Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1167: , Christmas tree

Sitting in the hall, Zhang Xiang sat in front of the dining table, reluctantly accepting the complaints of Xiaokong and Meiyu.

"Really brother, I know that tomorrow will be the Christmas performance of Little Chin’s kindergarten. From morning to afternoon, we need to accompany Chin all the time. Tomorrow night will be Christmas. My brother slept so late today, and he forgot that. A few days ago, I said something good." Surrounded by Xiaokong in the striped light yellow apron, he said to Zhang Xiang with a little anger, but at the same time put her breakfast that she had prepared early in the morning in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Yes, uncle, our family has a tradition every year, that is, to have a Christmas tree to be considered a complete Christmas. Normally this year, it is my dad..." Mei Yu said this, suddenly suddenly. Stopped.

Because, she suddenly remembered that this kind of topic is impossible, and she said it in front of the little chicks who still don't know that her father and mother are in trouble.

Thinking of this, it couldn't help but look in the direction of Xiao Hina with some worry.

But fortunately, Xiao Xiao was attracted by the word Christmas today, and was happily playing with his little tableware to deal with Xiao Kong's breakfast.

Seeing this, Miyu couldn't help but patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang came in through a socket.

"Well, it doesn't matter, just leave it to me. This year, I will definitely bring back a Christmas tree that will satisfy everyone. As for you, just stay at home and arrange your home." Zhang Xiang patted his chest, full Said to Xiao Kong and the others with a confident smile on his face.

"But, brother, do you know where the Christmas tree was made? Every year before, father and mother sneaked out together, and then didn't know where to get a Christmas tree." Xiaokong approached Zhang Xiang, Secretly said in Zhang Xiang's ear.

Xiao Kong's dark brown hair brushed slightly across Zhang Xiang's face, bringing a light shampoo fragrance and an itchy feeling. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

With such a close proximity, Zhang Xiang was even able to slightly ask the girl's unique scent on Xiaokong.

Feeling this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help taking a breath.

However, his slightly ambiguous action suddenly made Xiao Kong's face flushed.

However, when the two of them were already in a certain relationship, although Xiao Kong felt very shy, he did not run away blushing like before.

"Brother, don't look like this in front of Xiao Hina and Mi Yu." Xiao Kong said blushingly.

And listening to Xiaokong's words, what could Zhang Xiang do, he could only touch his head and smile and nodded.

Then he started talking.

"Don't worry, I have a way. Before night, I will definitely bring a good Christmas tree back," Zhang Xiang assured Xiaokong.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang had an idea.

"By the way, Xiaochun, are you going to bring the Christmas tree back with your uncle?" Zhang Xiang suddenly turned his head, smiling and waving a small spoon, launching an offensive against a piece of meatloaf with a serious face. The little chick said.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Chi was a little confused.

"With Uncle?" Xiao Chi asked with some confusion.

"Yes, follow my uncle to bring a Christmas tree back, how about?" Zhang Xiang looked at the young chick who was obviously not listening, and with a smile, said to the young chick patiently again.

And this time, Xiao Chi finally heard clearly.

"Ah, Uncle Da Shushu is going to take the young chick to bring Da Shushu back?" The young chick showed a sudden realization, his eyes showed interest, and he looked at Zhang Xiang with those big bright eyes.

"Well, bring a big tree back," Zhang Xiang said to the young chick with exaggerated gestures.

"Ah, that little chick is coming!" Little chick nodded, eyes full of expectation.

And at this time, Xiao Kong was also a socket.

"Xiao Xiao, not a big tree, but a ‘Christmas tree’." Xiao Kong showed a patient expression, teaching Xiao Xiao some correct knowledge word by word.

Because, now the little chick is just over three years old, nearly four years old.

Now is the most important thing in the establishment of the cognitive world. Xiao Kong is always meticulous and patient with these things.

"Huh, isn't the Christmas tree a big tree?" Xiao Chi tilted her head, with a puzzled expression on her face.

A trace of gravy remained on the corner of her mouth.

"Yes, the Christmas tree is a big tree, but the Christmas tree is just one of the big trees and it is only used during Christmas. So, call it a Christmas tree" Xiaokong explained patiently, but He took out his handkerchief and wiped off the gravy from the corners of Xiao Chi's mouth, as careful as Xiao Chi's mother.

However, it is true.

After the wreck of Zhang Xiang's sister and brother-in-law, Xiaokong has been acting as the mother of Xiaochi.

Although in this process, Xiaokong may not be able to completely replace the role of Xiaochi's mother, giving Xiaoxiao something that only a mother can give.

But no matter what, Xiao Kong was always paying as much attention to Xiao Chi as possible.

And after the warm breakfast, Xiaokong and Miyu began to set up their home.

Because the home in Ikebukuro is a bit bigger, Zhang Xiang still wants to stay and help.

However, this point was resolutely rejected by Miyu.

"Uncle, you just need to bring the Christmas tree back. You don't care about the others. My sister and I will take care of it all. We are already grown up." Mei Yu pushed Zhang Xiang wearing a sweater and pushed him out of the hallway. .

In Zhang Xiang's arms, he was wearing a small pink cotton jacket, blue thick-soled cotton trousers and a small pink face.

"Uncle, let's go," the little chick who held Zhang Xiang's neck with both hands, yelled out this sentence with joy.

On her little pink face, there was a happy smile and she was waving her little fist.

Under the urging of Miyu and Xiao Chi, Zhang Xiang could only nodded helplessly.

"Okay, okay, then the house will be left to you two, if you have anything, please call me," Zhang Xiang said helplessly to Mei Yu, who was full of energy.

At this time, Xiao Kong ran out of the house in a hurry.

"Wait a minute, brother, Xiao Chi will also bring this one." Xiao Kong ran out in a hurry, holding a small pink earmuff in her hand.

Xiao Kong breathed a sigh of relief after putting it on for Xiao Chi.

Then, amidst Xiaokong’s worried instructions, and Meiyu’s urging and cheering, Zhang Xiang headed towards the destination with the young bird.

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