Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1696: , Ling Xian

And let's go back half a minute ago.

In the lost bamboo forest, two figures are running at a very fast speed.

Well, it can't be said to be running.

Because both of them are rabbit monsters, the way of traveling in this bamboo forest is mostly by jumping forward.

And the rabbit monster chasing behind was Ling Xian.

Well, Suzusen Yutan Huain Inaba!

This long string of names is her name.

The reason why it is so long is because she is not from the people of the earth, but from the people of the moon.

However, don't misunderstand that the names of Moon People are all that long.

There are various reasons why her name is so long.

One of them is that her "master" thinks that since she has come to the earthly world, she cannot use the name of the Moon.

Therefore, this name was given to her.

Although, it is a bit strange.

Well, we seem to have digressed

The reason why she ‘flyed’ so fast was that she just wanted to catch up with the figure in front, grab back the things she had cherished for a long time, and by the way teach the other side a severe lesson.

However, although she had been in the lost bamboo forest for a long time, the strength of the two was similar.

But compared to her, which one ‘? The thief’s life in the misty bamboo forest is undoubtedly longer, and naturally he is more familiar with the environment than she is. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Therefore, every time she was about to catch up, she would be avoided by the other party.

"Wait! I will definitely catch up with you! Emperor Inaba!" The panting Lingxian who was chasing after the other party shouted angrily.

However, her angry cries were only exchanged for laughter.

"Haha, you want to catch up with me, and you have to board for hundreds of years to see me, I jumped." A happy and mischievous smile came from not far from the front. From the clear female voice, the other party It doesn’t seem to be a big adult appearance.

And listening to the other party's words, Ling Xian couldn't help but puff up two small steamed buns.

"I won't chase you down!" Ling Xian shouted angrily.

But, just when she yelled.

The sound running in front of her suddenly turned and disappeared before her eyes with the help of a large amount of bamboo interference.

This made her a little anxious, and also turned her hastily.

However, she was disappointed.

When she turned around and wanted to catch up, the other party's figure had disappeared without a trace.

"Wow, can it be that I have treasured things that I have been unwilling to eat for so long, so I will be snatched and eaten by others..." Ling Xian's seemingly cute and innocent face showed an aggrieved look. .

Even the two bunny ears on top of her head were bent down aggrievedly, as if they had lost all their strength.

However, at this moment.

Not far in front of her, not far from the exit of the lost bamboo forest, a figure suddenly appeared in the mist.

This caused Lingxian to widen her bright red eyes, with an expression of surprise on her face. Even the weak pink and white rabbit ears were erected again, which looked like The detective trembled like the enemy.

"Because..." Ling Xian opened his mouth and wanted to shout.

But immediately, she clasped her mouth tightly, and when her eyes rolled, she thought of another way.

‘Well, sneak over and give her a surprise fall to get my things back! Ling Xian was thinking of the idea he had come up with suddenly, with a happy expression on his face.

"Well, I have become smarter too. I am not a cute and cute Ling Xian, but a smart and clever Ling Xian!" Ling Xian's hands are on his waist, and his face is as if stealing. A successful kitty look.

Then, Ling Xian secretly lurked to a few dozen meters in front of the figure.

Then, she was regarded as suddenly flying out of the grass.

"Don't think..." Ling Xian showed an expression of excitement on his face, and wanted to shout: "Don't want to run away, you have been overtaken by me, put down your things and surrender, Yinpan emperor! 'Come.

But at the next moment.

She judged from the figure that the other party was not the Imperial Emperor she was looking for!

Because, Yinpan Di is a female rabbit monster, and the guy in front of him is obviously a human.

Therefore, in the next moment.

The expression on her face suddenly changed, revealing a panic expression.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Leaping out, Ling Xian who was too late to change direction in the air yelled in panic.

Especially, when she saw that the other party was about to avoid, but there was a hard bamboo pole behind her, she knew that it would be painful to hit her, she closed her eyes in panic and waved her hands in front of her. .

But at the next moment.

The powerful impact and pain she imagined did not come.

On the contrary, she fell into a warm embrace.

A force that shocked her was removed in a clever way, and embraced her.

This surprised her and opened her eyes slowly and timidly.

Then, she saw a pair of jet-black eyes appeared in front of her eyes.

At the same time, a voice full of magnetism also rang in her ears.

"You have nothing to do..."


Let us turn our vision back to Zhang Xiang's perspective to describe.

Facing the bunny girl flying over, Zhang Xiang opened his hands and embraced the other party.

By the way, he also used the direction of the unloading force to unload the power that was a little insignificant for him to ensure that the opponent would not be injured.

Then, he lowered his head to observe the other party.

And when the other party woke up, he said: "You have nothing to do, right?"

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