Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1323: , Sad memories

However, at this moment, Miyu suddenly stood up. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"...I'm full." Miyu gently put down the dishes and chopsticks, and was about to walk outside.

However, at this time.

Xiao Kong was pulling Meiyu's wrist, with a hesitant expression on his face.

But in the end, she still spoke the words of retention.

"Miyu, this can't work. Miss Sa Xia finally came here..." Xiaokong said softly.

And listening to these words, Miyu's expression turned a bit sad for a moment... she looked at her feet.

"...Although I said that, to me now, it's just a stranger." Miyu's face showed a bit of sadness and helplessness.

And this word also caused silence on the dining table, even Xiao Chi seemed to see that something was wrong, looking at the direction of Miyu and Miss Sasha from left to right.

"Miyu..." Xiao Kong said lightly.

"Although sister you said that she is my mother... But, I really can't remember anything... In my memory, when I was a child, there were only memories of you and Miss Yuri... As for her ...I don't know what to do now..." Meiyu's face showed a heartache and confused expression.

And listening to Miyu's words, Miss Sa Xia lowered her head slightly and was silent for a while before she started to speak again.

"Where should I start? It is really difficult for Miyu to understand me... Then, let's start when I came to Neon when I was fourteen... At that time, I, Because the motherland is still very poor., on the suggestion of a person who is looking for talents, I came to Neon...In fact, not long after I came to Neon. Because of the excellent appearance and With the face of a foreigner, I quickly became a very popular person. I was busy with work every day... the money I earned. Most of the money I made was used to contribute to the reconstruction of the motherland..." Miss Sha Xia said quietly.

And Miyu also stood in front of the dining table, didn't walk away, didn't sit down, but still looked down at her feet slightly.

And soon, Miss Sa Xia's memories soon came to a turning point.

"But... sure enough, I was still a kid. After a few years, I... fell in love. And you know, in the entertainment industry, it's not easy to hide these news. I, soon A scandal broke out in the land. Just because of this love, my popularity disappeared without a trace." Miss Sasha said this, with a wry smile on her face.

And at this moment, Zhang Xiang also slightly raised his mind.

If the other party wanted to expose the fact that Miyu, Xiao Sora and Xiao Hina were not sisters, then he would definitely stop them immediately.

After all, don't look at Miyu as a little adult.

But in reality, the biggest supporting pillar in her mind is the feelings between the three sisters.

If Miyu really knew about these things, she didn't know how she would suffer.

However, fortunately, the other party did not explode these words at this moment, but skipped this paragraph and talked about the process of her marrying Xingo.

"However, Shingo is still very gentle with me. I helped Shingo work, and I think it's good to continue living like this. I speak Japanese and Russian, so I can help Shingo's business. But at that time... …Xiao Kong, remember?" Miss Sa Xia showed a wry smile on her face.

And listening to Miss Sa Xia's words, Xiao Kong shook his head after thinking about it for a while.

"I don't remember. I only remember, it seems that Miss Sa Xia left a few days after receiving a call..." Xiao Kong's face showed hesitation.

"Yeah. There is no way. After all, I haven't seen you two again since then." A sad expression appeared on Miss Sa Xia's face.

Then, the reason came out.

"...At that time, there was a military coup in my homeland. Father, was involved and died. Only my mother was left. I, for the sake of my mother, have to go back anyway... Shingo told me many times...but I still insist on going back alone. I can’t let Shingo, Xiaokong... and Miyu be in danger... However, I still don’t know. So, is it the right choice..." Miss Sasha's face There was a sad expression, and his eyes flushed a little.

However, she continued to speak.

"Returning to the motherland is still in a state of civil strife... Mother is already in a state where she can't live. I contacted Xingo by letter and phone over and over again. However, the final still different." Miss Sha Xia's face revealed. A bit sad and helpless.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang made a sound.

"So, what do you plan to do when you come back this time?" Zhang Xiang responded in a deep voice.

Although after hearing the other party's remarks, Zhang Xiang's disgust towards the other party's dropping of Mei Yu has already decreased a lot.

However, he was still unwilling to let the other party take Miyu away and separate their three sisters.

So, ask these words clearly in advance!

In the next moment, he responded to Zhang Xiang's words for convenience.

"Because of the agreement. It was with Xinwu and Yuri's agreement." Miss Sha Xia showed a sad expression on her face, as if she thought of the accident of Zhang Xiang's sister and brother-in-law.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but frowned.

"Are you making an agreement with your sister and brother-in-law? Could it be..." Zhang Xiang thought about it in his heart.

"When the civil war ceases and peace arrives...the day is ushered in. I came to meet Miwa, and it was such an agreement. With Miwa, what to say is good...I have been discussing with Shingo...Last summer, I finally decided to The first month of this year has come. But, I didn't expect such a thing to happen..." When she finished speaking, Miss Sasha's face was already full of tears.

And this scene also made the little chick who was trying hard to eat the Russian dumplings next to him show a puzzled expression.

"Xia Xia, elder sister, why did Xia Xia cry?" A confused expression appeared on Xiao Chi's face. (Xia Xia is Xiao Chi's nickname for Miss Sa Xia.)

Because Zhang Xiang and others deliberately stated the reasons in a low voice, Xiao Hina didn't know what happened at this time.

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