Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2153: , Dreams and rice cakes!

"Then, we made a lot of rice cakes., it's really sweet, so sweet. The little chicks have eaten a lot, and they are full. Moreover, my uncle is still sitting with the little chicks. Get on the big board, sit on it, and the big hammer will rise, and then vigorously'boom' onto the sticky rice cake." On the dining table, tied a square napkin with both hands The little chick, holding a small fork in one hand and a small spoon in the other, is excitedly telling the little bird tour family about her dream last night.

It's just that because the little chick has just turned four years old, his speech is still relatively unclear, and the words used are a bit strange.

Therefore, everyone except Zhang Xiang has figured out what Xiao Chi is talking about after guessing.

"Ah, it's amazing, Xiao Chi has learned how to make rice cakes in his dreams. I really want to learn it. Otherwise, we will also make rice cakes during the next holiday in our house? Sister." Miyu listened to Xiao Xiao. He couldn't help but show the look of expectation on his face, and asked Xiaokong.

And after listening to Miyu's words, thinking of the things she had enjoyed so much in her'dreaming' last night, Xiao Chi couldn't help showing an expression of expectation.

However, listening to Meiyu's words, Xiao Kong's face slightly shook his head.

"No, although there seems to be a tool for pounding rice cakes at home, it takes a lot of effort to pound rice cakes. Let alone small chicks, even if the two of us work together, I am afraid we can only lift the hammer. That's it!" Xiaokong resolutely rejected Meiyu's proposal, shook his head and said to her.

And Xiao Chi also showed a disappointed expression on his face listening to Xiao Kong's words.

"" Xiao Chi's face showed a look of disappointment.

"Hina, it's really not allowed. These things are very dangerous for children. What if you accidentally get your hands or accidentally fall from the pedal. Look at 1 wool 2 thread 3. "Chinese Net" Xiao Kong carefully explained to Xiao Chi.

And listening to Xiao Kong's detailed explanation, although Xiao Hina's face was still somewhat disappointed, she still gradually accepted this fact.

However, Miyu still did not give up.

"But ah, we can buy a machine instead. I heard that there is also a special tool for making rice cakes for families now. At that time, we can save the process of making rice cakes." Miwa's eyeballs After one turn, he came up with an alternative.

And Xiao Chi's eyes brightened up expectantly, looking at Xiao Kong's direction.

But this time after listening to Miyu's suggestion, Xiao Kong really thought about it for a while, but in the end she shook her head.

"It still doesn't work." Xiaokong shook his head and said.

"Why?!" Meiyu's tone was filled with anxiety and incomprehension.

"If you think about it, we eat rice cakes two or three times a year at most. Even those two or three times are made by ourselves. However, the number of times I use this machine is still too few. Moreover, such a machine is definitely It’s very expensive. It’s not worth it to buy such an expensive thing two or three times a year at most. Although our home situation is much better now, we can’t be lavish.” Xiaokong patiently turned towards Meiyu Explained.

"So..." Although Meiyu was still a little unwilling, she still accepted this fact.

And Xiao Hina nodded helplessly,

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly spoke.

"Well, if I have tools at home, I will help to make rice cakes. I will let me do the physical work, it's okay." Zhang Xiang suddenly said to everyone in front of him.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiaoniaoyou's family all showed different expressions.

Xiao Kong’s faces were surprised, while Miyu and Xiao Chi's faces showed surprise expressions.

"Really? Uncle?!" Meiyu rushed in front of Xiaokong and began to ask with surprise.

"It's true. There is only one man left in our house now. Of course, the physical work must be covered by me!" Zhang Xiang said with a pat on his chest.

"But, elder brother, father pounding rice cakes and Miss Sa Xia also did it when they were two years old in Miwa. However, that time, father not only failed to pound rice cakes, but also almost flashed his waist. Ms. Sa Xia and You Aunt Li worked very hard. Brother, is there no problem?" Xiaokong showed a worried expression on his face.

However, looking at Xiao Kong's worried eyes, Zhang Xiang naturally patted his chest and said that he was fine.

"Don't worry, there must be no problem. Don't look at your brother who doesn't seem to have many muscles, but he has a lot of strength!" Zhang Xiang raised his arms and made the expression of a strong man.

So the little chicks clapped their hands and shouted: "Ah, my uncle is so amazing."

"But, if you really hurt your waist..." Xiaokong still hesitated.

It's just that Miyu made a sound at this moment.

"Don't worry, elder sister, uncle is really strong. When we moved back last time, our uncle helped to take a lot of our luggage! And, sister, you are so worried about your uncle's waist, isn't it... …" When Mei Yu said this, there was an ambiguous expression on her face.

While listening to the first half is okay, but hearing the second half, the blush on Xiaokong's face spread quickly to the entire cheek at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Mei, Miyu, what are you talking about nonsense!" Xiao Kong's face was flushed, and he retorted in a somewhat cramped manner.

It's just that, looking at her flustered look, you know how weak her rebuttal is.

And hearing this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a bit of embarrassment on his face.

As for Xiao Hina, she opened her eyes wide, and blinked unclearly.

Watching this scene, Miyu grasped the opportunity to change the subject.

"By the way, sister, the father and Sha you just said... Mom made rice cakes when I was two years old. Why did I not remember?" Miyu quickly changed the subject.

And listening to Miyu's question, Xiao Kong couldn't help but temporarily forgot his shyness and rush, and explained to Miyu.

And Xiao Chi's attention was also attracted.

"It's no wonder you forgot about this matter. At that time, it was when you just turned two years old. At that time, because..." Xiaokong began to explain Miyu's childhood.

When talking about this, Miyu, who originally just wanted to divert Xiaokong's attention, couldn't help but get serious and began to listen carefully.

When I met Xiao Kong and talked about her being interesting, I couldn't help but start to ask.

When Xiao Kong talked about her shyness, he would always stop Xiao Kong from telling it in a spoiled and coquettish way.

This meal, the table is full of laughter.

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