Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1980: , The cordon!

Yes, the cordon!

It's just that this cordon is formed by pure mental power.

In the range of Zhang Xiang's sight, a thick dark green liquid was permeated within ten miles.

It's just that these viscous dark green liquids are constructed from the extremely dense spiritual power of the World Tree itself.

Don't think that the world tree is a plant, just think that it has no spiritual power, or that it is inferior to humans.

But you know, it wants to control the body that spreads across the entire continent, it can't do without massive mental power.

If it only relies on chemical and biological reactions, then its body is so large that it can be counted in thousands of miles, even if the speed of hormone transmission is fast, it is difficult to transmit it so quickly.

And even if it depends on neurotransmission to respond well, it needs to be calculated in fractions of a second from transmission to response.

Like a creature that can threaten the World Tree, it is easy to rely on the time difference to defeat it.

Therefore, in addition to the necessary biological hormones to control the body, it also has a huge amount of mental power for further control.

It's just that now it is in a deep sleep, and that massive amount of mental power is recovered by it to the center.

Recovering that massive amount of mental power can not only reduce its consumption-controlling such a huge body requires a huge amount of mental power, and it can also act as a cordon in front of Zhang Xiang.

"However, if this is the case, it will be troublesome..." Zhang Xiang looked at the dark green sphere with a diameter of only half a meter in the center of the dark green mental power ocean, and then took a look at the horizontal. The spirit ocean straddling between himself and the dark green sphere feels tricky. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Because if Zhang Xiang invades hard, it will inevitably cause a strong reaction from the World Tree itself.

Don't doubt, even if the other party is asleep, as long as he receives even a little stimulation, the other party will wake up in an instant.

Even if Zhang Xiang's speed is fast enough, it will trigger certain self-defense mechanisms set by the opponent.

At that time, I am afraid that a great war will break out, and it may even break the entire dark continent into pieces.

"It's really a headache. If you have the previous strength, I'm afraid it can be suppressed by just reaching out. There is no need to worry about these things." Zhang Xiang looked helplessly at the turtle shell in front of him. General things, said with some annoyance.

However, when he watched the green energy crystals that submerged in the cordon from time to time and exchanged matter and energy, he suddenly had an idea.

"Right, you can do this!" Zhang Xiang's right fist slammed into the palm of his left hand.

At the next moment, Zhang Xiang intercepted one of the energy crystals that was about to be exchanged.

Then, the breath on his body began to gradually change, releasing an energy mask with little difference from the surrounding energy breath, isolating the energy breath inside and outside.

Even, for safety reasons, I deliberately simulated the energy fluctuations of the energy crystal intercepted by Zhang Xiang to replace the energy crystal that Zhang Xiang took into the energy shield and suddenly disappeared. Fluctuations.

And then, is the most important thing.

"I hope I can't be discovered!" Zhang Xiang muttered, but he focused his attention on this energy crystal.

On the first day of junior high school, Zhang Xiang already felt the vigorous power contained in this energy crystal.

It can be said that the small energy crystallization held by Zhang Xiang in the palm of his hand is already equivalent to the energy level of a billion-ton nuclear bomb.

Don't doubt, the roots of the World Tree rooted in an entire continent and fed by magma, wanting to extract such levels of energy, are only a matter of minutes.

Zhang Xiang was a little surprised that the other party's compression of energy was able to compress the invisible and intangible energy into a crystalline existence.

This is a rare talent!

You know, even the current Zhang Xiang doesn't have this ability yet!

However, Zhang Xiang just exclaimed.

Then, he began to do business.

"First, use mental power to drill a hole deep into the energy crystal, then migrate the energy pattern inside to form a natural-like space pattern, and then refill the drilled hole with the crushed energy crystal. , Heal!" Zhang Xiang said while he got everything done.

Two seconds later, the energy crystal in Zhang Xiang's hand seemed to flash a light.

But at the next moment.

That ray of light disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before.

Even the fluctuations of energy crystals have not changed in general.

However, this is also a natural thing.

When Zhang Xiang refilled the hole, the filling level reached the molecular level. It was impossible to detect it so easily.

If it was not made by Zhang Xiang himself, then even he would not know where the hole just opened!

"Well, let's start!" Zhang Xiang quickly removed the protective shield, and the simulated wave, placed the energy crystal in his hand on the original track again, making it follow the law of liquid flow and move towards The dark green cordon swam away.

Then, in Zhang Xiang's somewhat nervous gaze, he penetrated the cordon without any risk.

"Yeah, it succeeded!" Zhang Xiang said with some excitement waving his fist.

And just after entering the deep green ocean, the energy crystals began to be slowly decomposed, maintaining and nourishing the enormous spiritual power in the green ocean.

This made Zhang Xiang not only nervous again.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiang's filling was to refill the entire hole, and the energy crystals were gradually separated outside and were not found.

And in the end, that piece of energy crystal, which was separated to the last point and the most essence, finally came outside the core of the world tree.

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