Twilight Boundary

Chapter 648 Reincarnation as an Immortal

Compared with what he knew before, some things that had been submerged for twenty years seemed to be gradually lifting the fog in front of his eyes.

Twenty years ago, it was not only the reincarnated people who stripped the emperor's skin, but also the national master was involved?

"More than just a national master?"

Seeing the surprise on Hu Ma's face, Senior Longjing smiled lightly and said: "The ten surnames were also persuaded by the Imperial Master to sit back and watch as we ruined the fate of the Yi Dynasty."

"It's just that we thought they would agree because they also wanted to stop the Yi Dynasty Du clan's plan to offer heaven. We thought they had seen through the lie. But later we realized that it was not the case. Even if they are as smart as the national master, Even if the ten surnames also originate from Youwei, they don't want to stop the Heaven Sacrifice, they just want to be the masters of the sacrifice..."

"It's just ridiculous. They are rushing to attack us, as if they are afraid that we will take away their opportunity..."

"But becoming an immortal, hey, becoming an immortal, if the reincarnated person wants to become an immortal, why bother?"


"Ten surnames..."

When Hu Ma heard this, from the perspective of the Zhencun Hu family, she couldn't help but feel a shock in her heart, and there was an inexplicable panic in her heart.

To this day, I still remember the thing I saw in Juehu Village and the appearance of Mr. Yan.

In particular, he was deeply impressed by the old man of the Meng family who almost destroyed him with just one glance.

But is that a fairy?

In addition, Hu Ma still remembered that when she asked Lao Baoshan, he once said disdainfully that becoming an immortal was unreliable, saying that it was the so-called greatest freedom in the world.

That old face looked down upon this so-called immortal as much as possible.

But he should also belong to the lineage of national teachers, so why does he think so differently?

His heart was filled with countless questions. He looked up at Mr. Longjing and whispered: "Becoming an immortal, what exactly is it?"

While the two of them were talking, with a few random actions of Mr. Longjing along the way, many remnants hidden in the ruins had been cleared away. Those who could survive his nightmare spell They were already very capable, but under his magic, they died silently, without any resistance, and not even a little bit of spray was released.

Senior Longjing has no virtue, and to the people in the doorway, he seems to be a useless person, but he walks among the ruins like a master.

However, just when Hu Ma asked what becoming an immortal was, Long Jing, who had done such a thing, remained silent.

After a long time, he slowly gave Hu Ma an answer: "Everything is possible."

Hu Ma was stunned for a moment, thinking about the meaning of the word omnipotent.

Senior Longjing also saw the deep confusion in his eyes, and sighed lowly before saying: "I also want to give you an accurate answer, but this is not my specialty. Maybe Tieguanyin will tell you The real answer is that she is the explorer of the secret of homecoming, and I just know that this 'fairy' is extremely difficult and contains the most terrifying things."

Hearing what he said, Hu Ma sighed softly and said, "I have met Senior Dahongpao, and I have been looking for Tie Guanyin."

"But many of us have tried, but we haven't found her."


"If you can't find her, then maybe she is also confirming something and doesn't want you to find her."

Mr. Longjing sighed lowly and said: "But for me, the only thing that can answer you is that the so-called immortality is just a delusion, let alone the former Du clan royal family, the ten surnames, and the great Luo What the Dharma teaches is to achieve immortality by offering sacrifices to heaven. In our opinion, the immortality they pursue is just a joke, a lie to deceive monkeys. "

"We have more say than anyone else about this!"



Hu Ma was a little surprised and raised her head in a hurry: "Why do you say that?"

"Because we are closer to the level of immortals than anyone else, or in other words, we are immortals."

Senior Longjing was silent for a long time, looked at Hu Ma seriously, and said softly: "But when we look deeper, there is only darkness."

Hu Ma was shocked by his words and was quickly understanding.

But at this time, they had already crossed the ruins. In front of the collapsed rubble, they could only see a black shadow standing in front of a black cauldron, and under the cauldron, there were countless people. The innocent souls struggled back and forth, and their souls floated away from their bodies. They looked like burning wood and rising black smoke. In front of the pot, those formidable figures were shouting in horror:

"Mr. Tie, the noble Zhang family treats you well, how dare you betray me and harm the children of the Meng family?"


"Forget it."

Senior Longjing stopped and sighed softly: "You will understand these things when you come into contact with Zi Tai Sui."

"Get rid of these people first and bring the pot!"



Hu Ma reacted slightly, looked up, and suddenly felt a very familiar aura from the pot.

