Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1670: , Be a flower fertilizer

Who can imagine that the opponent's seemingly weak appearance can bombard out a force that even the Hulk is difficult to bombard?

Looking at the scale of destruction, the power of the opponent's fist may not be under a thousand tons.

If you want to know how much power is in kilotons, just imagine the power of a flying airplane hitting yourself.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead secretly.

Just now, he still wanted to resist.

If he was really hit just now, I'm afraid he will immediately turn into a meteor and fly out.

As for whether he will be seriously injured, Zhang Xiang really doesn't know.

Because, since he became a god, the power of rules has been added to his body, and he has also learned to use magic as a protective layer.

He has never tested the upper limit of the physical power he can bear.

Moreover, usually, he would not have encountered such a powerful physical force, but such a petite body.

Zhang Xiang has thousands of tons of power, or even ten thousand tons. It’s not that Zhang Xiang has never encountered it. It’s like the dragon in the sky he encountered in the dark world. The impact of that huge body is the power of tens of thousands of tons. Up.

However, the opponent's tens of thousands of tens of thousands of power is scattered throughout the entire huge body.

As for the girl in front of her, the thousands of tons of power were directly acting on a small fist.

I don’t need to talk about the difference in the force between points and noodles. !

Although the number is ten times different, the destructive power that erupts is not different at all, and even more powerful.

And at this moment, from the hole that was still filled with smoke, the girl with short dark green hair walked out of the smoke again.

"Don't run away... The strength is good... Give me a flower fertilizer!" The dark green short-haired girl seemed to be getting used to talking, and a slightly interested expression appeared on her face.

However, among the thoughts that she revealed, Zhang Xiang never let go of this option.

"Um, I'm sorry, it's wrong for me to damage your flower field. But, you don't have to be so excited, you can kill me as soon as you come up. The previous one was a magic cannon, but now it is such an unreserved attack. Yes, I promise, I will help you refinish the flower field..." Zhang Xiang apologized and explained to the other party.

However, the other party was not interested in Zhang Xiang's words.

"Die!" the dark green short-haired girl said blankly.

The whole person once again disappeared from Zhang Xiang's sight.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also became vigilant.

Because the opponent's speed is too fast, even he just caught the afterimage.

In the next instant, the other party's figure appeared directly in front of Zhang Xiang, and the petite fist directly bombarded Zhang Xiang.


Zhang Xiang's magical hands directly blocked him, resisting the opponent's bombardment.

However, the powerful shock wave between the mutual impacts instantly caused the sunflowers on the surrounding high ground to be directly cut off.

Even Zhang Xiang's feet were pushed by the opponent's powerful force, and two and a half meters long ravines were drawn on the ground.

"Hey, don't go too far!" Zhang Xiang's face also began to show dissatisfaction.

It is true that because of his venting action, the other party's Sun Flower Field has suffered some damage.

However, hasn't he already promised to compensate the other party and restore the other party's flower field?

Even more, he still didn't fight back.

However, the other party was still entangled, which made Zhang Xiang feel dissatisfied.

However, Zhang Xiang's slightly warning words made the other party begin to smile.

"Yes, it's really good, I'm more and more interested in you! Existence like you, made into flower fertilizer, will definitely make those children grow better!" The dark green girl with short hair A slightly cruel smile appeared on his face, and interest flashed in those scarlet eyes.

But the moment she finished speaking, she moved again.

Moreover, this time her speed has doubled and more than doubled.

Even Zhang Xiang's eyes couldn't capture the other party's image.

"Not good!" Zhang Xiang's expression changed, and a scarlet kaleidoscope suddenly emerged from the depths of his black eyes.

That change was completed in a very short time.

However, it was a bit late.

"Not good!" Zhang Xiang's face changed slightly.

Because, when he opened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, he discovered that the right foot of the dark green short-haired girl had already come to his side.

Before he could make a complete dodge, he had to resist his right hand in front of him.

Then, a crushing force was suddenly transmitted, crushing his body downward and backward.


Zhang Xiang's body was directly bombarded, and hundreds of sunflowers were crushed into countless fragments by an unstoppable force the moment they touched his body.

Under his feet, there was even a long ravine that was drawn out as his body was bombarded.

The length is hundreds of meters.

"Don't deceive people too much! I tell you, my apology doesn't mean you can act wantonly!" Zhang Xiang sent out an angry voice from the depths of the flower field.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a bang.

There was also a strong vigor swaying out to the surroundings, causing the surrounding sunflowers to sway slightly.

Zhang Xiang's body seemed to be unable to stop, but he stopped directly in place.

His feet were deep into the ground, and a red kick mark appeared on his right hand.

However, his body really stopped.

Moreover, his whole body still braved a powerful aura, and his body, which was not much different from ordinary people, now showed streamlined muscles and turned into a macho look.

That is, he is fully urging the lv5 physical enhancement power that he has not used for a long time.

However, he did not expect it.

Maybe it's because his mental power has been advanced. His long-unused lv5 physical enhancement ability, but it hasn't been decayed, but it has been several times stronger.

At least, now he feels his whole body is full of power.

A random punch can smash a small hill.

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