Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1588: , A taboo!

Boom, boom!

Continuous explosions sounded from outside the town. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

However, Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

Because, almost all the places where these shells landed were precisely around those tanks, and in the howitzer group, which destroyed part of many tanks, made them lose their mobility and made the grenade group. The grenade launcher suffered heavy losses.

However, the casualties in terms of personnel are very few.

However, before Zhang Xiang asked, he smelled a faint smell of blood.

"What's this smell?" Zhang Xiang sniffed slightly and found that it was from the blind girl in front.

Then, he found that something was wrong with the blind girl, her body seemed to be a little shaken, and she fell backwards.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but change his face, took a step forward, and hugged the blind girl into his arms.

He also arranged an illusion enchantment casually.

"What are you?" Zhang Xiang's face changed slightly, looking at the blood on the corner of the blind girl's mouth in his arms, and her eyes that were closing again.

From the slightly closed eyes, a scarlet light faded away gradually.

"You used the power of a kaleidoscope to write round eyes?!" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

"Yeah." The blind girl nodded weakly.

"You know that your body has not fully adapted to this power, why use it?! You obviously use the power of this enchantment, it is already enough, to bombard it from the original trajectory, just need to Just bounce back the kinetic energy absorbed by the enchantment..."

However, when talking about this, Zhang Xiang remembered the fact that most of the impact points of the shells were slightly shifted.

"Could it be that you are to adjust the trajectory of the shell..." Zhang Xiang asked with a slight change of face.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the blind girl couldn't help lowering her head slightly.

"Yes, I'm sorry... I, I really can't make it..." the blind girl said guiltily.

And listening to the blind girl's words, Zhang Xiang sighed after his face changed for a while.

"It's okay. Next, just leave it to me. You'd better recover from your injury. If you are reluctant to continue, I'm afraid you are not injured at this point." Zhang Xiang comforted the blind girl in her arms and said.

"You, don't you blame me?" The blind girl raised her head in surprise and opened her eyes.

At this time, we can see clearly that the eyes of the blind girl are full of white and flawless silver.

"Don't blame you." Zhang Xiang said, shook his head slightly.

At the beginning, Zhang Xiang was indeed a little angry. Even if she is a blind girl, no matter how good she is, facing someone who wants to attack herself, she needs to spare no effort to get it right!

But in the next moment, Zhang Xiang wanted to understand.

Had it not been for the blind girl with such a pure heart.

So, is she still the object of the saint he belongs to?

Or it should be said that if the other party does not have such a mind, can he withstand the erosion of the emotions mixed with the power of faith, and the temptation of being in a barrier that is close to what one wants to do?

The answer is self-evident.

Therefore, after trying to understand this, Zhang Xiang was no longer angry.

However, he is also making some adjustments to his plan.

At least, after he leaves, the town needs to arrange something for others to operate to fight back.

Some people were also sent to defend the blind girl.

And it seemed that Zhang Xiang's words were real, and the blind girl's face showed a sigh of relief.

However, in the next moment, she became nervous again.

"Then, that, can I beg you for one thing?" The blind girl broke free from Zhang Xiang's arms and was kneeling in front of Zhang Xiang, begging him.

Looking at her appearance, Zhang Xiang didn't know what the other party's request was.

"Don't worry, I won't kill it if I don't have to." Zhang Xiang assured him.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the blind girl was completely relieved.

But at the same time, she was also in a coma due to excessive mental consumption (kaleidoscope and barrier manipulation).

And after using the Palm Immortal Technique to help the opponent recover a little, Zhang Xiang handed the blind girl to the sacred Sakura, and let the other party take the blind girl to rest.

"Then, it's time for me to play!" Zhang Xiang stood up and walked forward.

At the same time, he was also manipulating the illusion that he had displayed, causing the blind girl in the illusion to gradually withdraw from everyone's sight.

It's just that there is a specially created holy light permeating his body, like the blind girl before, stepping on the river of faith.

He suddenly stretched out his right hand and sank into the void.

At the same time, in a hidden place in the Tokyo area army station.

In front of a special kunai that was immersed in the earth, and a purple enchantment that seemed to be wrapped in something, a right hand suddenly appeared, crushing the entire enchantment in one fell swoop. Expose the things in the enchantment into the air.

Those are two things that seem to be very ordinary, a pink mobile phone, and a photo frame that stores the photos that are already blurred, but it can still be a family of three photos.

The two things that suddenly appeared did not arouse anyone's attention.

Because such things are too common in the Tokyo area.

Even if someone saw it occasionally, they would mistake it for something related to family members brought by a certain soldier in the army.

Soldiers on the expedition, taking family stuff to miss them, is nothing new.

However, what they don't know is.

These two things ignored by them are taboos that awaken the distant sky.

It was the moment Zhang Xiang crushed the purple enchantment of these two things.

The sky dragon "Aquarius" who originally coiled around his body more than 300 meters long, suddenly opened his eyes.

Its gaze was projected in the direction of the Tokyo area. The body, which was originally completely still, suddenly began to swim slowly, allowing its body to gradually move.

And how big is the influence of the more than three hundred meters long body activity!

The completely frozen building in the small town began to collapse, and the ice tree that was slightly brushed by the body suddenly turned into ice powder and scattered on the ground.

By the time it fully moved its body and flew into the sky, the building in the center of the town had completely collapsed, leaving only a piece of ruins, as well as white snow and snowflakes falling from the sky.

As for the huge body in the sky, it has long since disappeared in place, turned into a black spot and rushed towards the Tokyo area quickly...

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