Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1480: , Hacked you to death!

The cool breeze has faith, the autumn moon is boundless...

Well, it's not time for the moon to come out yet. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Because, it's only four or five in the afternoon.

However, at this moment, there was a discordant sound that rang from Zhang Xiang's house.

"Ahhhhh!!! Kill you!!!" A young girl with short and blue hair, wearing a blue dress and short boots on her feet, was shouting frantically at Zhang Xiang.

Well, it's not just shouting.

Her hands were still waving hard, as if she had two knives in her hands, trying to chop the person in front of her into mash.

As for the person standing in front of her, it is not someone else, but Zhang Xiang.

At this moment, he was easily stretching out his right hand and pressing it against the forehead of the blue short-haired girl, preventing her from further attacks.

"Hey, don't forget, I am your savior. If I didn't bring you out of that place, I'm afraid you would have been shot to death." Zhang Xiang yawned boredly. , Said helplessly to the girl in front of her.

However, the other party is obviously not appreciative.

"I don't care, you give me my power back, I'm going to hack to death that dead rabbit, and the promoter of that dead rabbit!!!" When the blue girl said here, A trace of scarlet flashed in his eyes, and a slightly crazy murderous aura emerged.

But at this moment, a pentagram's magic circle suddenly flashed through her eyes.

Then, the scarlet color that was about to emerge, rendering all the eyes, but all disappeared, leaving only the blue eyes with anger.

Yes, I believe that seeing this, everyone has already seen the identity of this blue-haired, blue-clothed girl.

She is the daughter of the dead Hiruko Kageyin, Hiruko Kohina.

Because, considering that after the war, the opponent lost his father's protection and network, he would definitely be caught for torturing, or even the reason for the brutal experiment.

However, when Zhang Xiang brought everyone to the ladder after the battle, he separated a shadow clone and took her back to his room.

However, the other party did not catch a cold with Zhang Xiang's kindness.

At least, the shadow clone that Zhang Xiang sent out to bring her back was almost cut in half by her.

After spending a lot of effort, he finally brought her back.

Moreover, because she was afraid that she would use her power far beyond ordinary people to make some irrational behaviors, Zhang Xiang also imposed a seal on her.

It was a seal used to suppress gastroenteritis in her blood.

However, because the virus has already invaded her body since her fetus, and has even become part of her body, Zhang Xiang can only temporarily seal it.

After all, the activity of the virus is also going on as part of her physical activity.

If it is completely sealed, I am afraid that there will be unforeseen consequences.

And because of this, the situation now appears.

That is, Hiruko Kohina, who originally possessed super fast speed, could not even touch Zhang Xiang's body.

"Hey, hello, let you go out now, I'm afraid you have not been in front of the other party, you have been captured by cameras all over Tokyo. Then, in less than a few minutes, the departments that specialize in these matters will Will be dispatched to capture you. Of course, with your character, it is more likely to be killed. Moreover, with your current strength, even if the opponent stands in front of you and cuts you, I’m afraid You can't kill the opponent either." Zhang Xiang was persuading a little helplessly.

However, what he said is not without reason.

Because, Hiruko Kobina's current strength is not even as good as an ordinary little girl.

This is one of the negative effects brought about by the seal.

Fortunately, the side effects are just that.

As long as the other party stays at home obediently, there will be no danger.

However, the other party obviously didn't think so.

"I don't care, I must avenge my father, and I must chop those two people into pieces!!!" Hiruko Kobina is still struggling violently.

"Okay, then, I can't do anything. You just stay at home and give me a good reflection." Zhang Xiang said helplessly, pushing his right hand forward.

Then, his whole person slipped out of the door.

Then, there was a sound of ‘Bing Bing Papa’ from the room.

Obviously, the other party is venting his anger.

Because, with the opponent’s current strength, it is a very arduous task to open a reinforced and locked anti-theft door...


By the time Zhang Xiang walked out of the community, it was already twilight.

If you look up and look into the distance, you can see that the sun, which is gradually changing from pale yellow to crimson, is gradually descending towards the horizon.

And Zhang Xiang sat down on a bench not far from a fountain.

At this time, there was a lady's bicycle spinning around the fountain.

Sitting on it was a girl of the same age as Yeonju, with blond hair fluttering in the wind, shining in the red light of the setting sun.

But what is strange is that she is now wearing a plump pajamas, her feet on slippers, messy hair, a half-sleeping expression, and she is walking on a swaying bicycle, surrounding the fountain, as if What kind of interesting game is being played.

Well, a game in sleepwalking.

Well, although it is a bit strange, Zhang Xiang only glanced at it a few times before looking up at the sunset in the distance, not knowing what he was thinking about.

But at this moment, it was the sound of something falling over.

It was the sound of the girl’s bicycle falling down, and in front of the girl who fell on the ground, there were three other guys who looked like gangsters...

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