Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1321: , Organize the men in black

Because the person who came in was not the gin that Zhang Xiang expected, but another person in black. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, even so, Zhang Xiang would never forget the smell of the person in black on the other party.

"Oh, is it a member of the black organization who replaced Vogat?" Zhang Xiang said softly.

When the other party saw Zhang Xiang sitting in front of the computer, a surprised expression flashed across his face.

And the other party is worthy of being a black organization, simply and calmly.

After discovering the figure of Yuan Jiaming lying in the room and the computer page opened by Zhang Xiang, it was obviously the content of the document about the organization, plus the words spoken by Zhang Xiang. He pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Go to hell!" the other party said coldly.

The orange bullet ejected from the muzzle of the black Black Star pistol shot directly towards Zhang Xiang's heart without hesitation.

Behind him is the computer screen glowing with fluorescence.

After shooting such a shot, the other party did not go to watch his own harvest, but once again pointed the Black Star pistol in his hand at Yuan Jiaming, who had fainted on the ground.

After a short second, another orange-yellow bullet also suddenly shot towards the last person in the room.

The orange-yellow bullet quickly broke through everything in the air, and the force that passed through the air at high speed even caused the explosion of gunpowder, and the red bullet became even more red.

If someone's dynamic vision is good enough, then he may be able to see an extremely straight bullet flashing out of the air.

And just when the man in black wanted to put down the pistol in his hand and walked up to remove the computer's hard drive, even when he had just taken a step.

A shocking thing happened to him.

On the road where he was advancing, the orange bullet that should have been directly penetrated through the heart, and Yuan Jiaming, who was dying fast, suddenly appeared in front of him.

Moreover, the orange bullet that had been shot into Yuan Jiaming's heart also appeared between the opponent's slightly sandwiched fingers.

At this moment, the figure that shocked him spoke.

"Yeah, if you kill the person I originally wanted to save in front of me, doesn't it make me particularly shameless" Zhang Xiang smiled and released the orange bullet in his hand, continuously Two jingle sounds rang on the smooth floor.

As for why there are two beeps, it is a very simple matter.

The man in black wasn't just the bullet that was shot at Yuan Jiaming was picked up by Zhang Xiang, even the bullet that was shot at Zhang Xiang by the other party was also taken down by Zhang Xiang.

In other words, in just one second, Zhang Xiang not only moved a distance of nearly three meters, but also successively took two shots in different directions, both at speeds above 500 meters. Bullets.

What is this concept?

To do this requires not only a fast enough speed, but also a reaction nerve that is close to the limit, a pair of eyes that can see through bullet marks, and a hand that can penetrate the power of five millimeters of steel. No, It's the finger!

"No, it's impossible!" The black-clothed man's face changed suddenly.

However, the other party is worthy of coming out of the black organization, and it is enough to follow the organization's top player, Gin.

After a moment of consternation, the pair instantly judged the situation.

If the opponent really has the power to take the bullet, then if he tries his best to resist, there is still a chance to escape.

But if the opponent dodges two bullets by some trick that he doesn't know, and then makes two bullets to fool him, disconnecting the gun will undoubtedly disrupt the opponent's next arrangement.

This is the judgment made by the man in black in an instant.

I have to say that the other party's judgment is very correct in this case.

But it is a pity that the other party met Zhang Xiang, not someone else.

At the moment when the members of the black organization decisively squeezed the trigger again, Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a bit of speechlessness on his face.

"Do you really not even give me the opportunity to speak?" Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

But it was Yuan Jiaming who was helpless behind him, and if he couldn't hide, Yuan Jiaming would undoubtedly hang up.

For Zhang Xiang, there is still another use, and it is not time to let the other party hang up.

Therefore, in desperation, Zhang Xiang had to make another choice.

"Then, let you be quiet a little bit" Zhang Xiang said relaxedly.

At the same time, his **** bends slightly towards the incoming orange bullet.

In an instant, the bullet that had attacked Zhang Xiang at how fast it had been, then reflected back toward the opponent's muzzle along the original track.

‘Bang’ ‘puff’

Two voices, one large and one small, sounded.

The loud one was the sound of the pistol being shot through the blast, while the small one was the sound of the bullet entering the body of the black organization after passing through the gun.

Then, a suppressed muffled sound rang.

The opponent turned out to rush towards the door that was still open.

However, will Zhang Xiang make the other party so wishful?

"Really, I'm so upset..." Zhang Xiang muttered as if complaining.

Then, his figure suddenly appeared behind the opponent, like a usual greeting, putting his hand on the opponent's shoulder.

However, the right hand holding the opponent's right shoulder held the opponent's body in place like a real iron frame.

Then, he slammed hard to the ground.

There was a loud ‘bang’.

Even with the strong body of the man in black, he couldn't help being thrown to pieces, limp and losing his combat effectiveness...

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