Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1915: , Shocked examiners!

"Here, the climax part is here. It seems that the situation will be known later, but unfortunately, the specific situation will not be known until tomorrow." Liber, who has a green punk head, is a little regretful. Said. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

While talking, he stood up, going to turn on the light in this cabin of the airship.

Only at this time.

An extremely sharp breath was suddenly transmitted from a distance.

"That's it?!" Sats in a suit suddenly turned his head and looked out the window.

Although they were in this kind of dark cloud, they couldn't see anything a few meters away.

However, relying on the hunter's keen perception, they can easily perceive the breath that is transmitted from a distance.

Even at a distance of more than ten kilometers, they still seemed to be able to feel a sharp sword aura, penetrating the distance of time and space and descending on them, making them feel a deep crisis.

Therefore, at the moment when the crisis was felt, the aura on the bodies of the examiners present skyrocketed.

They unreservedly released the powerful thought ability in their bodies.

And among these auras, a breath that is as heavy as a mountain is the most noticeable.

That was from Nitro, who was originally seemingly ordinary, like a cynical old man.

Even though, almost all of his breath was condensed in his body, strengthening his body's strength infinitely.

However, the slightly leaked breath already caused all the hunters in the scene to shift their sights uncontrollably.

However, Nitro's face at this time did not look like the cynicism he had before.

Now, all he has on his face is solemn.

"Come!" He suddenly opened his eyes.

And at this moment, the sword energy that was cut by Zhang Xiang suddenly struck the world outside the window.

At the moment when thunder and lightning flashed past, the sword energy that had torn everything suddenly descended on this world, slashing everything into two stages.

Just like what Kurabika and others saw ten kilometers away, the boundless sword qi tore everything along the road to pieces.

Heavy rain, squally wind, dark clouds, storms, and even the thunder and lightning that blocked it in front of it was cut in half in that instant.

"Thunder, thunder and lightning were split in half!" Liber, who has a green punk head, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him in an incredible way.

The others were also stunned.

Because even if they are professional hunters, they have incredible abilities in the eyes of ordinary people, and some powerful existences can even resist the army, but in their eyes, everything that happens in front of them is still that incredible.

The Thunder, which had a voltage of hundreds of millions of volts and flashed past at the speed of light, would be slashed in half.

What an incredible thing this is.

But then, something even more incredible happened to them.

Strands of light began to fall from the sky where the sword energy passed.

In the incomparably dark sky, there appeared a avenue of sunshine spreading from dozens of kilometers away, spreading directly to the invisible place.

And all the violent storms along the road, everything is gone.

"No, it can't be!" Men Qi's eyes flashed with extreme shock, not even knowing that the knife and fork in his hand fell on the porcelain plate in the sound of'kala'.

But at this time, no one went back to complain about her.

Because the other people are already stunned.

"The wind and the storm have been cut off????!!!" Liber, who has a green punk head, opened his mouth wide and yelled out inconceivably.

Because, just after that sword gas passed.

That should have been raging along with the storm, but the renewed dark clouds began to dissipate gradually.

The dark clouds in the sky were dissipating at an incredible speed.

And at this moment, Nitro's face, who was originally dignified, showed a smile, and the aura on his body began to calm down gradually.

"Haha... it's really interesting! The old man has never seen such power!" Nitro stroked the beard of his chin and started laughing.

However, if we can see through Nitro's seemingly loose old skin.

Then, we can see that his muscles are tightening.

An extremely powerful thought ability was circulating in his body.

"What happened on the army and warship islands?!!!" Men Qi placed his hands on the tabletop, still with a shocked expression on his face.

Because, with the eyes of her professional hunter, it is natural to see that the direction of the attack came from the warship island.

"I don't know, I don't know. It is a small island with sunken ships all over the island. It will be flooded every ten years. It is impossible to be populated. The guy on it now should be the only group of candidates. . Could it be that you mean..." Liber, who has a green punk head, suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

"You mean, the guy who gave out how terrifying power is on this island? Impossible, impossible! I would rather believe that it is an incredible natural phenomenon than that it can be compared with nature The power that the nurturing storm splits is from a human being!" Men Qi objected subconsciously.

The other hunters also nodded subconsciously.

Because they, who can serve as professional hunter examiners, naturally represent the best among various hunters.

However, let alone a storm circle with a diameter of more than ten kilometers, even if a tornado with a diameter of about four or five meters is good, they may not be able to break it.

Therefore, although they believe that there will definitely be people with higher-end thinking ability who can break the tornado.

However, it is impossible for them to believe that a single person smashed the storm circle with a diameter of tens of kilometers!

This is no longer a delusion, but a fantasy.

However, at this moment, a person spoke.

"Haha...Isn't it clear about these things when we arrive on Gunship Island? Let's go, now that the storm has dissipated. We should also pick up the candidates who passed the third test..." Nitro laughed, and walked into the cabin.

And listening to Nitro's words, although everyone still didn't believe it, they still followed his orders, went to let the crew reinflate, and started the engine towards Gunkanjima...

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