Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1843: , Summon the Netherworld!

However, feeling the great crisis does not mean that Zhang Xiang can break free from the danger immediately. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Even if he tries harder, he intends to use the kaleidoscope's ability to split the space to break a gap, or to make the power that imprison him smaller, so that he can escape, or to allow God's Domain to expand enough space.

However, what the opponent is using is worthy of being a weapon used against civilization, but there is no loophole for Zhang Xiang to drill.

The space cutting ability of the kaleidoscope was simply unable to draw any traces on the completely static space.

It was even impossible to cause a slight disturbance.

In the end, Zhang Xiang only expanded the surrounding God's Domain by such an insignificant one centimeter.

The distance of this centimeter is not enough for him to move, let alone use other means.

Then, he felt the threat level that had been locked in him, suddenly soaring to the highest level.

The opposing positron cannon is launched!

An orange beam with a width of about two hundred meters hit his side at a speed close to the speed of light.

At the same time, the static power of the space that bound his body suddenly disappeared without a trace.

But so what?

The opposing positron cannon bombarded at a speed close to the speed of light. Although Zhang Xiang's speed could reach tens of times the speed of sound, it was still very slow compared to the speed of light of 300,000 meters per second. Very slow speed.

Because, when Zhang Xiang felt the moment when the ability that imprisoned him disappeared.

The tyranny was so tyrannical that he could even see the orange-red beam of light, the positron that was constantly renewing at a speed close to microseconds, feeling that all the matter along the way was annihilated. The old positron cannon has already come to him.

And he didn't even have enough time with his hands in front of him.

It was only time to spread God's Domain to his body surface, and then he himself was overwhelmed by the flood of positrons.

The continuous positrons impacted on the God's Domain outside Zhang Xiang's body, offsetting the constant impact of the power covering the God's Domain.

The golden mask that could withstand the lower nuclear bomb, and even not wave it at all, was gradually becoming thinner.

Because the power attached to it is being consumed at a rapid rate.

Soon, the golden shield with great defensive capabilities quickly became riddled with holes.

Countless positrons, like tiny fishes, wandered past the tiny nets, flew onto Zhang Xiang’s body, and instantly wiped out the clothes outside of Zhang Xiang’s body, making him naked. Get naked.

Then, that violent positron hit his body, dissolving his flesh and blood, and exposing his bones.

The skin of his body was completely peeled, revealing the scarlet flesh and blood and bright red muscles. Most of his eyes were eroded away, and they looked hollow, his hair disappeared completely, and his hands were already white bones. It looks very pale.

As for the lower body, the kneecaps in the feet are the first to be exposed, and then the pale toes.

As for the position of his chest, his blood red heart beating at a slow speed can be vaguely seen through the bright red muscles.

Before the miserable cry came out of Zhang Xiang's throat, it was already extinguished in his throat.

This is not only because Zhang Xiang's vocal cords have been ablated, but also because the surrounding substances that can transmit sound have been ablated.

In this infinitely violent torrent of positrons, only Zhang Xiang, who was naked and sustained heavy damage, and the dark'Shadow Demon Blade' behind him were left.

And the pitch-black "Shadow Demon Blade" also seems to be aware of his master's crisis, and is constantly releasing the bleeding red color, trying to help Zhang Xiang block the omnipresent positron.

However, this only slowed the speed at which Zhang Xiang's body was ablated to a negligible point.

As for Zhang Xiang's power to change the rules, is it working?

Yes, the power of his God's Domain that can change the rules is continuously playing a role.

A steady stream of divine power emerged from the inside of his body, submerged in his **** realm, trying to change the surrounding rules.

But helpless, it takes strength to change the rules.

All changes in the rules are based on strength.

The divine power that just emerged hasn't turned into the power to change the rules, it is the violent torrent of positrons that have offset each other.

Even the high-intensity torrent of positrons has changed the distortion of space to a certain extent, making it even more difficult for Zhang Xiang to change the rules of space.

As for other tactics, let alone the power, time is a huge problem.

If he relaxes for any moment, his body will be melted!

Crisis, great crisis!

Even if Zhang Xiang compresses the realm of the gods in his body and resists the process of ablation with his divine power, the degree of his body being ablated is still increasing.

At the same time, an unimaginable pain is being accompanied by the dissolution of his body, and it is constantly attacking his body.

The guy who has not experienced the tug-of-war between flesh-and-blood melting and flesh-and-blood rebirth can't imagine how desperate and resentful the pang was.

An unstoppable soaring anger and killing intent is constantly accumulating in Zhang Xiang's mind.

In the end, it turned into a resentment that wanted to destroy the entire world.

'kill! I want to drag you and this land to hell! Ahhhhh! ! ! A resentment burst out from his body.

At the same time, the'Shadow Demon Blade' was also under Zhang Xiang's order, and suddenly stood in front of him.

It was just a moment, the blood-red air flow above the'Shadow Demon Blade' was already consumed, and the entire long sword began to melt away.

Although it possesses the indestructible attribute, mortal things cannot be destroyed.

As long as Zhang Xiang's supernatural power is sufficient, there is still a trace left to be reshaped.

But this does not mean that it cannot be destroyed physically!

However, the instant it has won for Zhang Xiang is enough.

"Let's go to **** together!" Zhang Xiang's hideous pale bone claws suddenly plunged into his heart, squeezing his own heart.

"Summon the Netherworld!" Zhang Xiang suddenly shouted with mental strength.

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