Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2081: , Immortality falls!

"Don't talk about my sister! We all know the result. Look at "Mao, Xian, Chinese, Chinese, and the net, don't force the master." Matsuki Yihime shook his head in the direction of Matsuki Toyohime.

And listening to his sister's words, even though Watatsuki Toyohime felt a little sad, she still accepted the result.

However, at this moment, Watazuki Yihime spoke again.

"But, Master, you know that once we go to war. We will definitely fight. At that time, neither of us will keep your hands. Then please don't keep your hands!" Somewhat ruthlessly, she said to Yorin Bayi.

But Zhang Xiang knew that this was the best solution.

If you say these things in advance, you won't have regrets because of them during the battle.

It wouldn't make Bayi Yonglin feel scrupulous, and fail to exert her strength, thus making her both inside and outside human.

And listening to Matsuki Yihime's words, Bayi Yongrin also nodded after a helpless sigh.

"Okay, don't worry. However, you must not keep your hands." Bayi Yongrin said.

After speaking, Zi, who was waving a fan next to him, spoke.

"You said, you are here to occupy Gensokyo?" Zi's face showed an incomprehensible smile, and she covered the lower half of her face with the fan in her hand, looking in the direction of Watatsuki Yihime.

"Yes." Watazuki Yihime nodded without hesitation.

"But, I don’t understand! Why do you occupy Gensokyo? If you say, because the moon was blown up, you had to get off the moon. But you don’t have to enter Gensokyo. The earth is very beautiful. The big one, even if you want to find a place where there are not so many humans, you can find it. Isn’t it?" With an incomprehensible smile on Zi’s face, she looked in the direction of Watazuki Yoshihime and asked a question. .

Don't look at Zi's appearance as a young girl, you will be deceived by her and mistakenly think that she will shoot directly because others want to occupy Gensokyo.

But don't forget, she is actually a big monster whose age is unknown, but can be traced back at least thousands of years ago and still survives.

It would be wrong to mistake her for being tender because of her appearance.

She is quite old and cunning. For head-to-head with Moon City, this kind of action is obviously not good. It is possible that the whole Gensokyo will be included, but she will not do it.

You know, this time Gensokyo’s enemies are ancient humans on Earth, and now they have far surrealism combined with spiritual power and technology to create a moon capital that exceeds the level of technology on Earth!

Moreover, Yuezhi could not help possessing the power of combining spiritual power and high technology.

Under the high-end personal combat power, there are also many.

Although, on the surface, it is far less than Gensokyo.

But don’t forget, the City of the Moon is an existence whose age is calculated by long live.

Even if there is only one strong among a thousand people, there are ten in 10,000 people.

Not to mention, this time calculated in ten thousand years, even a pig is already a talent!

In this case, although Reimu can use the power of Hakuryi's Great Enchantment, she can also use the power of the illusory and real realm that is arranged in the entire Gensokyo, but she may not be able to hold the moon. Attack of the capital.

Let alone counterattack!

Moreover, once the high-end combat power comes out, I am afraid that in a day or two, the entire Gensokyo will be in ruins!

At this point, the Dragon God was only angry before, but he didn't exert his full power, and he had already destroyed the younger half of Gensokyo.

Where high-end combat power will be affected, it is calculated in kilometers.

However, listening to Zi's words, Watazuki Yihime shook his head.

"No! Although there are places where there are no humans. Our strength is enough to suppress most of the humans on the earth. However, those places are too filthy! Especially the place we chose to descend, a place not far away The pollution under the city is far beyond our acceptance. Although other places are not that serious, they cannot accept long-term living. Only in this place, we can barely accept it!" Mian Yueyi Ji shook his head and said.

And listening to her words, most of the big monsters in Gensokyo showed a suddenly realized expression.

Because, in the ancient times, the ancient humans who lived on the ground, that is, the inhabitants of the Moon Capital, were unable to endure the filth that gradually appeared on the earth, and the whole clan migrated to the moon.

And, with the help of the concept of purification, the plan to immortalize the ancient humans who lived on the moon, that is, the people of the current lunar capital, was realized.

Let the residents of the Moon City, as long as there is no special accident, will never die naturally.

That is, more than one kind of immortality is immortal!

And of course, the moon that has been purified now has been blown up.

The Moon Capital, which has no place to settle, naturally can only choose to descend to the ground that they think is dirty.

But the focus is not on this one. The focus is on the people of the Moon Capital. It is because they have achieved the purification of the entire race, so that no one in the race is contaminated with any filth, so that they can achieve immortality.

However, when they land on the ground, they will inevitably have to be exposed to filth.

When they have been exposed to filth for a long time, or have been exposed to a certain intensity of filth, even lunar people who have achieved purification will be re-contaminated with filth.

At that time, their concept of eternal life will undoubtedly collapse.

And when the concept of purification disappears, it is when the residents of the capital for a whole month are broken from the immortal state.

This is undoubtedly a great crisis for the entire race.

Therefore, it is quite normal for the Moon City to attack Gensokyo with the power of the whole clan.

"So that's the case. Then let's fight!" Yakumo Zi said without any hesitation, after realizing this, he said directly.

Because she knew that since this matter was like this, it would definitely not change.

As for letting out part of Gensokyo to live in the people of Moon City.

Not to mention that this will inevitably violate the original balance of power in Gensokyo, that is to say, when the number is good, Gensokyo cannot accommodate so many residents of the capital of the month.

You know, the Moon City not only brought down the Moon People, but also brought them down by the Moon Rabbit Army.

Not to mention, there is no room for two tigers.

This is something that time has already confirmed.

If you let the capital of the moon stay, not to mention the issue of primary and secondary, that is to say that the friction between the living habits between each other is good, and it is enough to cause war.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly said.


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