reluctantly extend the time..." When the eye girl said this, her tone was already low again, as if she didn't have much confidence in Zhang Xiang's words.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but laugh and cry.

"What virus is so powerful? I can't deal with it? Unless it is a special digital virus or a memory virus, it can be solved in less than two seconds!" Zhang Xiang said confidently.

The so-called digital virus is a virus that turns humans from entities into data. It can be regarded as a research result that a silver USB flash drive can convert data into entities.

The memory virus is a virus that someone deliberately input certain memory pictures into the brain to form a special memory circuit. Once this virus is detonated, the brain will burn out due to excessive overload.

These two viruses can be said to be extremely rare in this world.

Moreover, even if they encountered it, Zhang Xiang didn't say that he couldn't understand it. It just took a little longer, um, a little longer-three seconds.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiangliang, a gang organization, would definitely not be able to produce a virus beyond the norm, otherwise it would have been used to kill the octopus of the teacher.

Why do they threaten to kill the teacher by threatening this in Class E for three years?

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the face of the girl with glasses showed a surprise expression.


Of course, there was suspicion in her tone. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Really, look at it otherwise." Zhang Xiang turned around, facing the group of three-year Class E students lying on the ground, and facing forward.

A little green light shot out from between his, splitting into dozens by the way, and sinking into the student lying on the ground.

Then, the large group of three-year E classmates who lay half-dead on the ground immediately got up from the ground or sat up, or climbed up.

"Huh? Why don't you feel uncomfortable anymore?"

"Besides, the body is filled with vitality, and there is a feeling that makes people move."

"Yeah, why is it so comfortable like taking a shower?"

And looking at the three-year class E companion who was lying on the ground, suddenly sitting up, or getting up, and even someone was already jumping, the one who took care of their glasses before The girl felt it incredible, with a dumbfounded expression.

And when Zhang Xiang's voice sounded, the girl with glasses could be considered to recover.

"Well, since the classmates who were poisoned in Class E of the third year are already healed. Then, I will bring back the other half of the students in Class E who were taken away by Teacher Wujian. As for these guys here, just I'll leave it to you, don't let them run around. Don't let them run out of this hotel." Zhang Xiang ordered the girl with glasses not far away.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's request, the girl with glasses couldn't help but panic.

"But, they insist on going..." The girl with glasses was already convinced by what Zhang Xiang said before.

But the same three-year E class student, the girl with glasses knows the temperament of her classmate.

After a while, the members of the three-year class E who have recovered for the first half year will definitely want to help the other half of the three-year class E students who have gone to the top of the island.

However, Zhang Xiang showed a smile to her.

"Don't worry. As long as they get out of this hotel, you just need to be responsible for dragging them back. Don't worry about the others." Zhang Xiang smiled and said to the girl with glasses.

Immediately, he flew directly up and disappeared into the air.

Only after listening to Zhang Xiang's words, she felt a little inexplicable and could not understand the glasses girl.

Of course, then she would know what Zhang Xiang meant.

Because, after waiting for a few minutes, when everyone got up and knew what the other half of the three-year E class members were doing, they didn't listen to her advice at all and wanted to rush out aggressively.

However, before they rushed out of the hotel two steps away, they lay down on the ground with a look of weakness and pain.

She really knew what Zhang Xiang meant.

This is what Zhang Xiang left behind.

You know, Zhang Xiang helped them get rid of those viruses, it was just a matter of thought, and there was no need for any green treatment of Chakra.

In fact, the green chakra that just appeared is really not used to treat the virus.

It is only used to restore the body of the members of Class E who are still somewhat weak after Zhang Xiang's mental power pulls out the virus.

Of course, it has another effect, that is, it places a lot of restrictions on their bodies.

That is, if you want to run vigorously, move your body.

Haha, that's something to bear!

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang gave them some psychological hints.

It's just that the eye girl knew what was going on.

However, when she looked at the dozen or so classmates in Class E who were lying on the floor, she and the other classmate were a little dumbfounded.

——How can she drag these guys in?

Of course, Zhang Xiang didn't hear the contradictory thoughts of the glasses girl at this time.

Because he had already arrived near the top of this island, and successfully found Uma Yuchen and others who were carrying out the invasion.

At this moment, they invaded into the clubhouse, and still handed over a fat man in the passage.

"It's not easy. It was possible to invade this place intact." Zhang Xiang looked at the location in the clubhouse where they were, showing a slightly surprised expression.

However, when Zhang Xiang saw what their opponent was using, Zhang Xiang was a bit speechless.

"It seems that it's not that they are getting better. It's that the enemy's IQ is too low. Someone hired a poisonous guy to confront the invaders. Isn't the poisonous guy used for assassination? Let him have a head-on conflict with the third-year E class students, are you sick?" Zhang Xiang was spitting, but he flew directly to the window, kicked the window glass directly, and jumped directly to it. Come above the ground.

And listening to the sound of the window glass that suddenly broke open, and the figure that suddenly fell in, everyone was shocked.

It wasn't until they knew who it was that they relaxed.

"Teacher Dayu!"

"You are here!"

Surprise and slightly complaining sounds rang at the same time.

However, Zhang Xiang raised his hand and responded handsomely: "Yes, I'm here. After all, the protagonist always has to appear later."

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