Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2046: , Xiao Chi should also help

"Well, thank you, uncle..." Xiao Chi wiped the corner of her eye and took the little scissors.

Then, she seemed to have plucked up the courage, holding the big apple in her left hand, but using the small scissors in her right hand.

With the sound of ‘click’, the stalk of the apple connected to the branch was cut off.

In an instant, the big apple, the size of two adult fists, entered the arms of the young chick.

"Ah, I picked it off, I picked it off!" The young girl burst into tears and smiled, holding the big red apple in his arms and laughing happily.

Looking at Xiao Chi's happy look, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

It's just that, watching Xiao Chi holding her big apple that she can't hold with one hand in one hand, and then looking at the sharp little scissors that cut off the stems of the apple tree without much effort. She danced with her cheers in Xiao Chi's hands.

Zhang Xiang felt that his scalp was a little cold.

After seeing Xiao Kong in this scene, Zhang Xiang was relieved after removing the small scissors from Xiao Chi's hand.

And then, amidst the laughter of the young chicks, everyone's action of picking apples together finally began.

However, Hina is just a child after all.

Although I was very interested at the beginning, but later, after feeling a little tired, I stopped pestering Zhang Xiang to continue picking apples.

Instead, she sat aside obediently, picked up her unfinished big apple again, and started to eat.

As for the big red apple that she picked by herself, she was hugged tightly in her arms.

In her words, this is the baby for her birthday tomorrow. Let her friend see how big the big apple she picked is.

And listening to Xiao Chi's slightly ostentatious thoughts, Zhang Xiang and others couldn't help showing kind smiles.

Then, Zhang Xiang and others began to get busy.

First, they began to collect some of the big apples.

Approximately half of them were slightly wiped and stored in the vegetable and fruit freezer in the kitchen.

The other half was because the refrigerator could no longer fit, but had to be placed outside.

After all, a lot of fruits have been stored in the refrigerator for so many days.

Then they began to get busy in the hall.

Xiaokong began to pack up some fragile objects in the hall, to prevent those fragile things from being touched by the bear children after they came.

Miyu and Huahuo began to arrange those decorations around the hall.

Because tomorrow’s first birthday party will start at around ten o’clock, Zhang Xiang and others need to set up the venue first to avoid being rushed tomorrow.

As for Zhang Xiang, he did the most important physical work.

He began to move the sofa in the hall and moved aside.

Because the height of these sofas is not suitable for children who are only 1.2 meters high.

Moreover, there are about a dozen young children who come. Although these sofas are enough for them to sit on, it is difficult for them to easily touch the food on the table.

Therefore, after discussing with Xiaokong and others, Zhang Xiang decided to get some small chairs to sit on one side.

As for the table, you don’t need the taller ones anymore, but just use those low tables to form a long table.

As for the chairs, just use those small chairs for children.

Fortunately, these low tables and small chairs are owned in the storage room.

Therefore, it saves a lot of things.

And watching Zhang Xiang and others at work, the little chicks who had been sitting on the sofa couldn't stand it anymore.

She put a third of the big apple in her hand and started to help everyone else.

Xiao Chi started to help Xiao Kong get up, put some small objects into the TV cabinet, and helped Miyu and others who were standing on the chair to bring decoration ribbons, and ran to Zhang Xiang. Help Zhang Xiang bring the small stool from the storage room.

Originally, Zhang Xiang and others didn't plan to let Xiao Chi help.

After all, she only has a four-year-old yearbook.

However, when Xiao Chi stared at herself with **** and bright eyes, and begged to herself, no one could refuse her idea of ​​helping!

Therefore, everyone chose those very simple things for the little chicks.

And Xiao Chi also worked very hard.

In the small voice of "hehehehe", he took a small stool, walked out of the door of the storage room, and carried it into the hall.

Wait until an hour later, when the hall is completely set up.

Xiao Chi just stopped and smiled with satisfaction.

After a busy period of work, the appearance in the hall has long become super much.

The original structure of the hall was after entering the hallway, there was a long sofa, two small sofas on both sides, and a tea table in front.

Behind the sofa is the dining table, and behind the dining table is the kitchen with a transparent closet.

However, at this moment, the long sofa and two small sofas in the hall have been moved aside.

And that tea table simply disappeared completely.

Instead, there is the big long table composed of three low square tables, and the dozens of small chairs neatly arranged.

Of course, on top of the big long table, there is a long cartoon tablecloth.

The biggest change is the ceiling.

Originally, there were only two chandeliers on the ceiling.

However, now on the ceiling, it is full of beautiful decorations, decorated with beautiful ribbons, connected to the two chandeliers.

If the light of the chandelier is turned on, it will look very beautiful under the light and the reflection of the ribbon.

And under those ribbons, there are colorful balloons in series, half floating in the air.

On one side of the wall, Miyu had an ingenuity in not knowing where to get a big white board.

I also used colored pens to outline the eleven characters: "Little Bird's Fourth Birthday Party", it must be very dazzling when compared with the lighting.

But in a moment of silence, Miyu had already stepped aside and pulled up the curtain.

"Go ahead, sister!" Meiyu waved her small hand to the other side, but didn't know when, Xiaokong had already walked near the switch of the two chandeliers.

"Okay." Xiao Kong nodded.

And at the next moment, with the curtains being pulled up, there was also a flashing soft light.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Xiao Hina said happily with her hands folded on her chest.

Under the shining of the soft light in the field, colorful lights shone on the decorative ribbon, like a starry sky.

And those balloons floated up with the falling of the colored ribbons, giving people a feeling of elegance.

But it’s even more eye-catching. It’s about the eleven characters that Miyu wrote with a highlighter: "Little Bird You Hina's 4th Birthday Party".

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