I saw that big pot, surrounded by countless people.

Each of them had iron chains tied to their feet and tied to the head of the pot. Their range of movement was limited, but it seemed that it was precisely because of this that they saved their lives in the nightmare just now. Inside the three-foot-long cauldron, steaming purple gas was rising, and even formed a fairy cloud on the pot, like a fairy lotus in the mud.

Is there purple Tai Sui in the pot?

Damn it, how much should be in such a big pot?

"Why are there only so many people?"

And looking at the pot head, he was holding a black weapon that looked like a fire stick and pointed it at him.

Senior Longjing frowned, slowly clasped his hands behind his back and said, "Does the Meng family look down on me a little, so they have such an idea to defend me?"


His appearance made the man in the pot tremble and shouted: "Stop uttering such arrogant words!"

"If not, if the eldest master of the Meng family hadn't rushed out of the city with Mr. Zhang Jiasan to deal with the villain, how could you have been allowed to cause trouble?"

"You...quickly surrender, I'm afraid the third uncle of the Zhang family will come back soon to deal with you!"


"Eh? Villain?"

Senior Longjing was a little surprised and said with a smile: "Does he really want to run out to deal with other things?"


Hu Ma was also startled. When she sneaked in with Chen Abao, she learned from a descendant of the Meng family that there was a group of people who had to rush over to deal with the trouble caused by some villain, so this place was relatively empty. But then I met Senior Longjing and learned that all this was just a trap, so I thought it was just the wind that was released...

Now it sounds like it's true. Is this place really short of manpower?

"Did you really come down by yourself?"

Senior Longjing was a little curious and glanced at Hu Ma.


Hu Ma was startled for a moment, thinking that Brother Erguotou was probably waiting for him outside now.

But he definitely won't. He's not the kind to cause trouble easily. At most, he just waits for himself to give him a signal seriously.

"Forget it, don't ask, just kill him!"

Senior Longjing shook his head and didn't care anymore. He turned to Hu Ma and said, "Bring Zi Tai Sui first and then talk about anything else."

"I'm quite busy too. I'll tell you about Zi Tai Sui as soon as possible. It means I've left something for you."



Seeing him with his hands behind his back, as if he was not involved, Hu Ma glanced in the direction of the cauldron, feeling the momentum coming towards his face, and looked at the people surrounding the cauldron one by one. Next to him, a shadow that looked shivering but full of energy whispered: "Senior, these people guarding the cauldron seem to be very capable!"


Senior Longjing said: "You have low abilities, and I just killed you."

"Those who can be sent here to watch over Zi Tai Sui must at least have a solid foundation and have the opportunity to get on the bridge. Moreover, these people look miserable and are locked here to guard Zi Tai Sui, but this has also become their There are not many people outside the ten surnames who can come into contact with Zi Tai Sui. The abilities of each of these people should not be weaker than those of the people on the bridge. "


As he spoke, he glanced at Hu Ma and said, "Don't say you can't even deal with someone who got on the bridge."

"Otherwise, how dare you come in and kill me?"



One sentence made Hu Ma feel embarrassed: "This is really a coincidence..."

"Just feel free to take action."

Senior Longjing didn't bother to ask any more questions, but he couldn't hide the slight disappointment in his eyes: "Although you just entered the mansion..."

"But I think it should be enough for you to clean up these pots, right?"


Listening to his somewhat uncertain tone and his clearly suspicious but deliberately concealed contempt, Hu Ma was helpless for a while: It's really unpleasant...

Not as good as Dahongpao...

Dahongpao directly expressed his dissatisfaction with this generation of reincarnations...

"Senior, don't worry!"

Although there are many embarrassing things to talk about, since I agreed, I always have to help.

Hu Ma took a deep breath and walked forward, thinking secretly in her heart.

The two major killing moves he had prepared, the reincarnated person's red talisman and the evil-suppressing golden mace, were no longer usable. Now the only thing that could be used was his own ability. However, although he did not get on the bridge, he still pushed away the three enemies. Those who open the door of the mansion, and even though these guys are all possessed of immortal energy and seem to be very capable, it’s not like I haven’t killed anyone who has been infected with immortal energy!

I want to fight for my breath right now and let Senior Longjing see what this generation of reincarnations are capable of!

Thinking in her heart, Hu Ma was already secretly cheering up, but then she suddenly reacted:


Why do I feel like my homework is being checked by an adult? Obviously everyone is about the same age when it comes to previous lives!

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