Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1599: , Judgment Angel!

And just after conquering two thousand soldiers, temporarily hypnotizing them, and letting them guard the small town together with the Saint Referee team.

Zhang Xiang also lifted up his body, temporarily escaped from the encirclement of the barrier, and flew towards the Tokyo area.

But behind him, there is a line of profound power of faith connected.

Because, just as he left the enchantment, he also became angelic at the same time.

With the connection of the power of faith, Zhang Xiang finally succeeded in becoming an angel completely for the first time.

He still looks like an angel with six pairs of water wings of varying lengths floating behind him, with a water blue halo above his head.

But around him, there is a pale golden light that ordinary people can see, as if there are young angels flying in it.

But on his hands, it changed the way it was before, and turned into a hand-held book composed of the power of faith and a golden long sword that was slightly illusory.

The appearance of all this is not much different from the appearance of the angel of judgment he preached.

The full power echoed in his body, making him feel uncomfortable without venting.

And the specific ability performance is that he slightly flapped his wings in the sky above the new town, and he has already reached the sky above the Tokyo area.

The distance of 10,000 meters shuttled in an instant.

The horrible blur that penetrated the space gave Zhang Xiang a dreamlike feeling.

"It turns out that this is the power of the real gods?" Zhang Xiang looked at the already dilapidated Tokyo area under him, but there was a trace of excitement on his face. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Although he did not really ascend the position of God by the name of the Judging Angel.

But don't forget that the ‘status’ in his mind that was thoroughly refined by him already represents one of the gods.

Although it is a divine position in another world, with the support of ample power of faith, it is not a difficult task to display the means that a **** can possess.

And for the “status” supplied by the power of faith, it is the first time that it fully exerts its due power-where the power of faith can reach, it is the place that the gods can reach. .

And just as Zhang Xiang reached the sky above the Tokyo area, his brain naturally received various screams from the Tokyo area below.

It's like instinct.

Zhang Xiang was just standing high in the sky. He didn't even look at it. He already knew everything that happened below.

After the sky dragon broke through the giant stone monument, the primitive gut that sneaked in has completely caused a huge panic and destruction in the entire city. In addition, the sky dragon has caused great panic and destruction in the entire city. The damage caused, the entire Tokyo area has been completely plunged into chaos.

The government in the Tokyo area has completely lost control of the scene, and most of the powerful guys have already begun to prepare for the back.

However, this is exactly what Zhang Xiang wanted.

Only when it is chaotic enough to be redeemed, the gratitude and faith that emerges will be real and pure enough.

"I am an angel of judgment. I am the one dedicated to descending to the earth to kill the dragon. Please pray!" Zhang Xiang flew into the sky and said loudly.

After receiving the support of the power of faith, the voice that rang when he spoke was filled with a feeling of a mixture of thousands of sounds, giving people a feeling of confusion.

It's like, there are thousands of people talking in your ears at the same time.

At the same time, as his sound waves spread out, there was still a light golden light.

The golden ripples spread quickly and spread to the entire Tokyo area, making the snow and ice in the Tokyo area raging by the snowstorm stagnate for a moment, making every snowstorm cover your eyes and feel terrified. Residents in the state felt a burst of warmth.

Although, that burst of warmth was just a moment.

However, a ray of faith and hope of life filled their hearts.

And Zhang Xiang's words were just one sentence, and the pale golden light no longer radiated.

Then, he cast his gaze in the direction of the dragon in the sky.

Because he knew that his speech was not slick, and that few people came to believe in fooling around.

Moreover, he has a follow-up plan.

To say this is just to give a good first impression.

However, he did not expect it.

How grateful are people in desperate situations for someone who came to save themselves?

Even though, the rescue of the other party has not yet been implemented, but only a hope is given to them.

As soon as Zhang Xiang’s voice fell, he felt that although it was thin, the entire Tokyo area added up, it was comparable to the power of faith passed from the town of Newborn, and it gathered on his body. , Instantly made up for the power of faith he consumed when the golden ripples just spread.

This made him slightly startled.

However, after thinking about it, he understood.

This is a difference in quantity, as well as a gap in popular hearts.

Needless to say in terms of numbers, although most of the Tokyo area has been compromised by gastroenterologists, the original two million residents are now only tens of thousands of people killed.

The beliefs of more than a hundred people, no matter how thin it is, it is not a small number together.

Not to mention, the degree of gratitude for giving charcoal in snow and icing on the cake is fundamentally different.

In such a crisis, someone can save them, whether it is a **** or a devil, they will choose to believe in one.

However, Zhang Xiang was just shocked.

After that, he continued to cast his gaze in the direction of the sky dragon.

Because the other party has also completely discovered Zhang Xiang.

How can we not find it?

The light golden ripples spreading out by Zhang Xiang, as well as the sound that spread throughout the entire Tokyo area, will undoubtedly make the sky dragon pay attention to him.

In addition, the pitch black roll will end in three to four days

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