Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1037: , Trap enchantment!


Zhang Xiang's feet landed on the ground covered with blue bricks, making a crisp sound. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Only at this time.

But if you don't listen carefully, there was a sound of "click" that you would never hear.

"Not good!" This thought flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

At the moment when his thoughts just came up, on the walls on both sides, small holes like pinholes suddenly appeared.

Dozens or hundreds of tiny, as small as cow's hair, poisoned needles that were invisible in the darkness, flew away in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

If someone with intensive phobia sees it, then he will definitely be scared.

Although the poisonous needles are very small, they are contaminated with the poison newly developed by Da She Wan. If they are shot, they will die within a minute.

Seeing that Zhang Xiang was about to be shot into a hedgehog by these tiny needles.

However, it is at this time.

A scarlet light flashed through Zhang Xiang's eyes.

He did not hesitate to activate the kaleidoscope writing round eyes, the three black gou jade quickly merged into the black eyes, and then differentiated into the shape of a pentagram.

"Xuneng left!" Zhang Xiang called out the name of his trick.

The ascending crimson energy instantly rose up around his body, forming a bone-like appearance, enveloping him.

At the same time, a series of sounds of ‘ding, ding, ding...’ rang continuously. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

It was like a rainstorm.

It's just that there was no thin needle that hit Zhang Xiang's body.

Those small poison-quenching needles, as small as cow hair, when they hit the energy layer of the'Suzuonenhu', they bend in an instant and fall weakly toward the ground.

However, the attack strength of these venoms really went beyond Zhang Xiang's expectations.

He could feel that after those fine needles hit, the chakra consumed by the ‘Suzanoh’ increased a lot in an instant.

Because, after every tiny poisonous needle hits it, the powerful venom carried on it will corrode a part of the energy that must be made.

The energy consumption of a stick is so small that it is hard to detect it.

But what if it's one thousand, ten thousand?

The sum of that number level is an incredible thing.

But fortunately, for Zhang Xiang at this time, such chakra consumption is just a trivial matter.

After being attacked by the dense rain of poisonous needles, the little bit of pinholes that corroded out, even less than a tenth of a second, were already repaired.

As for those poisonous needles that bend after the impact, they will continue to fall towards the ground.

Of course, this kind of powerful venom on the poison needle, even after it fell on the ground, was still corroding the ground.

It took only two seconds. The ground covered with blue bricks was already centered on Zhang Xiang, and a circular gully was corroded out of the poisonous needles that fell.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel a little grateful that he didn't want to be easy, and directly used the soil control ability to control the sand to defend.

If that were the case, he might have been recruited too.

However, looking at these poisonous needles, Zhang Xiang was interested in the venom on them.

Because, he has not seen yet, there is any poison that can corrode energy!

Today, he encountered an example. How could this not interest him?

Zhang Xiang felt that even strong players like Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma would be very serious if they were infected with these poisons, as long as they were not expelled in time.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but control his mental power, converging the poisonous needles on the ground.

Then, I took out a plastic bottle and put it away after making sure that the poison would not corrode the plastic.

"Okay, next, I'm looking for related materials." Zhang Xiang couldn't help but say when he looked at the three bookshelves side by side in front of him and the dense scrolls placed on them.

Only after the encounter just now.

Zhang Xiang dare not take it lightly.

His mental perception abilities spread within five meters of his own body, and he probed everything within this range.

As for why it only covers five meters of the body, not a whole secret room.

The reason is not that his lv5 mental perception ability can not cover more range, but keep within 5 meters range, Zhang Xiang can enter into a state called the'realm of consciousness' at any time to ensure that he does not Hurt.

It's also because this secret room is not big.

After all, this chamber is only six meters long and only four meters wide.

Zhang Xiang's mental perception range within a radius of five meters from the center is more than enough to cover this small secret room.

"Then, let's start investigating from this row of past research materials!" Zhang Xiang looked at the quaint bookshelf in front of him, and stretched out his right hand toward a scroll in front.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang stopped again.

Because, he can perceive that there is an invisible barrier in front of his right hand.

"It turns out that in order to prevent these books from being damaged, I deliberately used the onmyoji technique to set up an enchantment and connected to a self-destructing device?" Zhang Xiang slowly said everything he had learned.

He could perceive that if his right hand was hard, the barrier blocking him would disappear.

But at the same time, the self-destructing device installed in the Oshe Maru will immediately activate, causing the data to disappear.

This made Zhang Xiang had to sigh.

Da She Maru is indeed a rare genius for decades, not only proficient in thousands of ninjutsu, but also various weird forbidden techniques.

Even onmyoji, this kind of thing that has long been on the verge of being lost, will still be!

However, Zhang Xiang just sighed.

If Zhang Xiang didn't get the gift of the three holy monks in the world of Inuyasha.

Then, at this time, he may really have no choice!

And after gaining what knowledge, want to crack these barriers that only use some knowledge of onmyoji and ninjutsu, it is not that simple!

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