Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1515: , Blind your dog's eyes!

"No, no, how could it be possible?!" A shocked voice came from the small detective plane.

At the same time, the corners of Zhang Xiang's mouth rose slightly at the same time.

Because now his mental power has successfully connected to the other party's computer.

Moreover, to Zhang Xiang's surprise, perhaps the other party did not expect that he could invade from that small detective plane.

The computer used by the other party is the main computer in his research institute.

In other words, the main computer that controls the entire research institute.

So, just as Zhang Xiang successfully connected, he used his computing power comparable to that of a supercomputer tree graph calculator, instantly turning that one into a good super computer even in the academy city. The computer was hacked.

And this whole process, even less than a second.

The intrusion warning issued by the other party's supercomputer had not been issued by the warning device before it was intercepted by Zhang Xiang.

In other words, the other party had no idea that Zhang Xiang had already hacked his computer.

"Impossible? You said it was impossible? The iron-clad facts in front of you, aren't they right in front of you?" Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face, as if mocking the other party.

The other party was still wondering why Zhang Xiang could resist it.

"It's impossible. Even if I do it myself, I replace all the organs of the human body with special metal equipment, and use the latest technology to activate the protective cover... At most, it is just to resist the bullet of the next anti-tank sniper rifle. It is impossible to withstand the second one... This is the final conclusion I came to after hundreds of inspections... Moreover, I can also withstand four anti-tank sniper rifles at the same time without damage... How? , How could someone make a protective shield generator more advanced than mine...Impossible, this is impossible!" The other party who was already irritated by the facts, held his hands in front of the main computer screen , With a look of decadence and unbelievable coexistence on his face.

As for asking how Zhang Xiang knew.

This is very simple, of course it is directly ‘see’.

Yes, after he hacked the opponent's main computer, he immediately had to control the opponent's defense system and monitoring system.

Therefore, seeing the other party is a very simple thing for Zhang Xiang.

Because of this, Zhang Xiang started to tease the other side.

"So, do you want to know the principle of this kind of technology, and who made it? Get closer, get closer to the screen, and I'll tell you." Zhang Xiang used a joking voice toward the other party Seduced.

He didn’t know that the other party found out that he was surpassed by others in his field of expertise and lost his mind. He was really holding a plan that one in ten thousand might get the principle, but he really leaned his head on. The orientation of the screen.

"Say, hurry up!" Wearing a white robe, he even moved his head to the front of the screen.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang spit out an answer that was completely different from what he expected.

"Goodbye, oh, no, it's goodbye to your eyes, oh An Rand" Zhang Xiang smiled, and said something that the other party didn't understand.

But at the next moment, the other party already knew.

There was a ‘thorn’.

The screen that originally displayed the normal picture suddenly flashed a brilliant light, which was several times brighter than the flash.

But the key is not this. The key is that the screen exploded at that moment due to excessive load.

The broken screen at that moment turned into countless fragments, lasing towards the surroundings.

Although the speed of the lasing was not fast, it was still very simple to pierce the opponent's eyes so close.

Coupled with the influence of the shining light, it is impossible for the opponent's eyes to recover.

"Ah ah ah... eyes, my eyes, my eyes hurt!!!" The screams came from the main control room.

And listening to the scream, several assistants also ran in from outside the laboratory.

However, when they looked at the scrapped screen flashing with electric sparks, and the Dr. Anland who rolled onto the ground, howled, and covered his **** eyes, their faces were also exposed. A look of shock came.

"How, how is it possible?!" A young man in a white robe looked at some of them dumbfounded.

Looking at this, it is really hard for the other party to imagine, why would the big screen explode for no reason, and his instructor is holding his eyes that are unlikely to be attacked?

Fortunately, he was the only one who was in a daze.

Another student already ran up, helped the other person up, and used the internal phone to contact the doctor.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's voice rang again.

"No, even if the doctor is called, he will end up in the same way. Oh, forgot to say, you guys who help the abuser will end up in the same way!" Zhang Xiang said at the end, his voice was It has become extremely harsh.

Because, in that short tens of seconds.

Zhang Xiang has already read out all the past research on this research institute. Twenty years ago, the research in the institute was still normal. Most of them were some violations even if they violated regulations. It’s just experimenting with death row prisoners who have signed a contract.

However, from the beginning of the raging of the primordial animals, the research scale of this institute has become larger and larger.

From the mandatory use of death inmates to study, to the end of experiments with normal people, it turned out to be the point of experimenting with children.

Especially the cursed son is the most research object from it.

The strong resilience and vitality have become the subject of enthusiasm for researchers.

Moreover, the scale of experiments is getting bigger every time, from painful drug trials to virus experiments.

There is even a case of performing a biopsy without injecting anesthetic, and observing the speed of recovery to see if there is something in the antiviral agent.

The young souls entwined on the test bench can't be calculated with both hands at all.

Looking at those research records, Zhang Xiang wanted to rush over immediately and kill everyone in the research institute!

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