Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1491: , Research madman

"How about? These are all able to win your trust. Look at 1 woollen 3 Chinese net, these are the things I have done by the super powers. And similar abilities, in my team, there are no Few people have developed it. If you want, I can give you the relevant information. Of course, because the mecha project has just been launched, only some related theories have been made. For the real thing, Although it is already under construction, if you want to see it, you have to go to the Osaka area to be able to do it. How about, join our plan." Zhang Xiang opened his hands and controlled his mind Slowly put the opponent down.

His words were full of sincerity, and he sent the final invitation to the other party.

However, there is still something untrue in his words.

At least, with regard to the flame, he released it by magic, not superpower.

But what about this?

Zhang Xiang really didn't deceive the other party, but he really had some of the results of developing super powers.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Muroto Sumire's face couldn't help showing hesitation.

Her scientist nature is urging her to figure out what is going on as quickly as possible.

But at the same time, her squatting character in the house, as well as her vigilance towards guys from unknown origin, made her hesitate.

"So, if I join your plan, will it have any effect on me?" Muroto Sumire asked about related matters vigilantly.

She didn't want to be taken away into a dimly lit research institute after agreeing to this plan, and she was studying it all the time.

Even though, she is a scientist who squatted in the house, and once did not want to order takeaway because she was too lazy, and did not want to cook her own food, and she was hungry and almost died in a coma.

"There is not much research, just those basic requirements for researchers. If you agree, I can promise you to study freely. It is not necessary to squat in the institute all day, except for highly confidential materials. You can't bring it out of the research institute, you can bring it out for research." Zhang Xiang promised to the other party.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's request, the other party raised his head immediately.

"Really?" A surprised look appeared on her face.

However, she was not surprised that the rules were too tight, but wondered why the rules were so loose.

Because, she used to work in a research institute of a government agency, but she knows how heavy the rules are in the research room, and even external calls are restricted, and she can only pass envelopes that are bound to be checked. , To contact the world outside the institute.

She did not expect that Zhang Xiang's conditions would be so attractive.

"It's true." Zhang Xiang smiled and nodded and said.

"Then, I will join your research institute. However, I only join your research institute in the Tokyo area." Muroto Sumire quickly agreed to Zhang Xiang, but she still added an insurance condition to herself.

Because, she knows, her family and assets are under the name of Tokyo area.

If she joined an organization in another area, or even a hostile area, the Tokyo area would definitely block her.

At that time, her words will be fine, but her family and friends will suffer.

Although, her friends and family are not many.

Moreover, it can also protect her safety to a certain extent.

But to Muroto Sumire's surprise, Zhang Xiang nodded boldly.

"No problem, but because our branch has not been fully established. The time you join the institute needs to be postponed a little bit. However, it will not be postponed. And, I will. I gave you part of the theory in advance.” Zhang Xiang said as he took out a piece of paper about two centimeters thick from his arms, placed it on the table, and pushed it towards the other party. go with.

"This is what I have sorted out about the development of superpowers, as well as part of the theory of mecha development." Zhang Xiang opened the experiment log that was pushed in front of the opponent, and showed the information that marked the dense data Wide open.

And seeing that the coveted super power development and mecha shooting theory were placed in front of him, of course Muroto Sumire would not be polite.

She quickly picked up the information on the desktop, and began to scan the approximate content at a glance.

As a person, it only takes three days to read the entire library, and he can apply the knowledge in it 100% perfectly.

Of course she wouldn't miss anything just because of a glance.

It was only more than two minutes, and she had already shown the thick experimental notebook roughly.

"Very good theory, there is further possibility, and the feasibility is very great..." But in the middle of the talk, she had already read all the information.

"Next, what about the following information?" Muroto Sumire's hands suddenly grabbed Zhang Xiang's skirt and began to ask for the next part of the information.

Her eyes were full of enthusiasm now.

Obviously, she was shocked by the report on the feasibility of superpower development and the manufacturing process of the mecha.

However, Zhang Xiang only showed a faint smile on his face.

"You just finished reading this part of the information and haven't verified it yet? Moreover, the following research needs to be carried out in actual operation, or wait until the Tokyo research institute is officially established, and you have no worries before it is officially officially established. Leave it to you." Zhang Xiang said to the other party with a smile.

"No, I can already see that this plan is very likely to succeed. Also, didn't you say that there are actual successful examples? Give me the information for the next part! There is the next part Only then can I judge what problem you encountered later? Didn’t you come to me because there is a flaw in the theory? Then, give it to me quickly and let me find it out!" Jin's face showed a feverish research look, and said anxiously to Zhang Xiang.

However, listening to Muroto Sumire's words, Zhang Xiang's face showed a smile instead.

Because what he was waiting for was the other party's initiative to make a request.

"Okay, then, I'll give you the next information." Zhang Xiang said while taking out the other part of the information.

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