Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1770: , Listen to me to explain...

And 30 minutes later, Zhang Xiang took the bath and walked down with the young chick, who also put on his clothes and cleaned his hair.

Well, the young chicks who have just been cleaned have a feeling of vitality.

Especially the little red cheeks that give people a feeling of vitality.

However, Zhang Xiang, who was in a good mood at this time, didn't know that he would step into the Asura Field next moment.

"Brother, have you washed it?"

"Uncle, dinner is already ready, let's go in quickly"

As soon as they got off the stairs, Xiaokong and Meiyu were already ready to stand in front of Zhang Xiang.

I don't know if it was due to an illusion, the two of them exuded a strong fighting spirit, like fighters about to enter the battlefield.

‘It’s probably my illusion. Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly, taking these as his own illusions.

And at the next moment, Xiao Kong and Meiyu, who seemed to have some excess enthusiasm, took Zhang Xiang's hand, and the other ran behind Zhang Xiang and pushed Zhang Xiang towards the kitchen.

Even the young chick seemed to be driven by his sister, shouting: "Little chick will also take my uncle away" and then took Zhang Xiang and ran towards the kitchen.

And Zhang Xiang had to cooperate with the young chick, slightly lowered his body, and walked with the young chick's pace.

However, it is unclear whether they are exuding fighter Zhang Xiang.

But what Zhang Xiang clearly knew was that the bodies of the three people who had just finished the bath exuded a good smell of shower gel and shampoo.

In the contact with each other, Zhang Xiang could feel a warm feeling passed from them.

I didn't know that it was Mei Yu who was already completely acquainted with Zhang Xiang and treated him as a relative, but still a little excited and unknowingly.

Her arms hugged Zhang Xiang's hands tightly, and the little steamed bun on her chest would be touched from time to time, which made Zhang Xiang a little cautious. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

In this situation, Zhang Xiang was taken into the kitchen in a blink of an eye.

However, what Zhang Xiang didn't expect was.

In addition to the delicious food that emits hot smoke, three beautiful packaging boxes are placed on the kitchen.

"These are?" Zhang Xiang looked at the gift on the table with some surprise.

"These are the Valentine's Day chocolates we made, uncle, thank you for working hard for us." The second daughter of the little bird family, Meiyu with blond hair and ponytails, showed a smile on her face, thanking Zhang Xiang.

"Love, Valentine's Day?!" Zhang Xiang was slightly surprised.

At the same time, everything that happened today also appeared in Zhang Xiang's mind.

He suddenly understood all the actions of Kaoruko, Laixiang-senpai, and Xiaoyan just now.

They are all sending out Valentine's Day chocolates to Zhang Xiang.

However, the way they choose is a little different.

At the same time, Xiao Kong's voice rang.

"Yes, in order to make this chocolate, we have been preparing for a long time. We have also consulted Mom and Aunt Xiaokai," Xiaokong said with a proud smile on his face.

"Yeah, Xiao Chi, Xiao Chi also made one, first it was soft, then it became hard and it changed its shape, but it's sweet, so delicious." Xiao Chi's face showed Come with an aftertaste expression.

"Oh, did Xiao Chi do it too? But, isn't Xiao Chi sleeping in the morning?" Zhang Xiang asked with some confusion.

"Xiao Chi's share was made in the afternoon" Xiao Chi also showed a proud expression on his face.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also understood.

Probably after knowing that the Ten Guards were okay, Xiao Hina began to care about the morning chocolate, and finally let Xiao Kong and Miyu help him make one when he went out.

"Yes, the share of Xiao Hina is also very good" Xiao Kong smiled on his face.

However, at this time.

However, Meiyu's face suddenly showed a suspicious look.

"But, uncle, how did you know that we made chocolate in the morning?" Meiyu's suspicious eyes looked back and forth between Zhang Xiang and Xiao Chi.

Because, the most likely to expose this matter is only the chicks.

And listening to Mei Yu's words, Zhang Xiang started to fight haha.

"Well, when I saw the chocolate, I thought of the sweet smell that I smelled in the morning. I just remembered it all at once. By the way, let me take a look at your craftsmanship." Zhang Xiang reluctantly said that it was reasonable For the reason, he quickly changed the subject.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't expect that Xiao Chi suddenly spoke.

"But, didn't Xiao Chi just tell my uncle that the sisters were making chocolate in the morning?" Xiao Chi cocked his head in some doubt.



Xiaokong and Meiyu both stared at Zhang Xiang, seeming to question why he lied.

"Uncle, it's wrong to lie. It's for ass. However, Uncle said that if the sisters and the chicks lie, they are to hit us. But who will hit the uncle's ass? Where's the fart?" Xiao Chi looked at Zhang Xiang with some doubts.

"Hit, hit our little butt?!"


Both Meiyu and Xiaokong looked at Zhang Xiang in surprise, with surprise in their eyes.

"You, listen to my explanation..." Zhang Xiang hurriedly wanted to explain.

At least, don't want to lose the right to take a bath in winter.



Xiaokong and Miyu blushed and said in unison.

But the strange thing is that Xiaokong and Miyu did not pronounce Zhang Xiang's death penalty, and they did not draw any more prohibitions here and there.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't think much.

It just categorizes these into the girl's mind.

However, the girl's mind is the girl's mind, but it is not just what he imagined.

Unconsciously, the relationship between Zhang Xiang and the girls has already begun to quietly change.

Needless to say, Xiao Chi, Zhang Xiang gradually became her father's role.

The relationship between Xiaokong and Miyu and Zhang Xiang is a bit complicated.

What Xiaokong gave to Zhang Xiang was that he was a little bit like a younger sister, and a little bit like his wife.

Moreover, Xiao Kong expressed it later that he has liked Zhang Xiang since a long time ago.

Since that time, the relationship between the two of them has changed a lot. It can be said that they can be regarded as the existence of the parents of the young chicks.

In the beginning, Mei Yu seemed to Zhang Xiang to be a sensible sister who occasionally played pranks.

At that time, Zhang Xiang was just a reliable big brother in Meiyu's eyes.

But later, after experiencing some things, especially after she knew that she was not Shingo's daughter, the situation changed.

In her eyes, Zhang Xiang didn't know when he became reliable, with the charm of a mature man.

In general, she also likes Zhang Xiang.

But it is a pity that Zhang Xiang doesn't know that Meiyu's mind is right.

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