Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1450: , Angry sister...

And just when Zhang Xiang and others arrived, the police in front just stopped shortly. Two policemen, about 20 or 30 years old, were dragging the girl with the burning red hair towards one another. Walked inside the abandoned building. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xiang wouldn't understand why, the ominous hunch in his heart had already come true.

"Let's go!" Zhang Xiang put on an angry expression on his face for the first time, and strode into the unfinished building.

"Yeah." Little Lori, who had already seen something with her own eyes, nodded angrily and walked inside.

Perhaps because Zhang Xiang was overly angry, he hadn't noticed that Rintaro, who was tracking the police car from the other side, had already trot over from another direction.

And farther away, Yanzhu was using her unique rabbit-type gastroenterological factor ability to track it quickly.

But as soon as he walked in, before Zhang Xiang could make a sound, a sharp gunshot sounded.

A scene that made Zhang Xiang feel distressed, appeared in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

The girl with fiery red hair was stepped on the ground by the older fat policeman.

An orange-yellow bullet quickly broke open the chest of a girl who was forced into the corner, splashing blood.

The girl with fiery red hair was full of incredulous eyes.

No matter what she thought, she would never think that she would be killed for stealing things.

And seeing the desperate look in the eyes of the red-haired girl, the excited expression on that fat policeman's face became more obvious.

Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger in his hand again. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

This time, the object he was aiming at was already the head of the fiery red-haired girl.

Even if the cursed child has a powerful recovery, as long as the heart and brain are hit, it will definitely not be saved.

The more excited the fat policeman was at the thought of once again being able to kill a cursed son.

" monsters, just go to **** obediently! I won't clean up your corpse. I want your corpse to rot alone here and be eaten to pieces by rats. No, even if it is. The dirtiest mouse won't eat the cheapest monsters like you!" The fat policeman said with a look of excitement on his face, but he pulled the trigger in his mouth.

At this moment, near the window, Rintaro, who heard the other party's words, also opened his mouth wide, looking at the scene in front of him somewhat inconceivably.

However, he was hiding in the dark, and he did not dare to come out.

Even if he stands up now and reveals his identity as a policeman, the other party must not dare to mess around again.

Even, as long as he dares to use his skills to kill these two negligent police officers, it will be effortless.

However, he did not dare.

He was afraid that he would stand up and be regarded as the same existence by the other party, and he was afraid of the picture that he was also accused by the whole society.

So he shamefully chose to shrink.

But this point was made clear by Yanzhu who was rushed from behind, not far from the window.

But even so.

But this time, the orange bullet was destined to never be shot out of the gun.

Because, in the scene, besides Rintaro and Yanzhu, who was destined to be too late to rescue, there were also two people.

One is Xiao Huahuo Lolita, and the other is Zhang Xiang, who is already extremely angry.

In the silence, Zhang Xiang's solid body, like an ink painting, appeared beside the fat policeman.

He stretched out his right hand, and the moment the fat policeman pulled the trigger, he held the whole gun with his fingers.

Then, at the moment when a cruel arc was drawn slightly at the corner of his mouth, he shook it vigorously.

With Zhang Xiang's current hand strength, he squeezed vigorously, even if it was solid steel, it would deform instantly, let alone a police pistol and a right hand full of useless fat and bones.

There was a ‘click’.

The palm of the opponent's right hand was crushed together with the pistol and turned into a twist.

The sight, even if I saw it, felt painful.

"Ahhhhh!!!" The shrill screams spread across the entire building in an instant.

The fat policeman covered his right wrist with his left hand, his face was pale, and he almost didn't faint.

"You, who are you..." The ordinary policeman, with a pale face, raised his pistol with both hands, and tremblingly aimed at Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang ignored the other party at all.

He just squatted down and pressed his right hand to the chest of the fiery red-haired girl.

What made Zhang Xiang a sigh of relief was that he didn't know whether that fat policeman's marksmanship was not good, or because the other party wanted to torture the fiery red-haired girl for a while. The bullet did not completely hit the heart, but just passed it from the side.

Of course, if it is an ordinary person, such an injury is doomed to death.

"Don't worry, I'm here to save you. Wait a while, I'll save you back." Zhang Xiang put away the solemnity on his face, smiled slightly, and turned to the ground because of the large amount Because of internal bleeding and injury to the trachea, the girl with blood was already overflowing from the corner of her mouth said.

While talking, a burst of inexplicable magic appeared on Zhang Xiang's right hand.

An orange-yellow bullet slowly emerged from the wound on the girl's chest, and then fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

However, at this moment.

The flaming red-haired girl started to have some difficulty, not knowing what she took out of her pocket, and stuffed it into Zhang Xiang's palm.

"Help, help me, give it to my younger sister, younger sister..." the girl with the red hair looked at Zhang Xiang with pleading eyes, and said intermittently.

Her eyes were full of worries about her sister, her gratification for meeting Zhang Xiang in the end, and a trace of relief that was hard to find.

Zhang Xiang was taken aback for a moment.

Then he opened his right hand.

I saw that in the palm of his right hand, there was a 500 yuan coin.

Although it is the largest coin of Neon, it is at most the money for a meal of ordinary people...

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