Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1999: , Six galen? !

And just in the next moment, just in this cool autumn, in the endless golden grass... Bah, it was a wheat field, and six gallens jumped out. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Okay, it's a robber.

"Hit, rob!"

"This road is open, and I planted this tree. If you want to pass this time, I will leave to buy road money!"

"Hand over everything!"

"Men stand on the left, women stand on the right!"

"do not move!"

"We are robbed!"

The six Galen, oh no, it was the robber who jumped out of the wheat field and said six different words to Zhang Xiang.

Zhang Xiang had an urge to laugh.

Because these six people are so creative.

Not to mention the ridiculous robbery language when they jumped out.

——One stammered, one said that the tree said the road in a place where there were no trees and no way, one was too direct, one was unclear, and one was a little timid, oh, the last one was a bit more professional, and he directly said his own. purpose.

In other words, they are not dressed up for robbery.

Not to mention that they don’t hide their faces at all, nor that they are wearing pretenders behind them, but in the wheat field, they are obviously obstructive and reveal their identity, which means that their weapons are good. , Zhang Xiang laughed directly.

Because the weapon the opponent looted was not a sword, and it was not affected by modern weapons such as pistols, bazookas, and submachine guns.

The weapon in his hand turned out to be a pig-killing knife! ! !

Yes, butcher knife!

Can you imagine that six funny robbers holding six pig-killing knives, with a serious expression on their faces when I was about to rob?

If you can't imagine it, you can imagine Zhang Xiang's laughter almost rolling around. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Haha... Brother, are you robbing like this?" Zhang Xiang laughed, clutching his stomach.

It's just that there are still some of them who haven't seen Zhang Xiang's contempt for them.

"Huh? Brother, aren't we a robbery like this?" There was a funny comparison, okay, there was a robber who actually turned his head and followed the tallest man in the middle.

And of course, the boss would of course not have any expressions on the one who really asked.

"Idiot, he's laughing at us!" The boss standing in the middle, patted the head of the robber, and said with a bit of iron.

"Ah! It hurts, but even if he laughs at us, you don't have to hit me, eldest brother." The teaser asked more unwillingly than the robber.

The one that made it more normal, that is, the face of the robber we were going to rob was directly said at the end. It was green and red, and it was almost impossible to give the other party another look.

But in the end, he endured it.

"Friend, you'd better get acquainted and hand over all the cards. Otherwise, we'll be rude to you! Everyone, get ready!" The boss's face turned gloomy and said to Zhang Xiang.

And just under his order, six powerful thoughts burst out suddenly, causing Zhang Xiang to gradually put away his smile.

Because he could perceive that, in terms of the quality and quantity of mind, the mind of the other six people all reached a certain level.

At least, it was almost the same as the spinning top he encountered in the sky arena.

No, it is much stronger.

Because he could sense that they had not used all their strength.

However, I just don't know why the six hunters of this level would come to do these robberies.

But no matter what, the conflict has already begun, and it cannot end!


Two minutes later, Zhang Xiang clapped his hands and set off in the direction of the magic city Masadora.

As for behind him, a big tree appeared inexplicably.

On the branches of that big tree, there were six very thick hemp ropes, and on the hemp ropes were six guys with blue skin and swollen faces.

As for the handsome black cloaks on them, they have already turned into a pile of rags.

As for the six pig-killing knives they had originally held, they were shaken like juggling in Zhang Xiang's hands.

Then, under the situation that Zhang Xiang used his right hand a little more strength.

The six pig-killing knives that were originally rotating in circles on Zhang Xiang's hands turned into smooth curves in the air, and fell to the six that were hung upside down by the big trees. Up, head down in front of the robber's head.

The nearest one was only less than 0.1 centimeter away from the head of the robber.

The hair was cut to pieces.

But at the moment when the few strands of black hair fell down, that guy rolled his eyes and fell into a coma.

And the others are not too well.

Seeing that sharp pig-killing knife fell in front of him, less than a centimeter away, anyone would feel scared.

Especially Zhang Xiang used a power they couldn't understand to temporarily seal their thoughts.

Without being able to use mind and mortal body, it is good for them not to be stunned.

And Zhang Xiang was planning to hang them all day, letting them return to normal after a day, and after getting enough lessons, he planned to let them go.

However, what Zhang Xiang didn't know was.

Soon after his front foot left, three consecutive rays of light were already bright.

But it was Xiaojie, Qiya, and Juezijuela who came to the island of greed.

And, after about half an hour of explanation, they came out and came to the real game of the island of greed.

And just after they came out, they saw the six robbers hanging upside down.

At the time when Juzijuela had some doubts whether this was a trap.

Xiaojie, who was more kind-hearted, had already put the six of them down.

Naturally, those six guys were grateful to Xiaojie.

He even made out his identity as a robber in a funny way, which surprised Xiaojie and others.

In addition, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no one has not! ! !

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