Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1083: , Even alive!

"Bah, did it finally stop?" Zhang Xiang spit out the grass in his mouth, struggling slightly, and freed himself from the canopy of the big tree that was almost knocked down by him.

It's just that when he jumped off the tree and accidentally touched the ground with his hands.

He couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath, and even a layer of cold sweat came out of his forehead.

"His, my hands..." Zhang Xiang took a sharp breath and looked at his hands.

I saw that my hands were smoking, and a burning smell came from my hands, not to mention the scorched palm in the center, even the back of the hand was almost half-baked.

Zhang Xiang could even smell the burnt meat smell in his hands.

When Zhang Xiang used his mental power to perceive it, he was relieved.

Because he could perceive that his hands are still saved, although it looks terrifying.

However, the blood circulation within the hands is not cut off.

Therefore, after a delay of almost a few seconds, Zhang Xiang’s continuous activation of lv5 physical enhancement brings accelerated healing effects, as well as the rising green healing chakra, but it is making his hands quickly Recovering.

Even Zhang Xiang's scarlet kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes can see the muscles and skin under the surface of his skin, which are rapidly repairing.

However, none of these kept Zhang Xiang's gaze for long.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of Konoha Ninja Village.

I saw that after experiencing the first and second impacts, waves of dust continued to spread from the center of the light ball explosion to all directions, spreading into the forest outside Konoha Ninja Village. The green forest was stained with a layer of gray color. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

As for the violent smoke and dust spreading towards the Konoha Ninja, after spreading to the extreme, it hit the city wall about ten meters high and shocked countless smoke and dust.

However, it was just smoke and dust, the destructive shock wave was already resisted by the wall that was more than three meters thick.

However, centering on the place where Zhang Xiang and Heavenly Dao blasted each other, within a radius of five hundred meters, they were completely wiped out, and countless smoke and tyrannical energy that was fading raged in it.

Let the two caused by the impact face each other, each with different diameters, one is only about 100 meters, the other is close to about 300 meters, and the combination forms a giant with a diameter of more than 400 meters. Above the pit hole, there were many traces and twists again.

However, these are harmless.

And while Zhang Xiang was observing, it hit the tall city wall surrounding Konoha, and the gust of smoke that was stirred up was swept to the Hokage Rock, and Zhang Xiang almost didn’t eat two mouthfuls. The dust goes down.

However, looking at the Konoha that was only destroyed by about a quarter compared to the original work, and the other three quarters were basically undamaged because of the protection of the city wall, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, although he had predicted before the battle, Tiandao might display the "Super God Ra Tianzheng" to attack Konoha.

However, he was a little worried about whether the roots could seize the opportunity to perform the corresponding protective ninjutsu.

After all, Heavenly Dao might use this trick anytime.

But, fortunately, the roots, which acted like machines, did not show any flaws.

They succeeded in releasing one of the defensive ninjutsu originally chosen before the aftermath of the shock came.

Of course, Zhang Xiang selectively ignored the point that the defensive ninjutsu that was originally used to defend against the gods and the gods of the heavens has become used to defend against the aftermath of Zhang Xiang's magical attack.

Keke, after all, let the "Super God Luo Tianzheng" of Tiandao be displayed, whether the joint defense ninjutsu can be defensive is still an unknown mystery.

And looking at the villager who cheered and had a completely different attitude towards the roots, the smile at the corner of Zhang Xiang's mouth became thicker.

After all, he did not notify Tsunade the first time, but only gave orders to the roots.

So, isn't this time for the villagers to change their impression?

Fortunately, the members of the roots did not live up to Zhang Xiang's hopes and succeeded in changing the impression among the villagers.

Although, after the excitement, the goodwill of these villagers towards the roots will decrease again because of some of their previous things.

However, isn't the seed of goodwill already buried in the hearts of the villagers?

Just do a few more shows after the roots, won't they be able to consolidate their undissipated goodwill?

After all, the villagers only believe what they see before their eyes.

As for the things behind, they don't know it, and they are not qualified to know.

This is politics!

However, at this moment, a black spot suddenly appeared in Zhang Xiang's retina.

The smile on Zhang Xiang's face suddenly stiffened, and an incredible look was revealed in his eyes.

"That's...impossible!" Zhang Xiang suddenly widened the kaleidoscope writing round eyes, using his super vision to aim at a black spot thousands of meters away, exploring the other side's true figure.

And Zhuanyan is worthy of the existence of the so-called three pupil eyes, although there is no white eye to see clearly all the fluctuations and perspective capabilities of Chakra within a radius of tens of miles.

However, its bonus to vision is very large.

At least, Zhang Xiang could already see that figure clearly.

Although the robe worn on the opponent's body was torn and torn, as if it had gone through all kinds of tears, the red clouds on the black robe could still be seen clearly.

The most important thing is that the other party's orange hair shows his identity.


"How is it possible! How can he survive such a shock wave of energy. Even with his own body, it is impossible to do it!" Zhang Xiang suddenly opened his eyes with an incredible look.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that this is not the time to care about this.

If the opponent is allowed to run away, it is almost impossible to encounter such a good opportunity to capture the opponent.

So, at the next moment, Zhang Xiang gritted his teeth and stood up.


"Psychic art!" Zhang Xiang bit the finger of his right hand suddenly and pressed it to the ground.

With a sound of ‘peng’, a large amount of smoke filled the surroundings.

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang's mouth let out an exclamation.

"Why... how could it be you..." Zhang Xiang's words were full of shock and incredible.

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