Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2007: , Into the palace!

And the time didn't last long, and shortly after Zhang Xiang showed up with the dozens of hidden figures, the total attack had already begun. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Since this time the general offensive was launched faster than in the original, all the citizens who would have gathered in the capital of the Republic of East Gorda have not yet gathered in the capital!

Therefore, everyone's general offensive unfolded rather unscrupulously.

Because of Zhang Xiang's promise, everyone directly rushed towards the palace of the Republic of Donggotuo.

Of course, the chimera ant also responded in time.

Although they had not been able to increase the number of soldiers in such a short period of time, the total number of chimeric ant soldiers had exceeded two hundred.

The abilities of each of these chimeric ant soldiers are comparable to humans who have just learned to recite.

There are some chimeric ant soldiers with a little more talent, oh, it should be said that the existence of the regiment commander and above, their abilities are comparable to humans who can study aesthetics for several years.

Some more powerful existences, such as the existence of several division leaders, are able to resist Mo Laowu, even if they are in the Hunter Association, they are also capable of being ranked.

However, these chimera ant soldiers that can at least block the advancement of everyone, even causing casualties, did not cause any obstacle to the advancement of Zhang Xiang and others.

Because, whenever a soldier with a chimera ant appeared, one of the dozen or so figures who were flying fast behind Zhang Xiang would fly out and stop those guys.

Moreover, every time any one of the dozen or so silhouettes shot, no matter the strength of the chimeric ant that came to block was high or low, it would be completely stopped, and even the attack did not leak out to threaten the people moving forward.

This made the people who had looked at with suspicious eyes a little awe.

Because, even if it was any of them, it would be very difficult to do this unless President Nitro made the shot himself.

This can be seen by looking at the battle traces caused by the chimeric ants fighting.

However, they did not know.

Not to mention stopping these guys, even if the kill was completed in an instant, any of the dozen or so figures that split from behind Zhang Xiang could easily do it.

Because, any one of the dozen or so figures brought by Zhang Xiang is a leader among the civilizations that were destroyed by the world tree before. (It was in the previous third level, that was used by the World Tree as a line of defense, and when necessary, the tens of millions of clones were eliminated after the end of the world.)

Even though, their current spiritual wisdom has been wiped out by the World Tree.

However, their combat experience and their usual combat consciousness still exist.

In a sense, they are now stronger than when they lived in that civilization.

Except that their bodies are now cultivated by the world tree, and are in the healthiest and strongest.

More importantly, they will not have personal feelings now, even if they sacrifice themselves in order to accomplish their goals, they will not hesitate.

Moreover, the World Tree has also instilled various combat knowledge from different civilizations in their consciousness. It is normal that they will be stronger when they are integrated.

Not to mention, when they were manufactured, they were also specially incorporated into its power by the World Tree.

As long as they are on this piece of land, as long as they are not destroyed by a single blow, as long as they stand on the ground, they can use the power of the World Tree to quickly recover their injuries and physical strength.

If they cooperate with the World Tree, their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Imagine that when you sent a full blow to attack the enemy, the roots of the World Tree suddenly appeared in front of you, stopping your attack.

Or when you hit the other party severely, the other party suddenly merges your severely injured body into the world tree, and is instantly cured and then released.

Even when you don’t expect it, the root of any World Tree that has the power of a mountain will give you that.

Hehe, just think about it to know how you will end up.

It is precisely because of these clone soldiers who don't know how tired or injured, the World Tree can clean up those few lingering guys after the world is destroyed.

It doesn't matter if there is a mistake in the process of destroying the world. This army of tens of millions of people representing the peak combat effectiveness of dozens of civilizations in the past will come out and fill everything in.

Not to mention, with the power of the World Tree, wanting to replicate such a group of clones is simply a breeze, and you can play violent forces with you every minute.

Unless it is a Zerg invasion, or a Protoss invasion, it is impossible to crush the World Tree quantitatively.

However, even if it is a Zerg invasion or a Protoss invasion, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill the World Tree.

Because, if the invasion of the Zerg and the Protoss cannot destroy the core of the World Tree in a short time.

Then, if the world tree is given the opportunity to become one and successfully control the world to become the completed state of Gaia's world tree.

Then, all the Zerg and Protoss remaining on the planet will be annihilated.

At the moment when the world tree that has completed the state of unity touches the rules, the other party can assimilate all the existence on the planet into a part of itself.

If it is more unlucky, if the core of the mother emperor of the Zerg and Protoss is on the planet, then there is no need to fight.

The Zerg and Protoss side will definitely GG directly!

And even if the core of the mother emperor of the Zerg and Protoss does not stay on this planet and has a large number of soldiers, it may not be able to do the world tree that integrates global resources, but can also squander the resources and luck of the entire planet. of.

As mentioned before, the world tree can also promote its own development by devouring civilization.

Otherwise, how did the tens of millions of replica fighters stored in the world tree come from?

Playing copy and transformation, World Tree will not be afraid of Zerg and Protoss.

Not to mention, after the World Tree becomes Gaia, it can still use the power of mystery arbitrarily.

If it directly consumes a lot of power and directly puts a creature from another planet on its own planet, as well as creatures from another world enter, it will definitely be weakened by a few BUFFs, it is also possible.

How will the opponent fight?

Moreover, the world tree that integrates the luck of a planet is also extremely powerful in terms of luck.

Even the protagonists in it, after they have only received a part of the planet's luck, they can all turn into good luck and make their opponents unlucky.

So, what about the world tree that integrates a planet?

I heard that whether it is a Zerg or a Protoss, there is a certain probability that there will be a rebellion against the master, as well as subordinates who specifically restrain the ability of the highest ruler.

If they weren't using the world tree as their enemy, the possibility of such an inverse seeding would be less than one in a billion.

Then, facing the world tree that integrates the luck of the entire planet, it is almost 100% likely to appear.

Of course, it is also possible that either the Zerg or the Protoss has better luck than the World Tree, and it may not be right if the World Tree is suppressed.

Ahem, so much has been removed, let us return to the perspective of the protagonist.

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