Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1932: , What the **** is the hunter license?

A day later, in the airship hall of a nearby city.

"Hello, may I ask, what kind of business do you want to handle? Do you want to book tickets, collect tickets, or ask for any information?" The airship company counter girl asked Zhang Xiang and the others .

However, the expression on her face was a bit stiff.

After all, no one can be stared at by the "Baby Bird" Doudou who is more than five meters high and about to reach the ceiling in the hall, yet can maintain such a calmness.

Although, "Baby" Doudou looks very cute now.

"Hello, we are here to apply for the airship ticket to the Republic of Batokia." Zhang Xiang took a step forward and said to the other party.

After all, among the few people who followed Qi Ya who wanted to go to the Republic of Batokia, it seemed that Zhang Xiang was the biggest one.

Therefore, he naturally assumed the responsibility of booking tickets.

However, more importantly, he wanted to experiment with something.

Because he had already seen the ticket sales lady, and after seeing the figure of "Baby Bird" Doudou and Zhang Xiang, he had already pressed a certain button under the table.

Don't forget those things Zhang Xiang did in the Sky Arena of the Republic of Batokya.

-Stealing the airship, disrupting public order, and almost causing casualties.

From that moment, the image data of him and "Baby" Doudou have been flying all over the sky.

Therefore, when the lady at the counter saw the appearance of "Baby" Doudou, and then looked at Zhang Xiang's appearance, she decisively pressed the security button.

And of course, it is naturally impossible for Zhang Xiang to not know this little action of the other party.

However, he specifically asked himself to buy tickets for this effect, so that he could experiment with something.

But the ticket sales lady at the front desk continued to talk about Zhang Xiang as if she had not found it.

"Oh, do you want an airship ticket to the Republic of Batokia? How many people do you want?" The more the counter lady became more natural.

"Well, let me count. One, two, three...well, a total of six tickets are needed" Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face, resting his right hand on the counter.

"Oh, is it? Six tickets. Please wait a moment, I will check it right away...Oh, sorry, the airship tickets to the Republic of Batokya are not enough now, there are only three..." The young lady was still talking to Zhang Xiang, delaying time.

In order to pretend to be more alike, a regretful expression appeared on his face, as if he was really sorry for Zhang Xiang and others for not having the airship ticket.

However, at this moment, the lady at the counter couldn't help but shine.

Because, from a corner not far away, the director of this airship field has already rushed over with a dozen security guards.

This made the counter girl emboldened.

"Stop, don't move!" Not far away, the supervisor already shouted.

At the same time, the strong security guards behind him also ran towards this side suddenly.

"Oh, security?" Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also put his right hand in his arms, not knowing what he was holding.

This made the lady at the front desk could not help but imagine something bad going up, and squatted down behind the counter quickly, screaming.

"Help," the lady at the counter couldn't help screaming.

But Xiaojie and others felt a little confused because of the current situation.

They don't know why it became like this.

And when they were at a loss, the security guards had already surrounded them.

Moreover, the supervisor even took out a gun.

"Don't move, put the weapon in your arms on the ground, hurry!" The middle-aged supervisor, who was dressed in a black suit and was about 1.75 meters tall and about 30 years old, raised up Shot the pistol in his hand.

However, even though he was pointed at by the gun, Zhang Xiang's face still maintained that smile.

Because everything was in his expectation.

"Oh, please rest assured, the thing in my arms is not a weapon. It is this thing." Zhang Xiang seemed to ignore the other party's warning, regardless of whether his actions would misunderstand the other party. It was already slowly taking out the things in his arms.

At the same time, the middle-aged supervisor in a black suit was extremely nervous.

This can be seen from the cold sweat permeating from his forehead, as well as his unstable breath.

However, what made him breathe a sigh of relief.

The counterattack he had originally imagined did not appear, and what Zhang Xiang took out was a card.

"What's this?" the middle-aged supervisor asked without letting his guard down.

"Oh, the license, it's the hunter license." Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face and said to the other party.

"License, it's a license..." The middle-aged supervisor showed a sigh of relief on his face.

But at the next moment, his face couldn't help but froze.

"You, what did you say? What, what license?" The middle-aged supervisor's eyes suddenly widened, and he asked Zhang Xiang in disbelief.

"License, hunter-made, I heard that with hunter's license, public facilities can be used for free. I just want to experiment." The smile on Zhang Xiang's face became even brighter.

"Hunter, hunter license?" The middle-aged supervisor's face turned pale all at once.

"Yes, the hunter license, haven't you seen it? Then, you can take a look and verify our true identity." Zhang Xiang smiled while pushing the Hunterman in his hand forward.

However, the middle-aged supervisor did not look at it, but just glanced and swallowed.

Because he didn't need to look at it to know it was true.

After all, the last hunter exam was conducted near here, and as the director of the airship company, he still knew part of it.

Not to mention, if Zhang Xiang really pretended to be a licensed hunter.

Then, without him doing it, other hunters with a license will also solve him by themselves.

Even if other hunters with a license do not do anything, those who have not yet obtained a hunter license and have a desire for a license will still grab it.

Therefore, if you don't have a hunter's license, it is almost a death-hunting behavior to get a hunter's license.

Therefore, he confirmed Zhang Xiang's identity.

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