Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1564: , Weird scene!

"Can you win?" The timid girl put her hands on her chest, praying for Zhang Xiang. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Not necessarily, his pistols in both hands are already destroyed. If it is still there, it is possible, but..." The woman holding the submachine gun shook her head slightly, and said pessimistically.

"Can't you win?" There was a nervous expression on the timid girl's face.

However, at this time.

A big hand was pressed on her head.

"Don't worry, he must be able to win." The beret youth stretched out his right hand and patted the timid **** the shoulder.

At the same time, the young double-swordsman also spoke immediately.

"Yes, my master will definitely be able to win! It's just a mere Bisuwu in stage four, and it must be able to drop in seconds!" The Shuangdaoliu boy showed a confident expression on his face, facing timidity. Said the timid girl.

And listening to his words, everyone couldn't help but look a little bit past.

After all, the evaluation of Zhang Xiang from the Double Swordsman was not good!

"Well, are you really my brother? I don't remember, my brother would praise others so easily?! Not to mention, didn't you say that he was just here to be handsome? And, what about others? Is it time to become your master? Why don’t I know?” The woman holding the submachine gun stretched out her right hand and pressed it on the forehead of the Shuangdaoliu boy, as if she was really checking whether he had a fever. .

And listening to his sister's words, looking at the companions around him, and remembering the words he swore just now, an embarrassing red appeared on his face.

However, he is not the kind of obedient child.

"Huh, it was before, and now is now. As for the fact that he is my master, sooner or later. With my two-sword skill and my genius, he will definitely accept me as an apprentice. "The Shuangdaoliu boy glanced at his face and insisted.

And listening to his vowed words, everyone in the room couldn't help but glance at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, okay, with my brother's ‘smart’ aptitude, he will surely be able to become a teacher!" The woman holding the submachine gun couldn’t help but laughed.

"Yes, if you succeed in apprenticeship in the future, you must take us to have a look. His physical skills are also very strong. Wouldn't it be better if you can teach me a bit." The freckled girl also covered her mouth, Secretly smiling, while talking to the other side.

The Shuangdaoliu boy was extremely embarrassed and embarrassed because of his strong words, his cheeks were all red.

However, he still held on.

However, it was precisely because of his words that the reserve team, which was originally a little pessimistic and shrouded in dark clouds, was revived, and the team was filled with smiles again.

However, Zhang Xiang in the distance does not know that he is now the object of people's talk.

But even if he knew it, I'm afraid he wouldn't care.

And just as the ant-shaped gastroenteric animal rushed over, Zhang Xiang also refocused his attention.

However, he did not make any attacks, but looked at his feet and whispered a word.

"Are you here?" Zhang Xiang muttered to himself as if he had penetrated the ground, seeing through the unknown existence.

At this time, the sharp horns of the ant-shaped gastrual animal had already rushed to Zhang Xiang's chest less than 20 centimeters away.

It can be said that in just half a second, Zhang Xiang's chest will be penetrated by the sharp horns.

At the same time, everyone was watching from a distance, including the head of mine who stopped halfway to look at this side, and the reserve team further away, all showing nervous expressions.

Because, the result will be born in the next moment.

Time seemed to have stagnated at that moment, making everyone's breath uncontrollable.

But in the next moment, it was as if time had really stopped. The ant-shaped gastroenterate body suddenly stopped for some unknown reason.

Looking at it from the rear, no one can see what the result is.

"Perforate? Lost?" My head frowned slightly guessing.

"Blocked it?" Everyone in the reserve team prayed nervously.

But in the next moment, the result was announced-Zhang Xiang blocked it!

No, it's not blocked.

If we shift our perspective to Zhang Xiang.

We can find that the horn shining with an unknown light stopped less than two centimeters in front of Zhang Xiang.

Even under the breeze, Zhang Xiang's silver-white coat touched the pair of horns.

However, the distance of just two centimeters has become a distance that can never be crossed.

Because, in front of Zhang Xiang.

The eyes of the ant-shaped gastroenteritis were no longer able to glow the strange red light peculiar to the gastroenteric animals, and they had already turned into a dark gray color that had lost all vitality.

And it is at this time.

A ray of scarlet light, as if energetic, spread from the feet of the ant-type gastroenterate to the entire body of the ant-type gastroenteric animal.

And, in the next instant, it was as if everything was sucked up.

The whole body of the ant-shaped gastrointestinal animal became a piece of fly ash.

This scene seemed so strange that even the people in the distance could not help but open their eyes wide, holding their breath and watching this scene inconceivably.

Even the footsteps of Bi Suwu, who had been moving toward this side in the distance, seemed to pause slightly.

"This, what's wrong with this?"

"Monsters, monsters?!"

"It was just a blink of an eye, he didn't seem to even move!"

Shocked, puzzled, and other different words were sent from every population who saw this scene.

But the same is that they are full of awe for such methods!

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