Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1913: , Cooking dinner

"Well, it's not too late, let's start processing dinner," Zhang Xiang said as he stepped on the ground, cleared all the rainwater on the cliff and let it flow naturally.

Then, he hit a clean and dry ground.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he broke a lot of branches from the trees on the edge of the cliff not far away, and let them fly in front of him. The magical power of the fire system in his body spread out, all of a sudden. Remove the excess water from those branches.

Moreover, because the excess water was removed in an instant, the fallen leaves on those branches still retained a lot of emerald green color.

"So, let's get started. Let's eat grilled fish and shark soup today." Zhang Xiang looked at the four or five-meter-long great white shark not far away and made a decision in an instant.

And just as soon as his voice fell, a stove was already rising from the ground.

In addition, Zhang Xiang had also taken out a big iron pot that he didn't know when to put it in the space bag.

"Water Ball, Fire Ball, Fire Ball, and Fire Ball" Zhang Xiang is nothing but a little ninjutsu.

The big iron pot was already filled with water, and the firewood stuffed under the stove was already burning.

The next thing is self-evident.

Zhang Xiang turned around and used the complete sword intent he had just realized not long ago to give the great white shark a major treatment, turning it into pieces of meat, putting it in the boiling water, and putting it inside. The internal organs were cleaned out, and he threw it down the cliff to feed the fish.

Then, the bones of a whole great white shark were cleaned out of the flesh of the great white shark with the invisible and intangible sword intent. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Then use the sword intent to separate some meat directly and serve as the meat for barbecue.

Well, if such a scene is seen by those in the middle and low-end martial arts world, who have developed sword intent after untold hardships, even after gray hair, they might vomit blood on the spot and die.

Of course, the greater possibility is that the opponent grabbed the sword in his hand and rushed directly to fight Zhang Xiang desperately.

How can sword intent, a sacred thing that can only be used in battle, be used to process fish and act as a kitchen knife? !

Doing so is really an insult to martial arts!

And of course, if things like those above really happen.

Then, Zhang Xiang will definitely give the other party a blank eye without hesitation.

It's my business to cultivate sword intent. Whatever I want to use sword intent to do, it's up to you?

If you feel unhappy, come and beat me!

Keke, let us temporarily expose this topic, let us return to the topic of eating.

When it comes to barbecue, barbecue sauce, chili, and soy sauce are indispensable.

Zhang Xiang is like Tinker Bell, constantly taking things out of the space bag.

Soon, Zhang Xiang's body was already the size of a camp, with all kinds of things complete.

After a while, a burst of rich sweetness and the sizzling sound of barbecue had already dissipated to the surroundings.

As for asking why the grilled fish makes a sizzling sound?

Who told you that Zhang Xiang would not prepare a lot of food in the space bag with the big foodie ‘Baby’ Doudou by his side?

The barbecue will make a sizzling sound, just because Zhang Xiang has added a new stove next to the barbecue pile, covered with a layer of stone pieces pressed by Zhang Xiang with precise force. Teppanyaki

As for why Zhang Xiang would teppanyaki this kind of thing?

It's very simple. Since there is such a foodie around him and Zhang Xiang is a snack foodie, how can he not learn some relevant cooking skills?

Not to mention, one method can be used to achieve everything.

It is very difficult to cook food to make people feel like a god.

However, if you want to taste like an ordinary super chef, it is very simple.

Because, this level of cooking methods is just relying on the eyes to see accurately, the hands to be fast, and the handling of ingredients must be accurate.

For Zhang Xiang, who can manipulate almost every muscle in his body, what he wants to do is just a simple thing.


And while Zhang Xiang was making a delicious dinner, everyone on the warship was already silent.

No, it wasn't that there was silence, but that everyone was so shocked that they couldn't even speak.

The sharp slash just now came from above their heads.

Therefore, what happened just now, the people on the battleship can't be more clear.

Even the people in the battleship before, when they felt that sharp breath, they all ran out to see it.

How did that sharp slash turn into a huge sword that stretched through the sky, tearing everything in front of you, tearing up the dark clouds that were tens of meters thick, and severing the wind. , Suppressed the waves of the sea, and even finally cut off the storm circle that they could not see clearly with the naked eye, but was definitely felt by a dozen kilometers in diameter.

Even if standing within the attack range of this sharp slash, each of them felt a deep crisis, like a long sword pierced directly from their heavenly spirit cover Generally, they feel the boundless crisis.

But in their perception, they felt countless sharp small swords surrounding them, making them dare not even move.

This completely violated what they could know, and it happened around them.

But what made them even more shocked was the dark dark clouds that would be suppressed, the raging winds that raged at will, the sea that was tumbling with waves, and the storm circle that was tens of kilometers in diameter and could roll up and flood any small island. The slashes that were all cut were performed by a human being.

The strength of manpower can actually do such a thing.

How can this not make them shocked!

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