Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1784: , The whisper of twenty thousand humans!

But at the next moment, Zhang Xiang's mental power suddenly radiated out, and he immediately wrapped Odaiba. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Then he found out.

In a large square five hundred meters away, about 20,000 people were imprisoned inside.

No, it's not just detention.

They still don't know if they were hypnotized or what happened. All the people were in a coma on the square, neatly lined up in rows.

But the key is not this one.

On the necks of the 20,000 people, there is a small, pocket-sized bat lying prone, just like those bats transformed by vampire beasts.

When Zhang Xiang's mental power scanned the past, the 20,000 people who had been in a coma suddenly opened their eyes.

This surprised Zhang Xiang a little.

When anyone is observing the twenty thousand people in a coma, those twenty thousand people open their eyes at the same time, it will make people feel strange and frightened.

However, at the next moment.

On the surface, Zhang Xiang knew that it was not that he had exposed, but that they began to chant according to the hypnotized content.

"The Vampire King... The Vampire King..." The words that came out of their mouths were such words.

It's not weird to say it by one person, but when 20,000 people chant the same slogan at the same time, it feels different.

And just in their chanting, the tiny data link about blood-sucking beasts that had been scattered in the air began to proliferate at a strange speed.

Look at the situation in which a large number of bats swallowed the blood-sucking beast's subordinates within the range of his mental perception, and then emerged towards this side.

Zhang Xiang suddenly understood something. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Is that so?! Use human words as information to proliferate yourself, use human blood to enhance your own strength, and then use the data of the rest of your dark Digimon to supplement your own shortcomings, so that you can evolve and evolve. Rebirth? It turned out that he drove a large number of humans to this side, thinking about this purpose!" Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a sneer.

Although the opponent's actions were brilliant, it also made Zhang Xiang aware of the weakness of Digimon, or it should be said that the Digimon world.

Because Zhang Xiang could already see it from the opponent's actions.

The Digimon World probably exists because the real world continuously provides data to the Digimon World, so that it can maintain and continue to evolve.

This can be seen from the action of the Vampire Beast using 20,000 humans to recite its name at the same time to increase its own data.

From a macro perspective, there is actually not much difference between the Digimon and Digimon World.

It's just that Vampire Monster uses human conscious behavior to increase its own information, while the Digimon World relies on the data created by humans unconsciously to maintain and evolve itself.

But what if human society stops providing information to the Digimon world?

In this case, what will happen?

I'm afraid, at that time, it will be the time when the Digimon world collapses.

Although, it is almost impossible to do this.

Because, as long as humans use the Internet, mobile phone communications, and even speak out related information about Digimon, they are providing information for the Digimon world.

However, this is not completely accomplished.

Just like Zhang Xiang, he can do it.

If he allows him to set up a barrier between the real world and the virtual world, or allows his own small world to swallow the extra information, I am afraid that the Digimon world will collapse on its own because of the loss of information. Right.

After all, if you want to maintain the existence of the Digimon world, you need to provide information to the Digimon world at all times.

This is the difference between the real world and the virtual world.

The real world can exist without relying on the existence of the virtual world, but the virtual world must rely on the existence of the real world.

However, it is one thing to think, but another thing to do or not to do.

The reason why Zhang Xiang thought of this was just to find out whether the blood-sucking beasts would devour the real world like it imagined.

Now, the conclusion has come out.

The other party will never succeed!

Because, even if they succeed, they will also face destruction.

——The real world is digitized by the Digimon World, so what else continues to produce data to allow the Digimon World to continue to exist and evolve?

However, after thinking of this, Zhang Xiang took back his radiating thinking.

Because, at this time, the selected children also found something wrong.

They had already followed the instructions of a mysterious figure (Xuan Nei) to destroy the existence that maintained this enchantment on the bright surface.

"No, it's not right! The fog, the mist, haven't cleared yet!"

"But, didn't we follow the old man Xuannai's method to push the TV tower to it?"

"Yes, and also, isn't the Vampire Beast being hit?!"

The selected children all started to discuss with some doubts and tension.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang turned his head and told them the truth.

"No, the Vampire Beast is not dead yet! If you don't believe it, look!" Zhang Xiang raised his right hand and pointed to the TV tower not far away, where the Vampire Beast just disappeared.

I don't know when, a lot of black bats have already gathered there.

In the sky, there are still many black bats, coming from all directions.

That number can almost be described by covering up the sky.

The exact number is not clear, but it is definitely in the tens of thousands!

At the same time, Guangzilang's computer also received the message, knowing that it was a sign of the resurrection of Vampire Beast.

Under such stimulation, the selected children couldn't help but exclaim.

They all let their partner Digimon take action and attacked the place where the bats gathered.




"Mega Giant Cannon (MegaBster-MegaBster)!"


"Harpoon Cannon (ハープーンバルカン——HarpoonVul!"


The seven selected children had their partner Digimon attacked.

Even Dilumon, who had just disappeared from the Vampire Beast and was rescued, launched its own attack.


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