Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1218: , One-handed driving is dangerous...

At this time, at the back door of the Suzuki Museum.

The thief Kidd, who was disguised as Suzuki Jiroki, got on Suzuki Jiroki's slick motorcycle, twisted the throttle, and the motorcycle with super horsepower galloped out.

On the passenger seat next to him, there was the blue miracle taken out of the Suzuki Museum.

After driving on the main road, Kidd, who pretended to be Suzuki Jiroki, couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.

But at this time.

The back of the blue miraculous golden figure on the passenger seat was shaking slightly, and a head came out from behind the gray cloth draped on the passenger seat of the vehicle.

"Kid, the thief, are you very happy?!" Conan emerged from the passenger seat and said with a sneer.

Seeing Conan who suddenly appeared from the passenger seat, the thief Kidd disguised as Suzuki Jiroki, although he was shocked in his heart.

But he didn't lose sight of having a habitual offender who could lie to Officer Zhongsen many times, and he laughed without changing his face.

"Boy, what are you talking about? How could I be Kaito Kidd? I succeeded in protecting the blue miracle from Kaito Kidd, Suzuki Jiroki!" Disguised as Suzuki Jiroki Kai thief Kidd started to laugh arrogantly like Suzuki Jiroki.

However, Conan was not fooled at all.

And, in the following time, the crime tactics of Kai Pi Kidd were revealed.

It turned out that Kidd, the thief, was his real person when he came yesterday.

Moreover, the method used was to first use ropes to connect the two buildings, while he was wearing black clothes and used the rope connecting the two buildings to move into the air in the dark. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Then, he drove the helicopter under his hand to the sky above him, and dropped two steel wires to lift him up, and then recovered the rope connecting the two buildings to make him floating in the air. hometown.

And, using the camera of his helicopter, he recorded his image.

Today, he used the impression taken yesterday to secretly switch to the monitor.

It made everyone think that the helicopter he was driving underneath him was still the strange thief Kidd himself at close range, but in fact it was just a doll, taking advantage of people’s eyesight that they couldn’t see clearly from a distance and the night view, and confused the past. .

As for him, he was incarnate as Suzuki Jiroki, and he stole the blue miracle without a bit of effort.

It's just that there were some small accidents today.

That is, it snowed today, which made that impression become imperfect.

Therefore, Conan's suspicion was aroused, and finally, based on all kinds of evidence, he solved the trick of Kaito Kidd.

However, even after listening to Conan's perfect explanation, Kaito Kidd still refused to admit it.

It wasn't until Conan put up the watch anesthesia gun in his hand that Kidd the Kaito reluctantly admitted.

"However, are you sure you are going to numb me on a high-speed motorbike?" Kaito Kidd smiled and looked in the direction of Conan.

"Hmph, I will wait for you to stop before giving you anesthesia. Moreover, I have already handed over the news here to Officer Zhongsen. I believe they will be over soon." Conan Smiling confidently.

However, at this moment, the corners of Kaito Kidd's mouth showed a confident smile.

"You seem to have overlooked one thing. Before Suzuki Jiroki modified this motorcycle, it had a configuration without a passenger seat. Then, goodbye." The thief Kidd jerked off his body. The clothes came and threw it on Conan's face, temporarily blocking his vision.

Then, he turned on the device that separates the passenger's seat, so that the passenger's seat was separated at once.

"Haha...then, goodbye, kid!" Kai thief Kidd waved back confidently.

Only at this time.

"Oh, isn't it?" Zhang Xiang's flat voice rang from behind the strange thief Kidd.

"What?!" Listening to the voice coming from behind, the strange thief Kidd broke out in a cold sweat and wet the clothes behind him.

Because, he can be sure that there was no one behind him.

‘A ghost? Impossible, how could ghosts appear! Anxiety flashed in the heart of Kaito Kidd.

Then, he slowly turned his head and looked behind him.

I saw Zhang Xiang sitting half-squatting behind his motorcycle, behind him, something similar to a hang gliding wing drifted away with the wind.

‘What? It turns out that the hang glider is used like me, which made me think it’s really a ghost! Kidd the thief couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

However, Zhang Xiang seemed to see through his heart.

"Do you think I am not a ghost, so good?" Zhang Xiang looked at each other with a smile.

'what? ! "Kid the thief was shocked.

However, he still pretended to be nonchalant.

"Haha, so what?" The thief Kidd pretended to be calm.

"Oh, then, let me remind you that you can't escape. Look at the back, the oil in your motorcycle is almost leaking. And, it seems that our Conan student is still doing it. Something dangerous." Zhang Xiang stretched out his finger and pointed to the back.

I saw that under the control of Conan’s efforts, a scratch was drawn on the road, and the side that was emitting sparks successfully touched the place where the oil was leaking. A fire dragon hurried in the direction of the motorcycle. Spread.

Seeing this scene, the strange thief's heart couldn't help being shocked.

If the fire dragon spreads into the fuel tank, with the current state of full horsepower, if it spreads, it will not explode!

"So, do you still surrender? If you surrender now and park your car, you still have a chance. Otherwise, I will have to wait slowly for the fire dragon to spread over, and then I will get out of the way in time to make sure you become Braised human flesh in soy sauce." Zhang Xiang had a relaxed expression on his face, telling the cruel facts.

'hateful! "Kid the strange thief cursed secretly.

However, he still had some illusions in his heart, trying to force Zhang Xiang to jump off the car first, and then he would escape calmly.

However, what shocked him was that Zhang Xiang had always stayed behind the driver's seat, smiling and waiting for his decision.

And the fire dragon has spread to a short distance from them...

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