Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1966: , One tree, one world!

After seeing the mature World Tree in Hunter World, Zhang Xiang felt that this trip was not a waste of time.

The trunk is tens of kilometers thick, and the roots are spread out within a thousand miles of the lava mountain range. The crimson magma emerging from the ground is slowly extracted as nourishment.

Moreover, this is more than that!

These tree roots, which are deeply submerged in the ground, penetrate the magma flow, and follow the branches of the underground magma flow that are buried dozens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers deep, toward the entire darkness. The mainland spread away.

And the trunk of the World Tree, which is lush, covering all the thousands of miles, climbs directly out of the atmosphere, exposing its green leaves to the atmosphere, greedily absorbing those full of energy. Ray, transfer it into a part of their own growth.

For plants, long-term exposure will cause death, and the shortcomings of hypoxia and unable to photosynthesize if they exceed several kilometers, none of them appear on this world tree.

The strong wind in the high altitude and the temperature close to tens of degrees below zero did not have any impact on the growth of this world tree.

This is not only a tree, but a small world.

If it collapses in a short period of time, I am afraid that the entire dark continent will be affected.

Even the collapse of the entire continent is not impossible.

The influence of a tree is so great, it is really terrifying, worthy of the name of the world tree!

But after feeling for a while, Zhang Xiang took the realization back.

"Okay, then let's find someone to settle the account first!" A sharp light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

He would never forget the attack he encountered when he first landed on the Dark Continent.

The other party tried to kill him in the mood.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang does not intend to keep his hands.

Therefore, his first goal here was to get that guy out and kill!

And in Zhang Xiang's words, the "Baby Bird" Doudou also waved his own wings and marched towards the World Tree.

No, it should be said that it started to the inside of the World Tree.

Because, just in between Zhang Xiang's words, they had already crossed the scope of the world tree canopy, and flew towards the inside of the world tree.

As soon as he flew into the area covered by the canopy of the World Tree, the light immediately dimmed.

However, the crimson light of the magma continuously emerging not far below, matched the sunlight from the gaps between the leaves, to create this area with a different light.

Moreover, the light has also become softer, almost not much different from the outside.

It’s just that the sulphur smell in the air is not good.

However, when Zhang Xiang and "Hiddy" Doudou flew to a higher place, the sulfur smell disappeared without a trace.

I don't know if it was absorbed by the surrounding green leaves, or the sulfur itself couldn't float so high.

When flying to a higher place, a miraculous forest appeared in Zhang Xiang's field of vision.

It was a forest growing on the lowest branch of the World Tree.

Yes, the forest!

A forest standing above the branches!

This may sound incredible, but it is true.

Imagine that the trunk of the World Tree is already tens of kilometers thick, so what is the length and width of the branches?

The answer was already announced in front of Zhang Xiang.

Even if it is not the largest and thickest, but also the bottom branch, the width and length are enough for an ordinary forest to grow on it.

Hundreds of big trees with a height of tens of meters to tens of meters are planted in a thin layer of soil formed by rotted bark and mixed with some sand. The roots Submerge into the trunk of the World Tree.

Relying on the nutrients provided to them by the World Tree itself, as well as the sunlight falling from the gaps between the leaves, it grows vigorously to this point.

Moreover, this is still a complete forest, with not only trees, but also various creatures.

It's like little squirrels, snakes, or even wild boars.

Little squirrels and snakes can still be explained, but the wild boar that can't climb trees at all will appear here, which is a bit unexpected for Zhang Xiang.

However, under Zhang Xiang's mental power, all the mysteries have been revealed.

In the depths of the forest, there turned out to be a secret path, which went from under the ground in the forest, penetrated the branches of the World Tree, and spread directly to the opposite side.

At that level, it is at least ten kilometers long.

And, more importantly, that road is not formed naturally, but has obvious artificial traces.

"Are there human beings here?" Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling unexpected.

Because, based on the information he got, there should be no traces of humans on the Dark Continent, and it should be all beasts and harsh natural environments!

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly raised his head.

I saw in the distant sky, a small dot was flying in this direction.

However, don't look at it as a small point, but that's because the opponent is still far away.

After waiting for a while, the other party's real body was finally revealed.

It was a flying dragon with a height of about several hundred meters, and its wings spread for nearly a kilometer. It looked like a dinosaur.

On top of the head of this flying dragon, there is a flying dragon that has shrunk dozens of times and is only tens of meters tall, like a juvenile cub.

Obviously, the other party is a father and son (father and daughter), or a mother and son (mother and daughter)!

But the key is not this one, there is a person sitting above the head of that young flying dragon.

"Jin, Jin Fulishi?!" Zhang Xiang called out the other party's name in surprise.

Or maybe it was closer, or the other party heard Zhang Xiang's words.

The other party also turned his head and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Zhang, Zhang Xiangjun?"

In the Dark Continent, perhaps due to fate or fate, the two met again...

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