Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1238: , The blonde woman...

Under Zhang Xiang's greeting, even though Xiao Kong blushed, she still looked around and found no acquaintances before leaning over. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, the distance is not close together, but there is still some distance between each other.

However, even so.

Xiao Kong can also feel the obvious change in temperature, just like Zhang Xiang has become a big heater.

Naturally, it was just like instinct. Because of low blood sugar, I was a little afraid of the cold air. When I walked out of the hotel, I was already very close to Zhang Xiang.

Even before she knew it, she leaned against Zhang Xiang.

During this process, Xiao Kong kept his head down, his face flushed, as if he was doing something shy.

Once there was any disturbance, Xiao Kong would definitely jump aside like a frightened little rabbit.

However, fortunately, in the big winter night, no one will be outdoors.

Even outside the hotel is no exception. As for the people inside the hotel's annual meeting, they are almost gone.

At this moment, the extended black Rolls-Royce was also in front of Zhang Xiang and others.

Because it was too lively at the banquet, the young chicks at this time were already having some difficulties.

Her little head was in Zhang Xiang's arms little by little, very cute.

As if Zhang Xiang didn't want to break such a quiet scene, he opened the car door carefully, and walked in first with the chicks in his arms.

Therefore, he didn't see that there was a blonde woman standing not far away wearing a coat, watching this scene not far away, especially when she cast her gaze on Xiaokong, her eyes showed Surprised face.

However, when she trot and wanted to rush to say something, Xiao Kong got in the car.

By the time she ran nearby, the black extended Rolls-Royce had already driven far away silently.

This made the blond woman bit her lower lip, a look of regret flashed across her face.

But soon, she seemed to have thought of something, and turned and walked towards the direction of the hotel...


Early the next morning, Zhang Xiang got up early.

However, at this time, the little chicks who usually come to find Zhang Xiang to go out with the dog for a walk, but because they played too late last night, they haven't gotten up yet.

In desperation, Zhang Xiang had to take the ten guards out and ran back.

Then, after eating breakfast that Xiaokong had cooked, he headed directly towards the company.

Yes, company!

The direction Zhang Xiang wants to go is the Futureofteology medium-sized group company formed after he has acquired more than a dozen companies.

Due to some special needs, Zhang Xiang is preparing to gradually step out of the public and enhance his influence in this world.

Sometimes, some things with a special identity can do things that are easier than power.

Moreover, because he was connected to acquire these 14 companies, but because he did not clean up the internal relations, it seems to be a bit turbulent now

Therefore, Zhang Xiang also intends to solve these problems by the way.

After a short while, Zhang Xiang was sitting in the car with his eyes closed, and under the driving of Transformed Person No.1, who had been input a large amount of driving data by Zhang Xiang using the learning device, he came under a bustling building in Tokyo.

Of course, because it has not yet become a large consortium, Futureofteology, a new joint group company formed by Zhang Xiang, has only rented one floor here.

However, in the eyes of people in the industry, this is also a big deal.

After all, this building is located in the bustling area of ​​Tokyo. The cost of renting for a year is close to 200 million yen!

From this, we can see how rich and powerful Zhang Xiang's new company is.

However, also because of such crazy money, the introduction of new smart phones will become so easy.

Although, therefore, the current new company has fallen into a certain financial dilemma.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that as long as he waited for the funds to be returned in half a month, these issues would be changed.

Because the first round of sales data is already out.

That is a very scary data, a data that no one can reach!

Pushing open the door of the company, Zhang Xiang walked directly inside, and even the lady at the front desk said, "Wait, sir, did you make an appointment." There was no answer. He just smiled and walked directly inside. Went straight to the meeting room.

Yes, that's right.

In his company, Zhang Xiang hasn't even showed up yet.

As for making appointments, does your company still need to make an appointment to see your subordinates?

Not to mention, today he was the one to get the horse power, not to play some warm cards.

Naturally, there is no problem with being domineering.

After signalling Transformation One to stop the unknown security guard, and pushing it to the wall, Zhang Xiang directly pushed open the door of the meeting room and walked in.

When Zhang Xiang walked in, he even heard keywords such as ‘remove’, ‘remove the chairman’, ‘threat’, ‘introducing foreign investment’ and so on.

That's right, the people in the conference room right now, the subordinates in Zhang Xiang's name, are preparing to dismiss Zhang Xiang, the president of the company that bought them by force.

There can be many reasons. It can be because Zhang Xiang bought their company by forceful means at once. It can be because Zhang Xiang has never shown up and just notified via mobile phone, which can be said to be the source of funds for acquiring their company. , Some unclear.

But no matter which one, there is only one ultimate goal.

That is, drag Zhang Xiang from the position of the president, devour Zhang Xiang's shares with a special technique, and add various methods to obtain the benefits Zhang Xiang should have received!

In other words, there is only one reason.

That's just benefit!

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