Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 88: Survival three

The troll took the dagger with a smile, and then exited the cell. The gnome quickly ran over and locked the cell door with a chain. "Give them better food, and bring some clothes and blankets." The troll kicked the dwarf and said, "Give them more golden potions, it will be good for the cold."

Siegel didn't get the chance to leave here, but he had more. First he had clothes, shabby clothes stuffed with feathers and hay in linen; then a clay pot for the daily porridge; and he had a woven basket made of crooked twigs Well, gnomes always put brown bread in the basket and use it as a dinner plate. In addition, he can get a skin bag every day, which contains enough "Golden Potion" to drink two sips.

The Hunk Orcs have been preventing Siegel from drinking the golden potion, but he doesn't care about other things. Siegel prepared things for himself, hiding some useful materials in the sleeping corner. One day, Siegel lied that the soup was too bland and that there must be a lot of salt, but the next day he said that it was too much and the cook must be an idiot. The dwarf casually agreed, but Siegel grabbed the conversation: "Tomorrow, you can bring me some salt, and I will add it to the porridge myself. Otherwise..."

Siegel didn't say much, he left a lot of room for the dwarf's imagination. The next day he had a small packet of kosher salt. So he broke off the dry branches from the basket, sprinkled the salt on it, and chanted the mantra as he rubbed it. The branches quickly dehydrated and turned to gray-black carbon.

'With charcoal, I can use most fire spells. ' Siegel made a small cloth bag out of torn clothes and tied the mouth with loose thread, and the charcoal was stored in it. He made three of these little bags, one to hide on his body, one in his sleeping area, and one in a snowdrift by the window. Snow is a natural desiccant that keeps water from seeping into the bag as long as it doesn't start to melt.

Ice is the easiest thing to get. Siegel has a clay pot, snow outside the window and enough low temperature, so he has a few pieces of crushed ice. It wasn't the time to turn crushed ice into ice skates, and a lot of work had to be done behind the backs of the Orcs. Those green eyes are always glowing and rarely have time to rest.

Siegel managed to get some fat, which allowed him to store it. He crumpled some flax threads and fluffed them up like loose cotton. The acquisition of nitrate is relatively time-consuming, and it is necessary to urinate on the wall every day, and scrape off the powdery crystals after drying. Whenever Siegel did this, the orcs would hide in the corner as if seeing a ghost and kept saying, "Hunk, Hunk." Siegel couldn't explain it either. Do orcs popularize alchemy knowledge? Even in the Mages Association, few people study this subject, and most people will mainly focus on the practice of spells, so the borrowing cost of alchemy books is very low, which is suitable for Siegel. Do-it-yourself spellcasting materials can also be fun, but because of the lack of purity, you must be extra careful when casting spells. However, with the meditation method, it is possible to exercise both brain and hands-on abilities at the same time.

Siegel patiently prepared. He also found dead spiders, beetle shells, and broken bones from food in the cell, all of which he carefully collected. The troll had come down once during this time, letting Siegel reach out to see his injuries. With the help of the healing potion, the wrist has begun to recover, and new flesh has gradually grown out. Thinking it was the effect of the golden potion, the troll nodded in satisfaction and left.

Siegel guessed that when his injuries healed, he might be taken out of this cell. Although the things he prepared can be hidden in the key space, but the new environment is not suitable for escape. He decided to try it at night - all the materials were hidden with him.

The dwarf carried the porridge bucket, and there was a fat clay pot—it was goat milk, and Siegel would be given some every three days. Siegel took his own jar, walked over to pick up the goat milk, and "accidentally" broke the jar.

"It's all my fault." Siegel said, "Why don't you pass me the jar in your hand."

The jar for the goat's milk was thicker than the gap between the rails, and the dwarf tried to plug it several times but failed. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch his waist, and then suddenly retracted his hand. "I'll go get you a new jar, just wait a minute."

Very good, the dwarf carried the key to the cell with him, determined this, and began to act.

He nodded, and his fingers felt a rub of sand from the cracks in the stones on the ground. He chanted the incantation softly and saw the dwarf wobbly. Sleepiness struck, then irresistibly conquered the gnomes. The goat's milk was spilled on the ground, and the dwarf fell into a deep sleep.

Siegel smiled, he found the beetle's shell, kissed it on the lips, and then chanted the summoning spell. A frost horned worm appeared out of nowhere outside the prison door, and rolled the gnome's body to the railing. Siegel stretched out his hand and rummaged through the pocket the dwarf had just reached out to touch. Sure enough, there was the key to the prison door.

"Want to go out?" Siegel looked at the orc.

"Humph!" The orc stood up and stood honestly behind Siegel.

After dispelling the summoned beetle, Siegel turned the key, and the cell door was quickly opened. He fumbled for the iron chains that bound the door of the cell, which could be a good weapon like a whip. Siegel naturally did not forget the shards of the earthen pot, some of which were relatively sharp and could temporarily serve as daggers. Two people stepped out of the cell, a small step, but a small step to freedom.

"Did you remember the way when you were brought in?" Siegel asked.

"Hunk!" The orc nodded and walked ahead consciously.

They went through a spiraling stone stairs first. Fortunately, there were simple oil lamps on the walls, making it very easy to walk. Siegel took another light, and he didn't have darkvision like an orc. With the faint light of the oil lamp, he found that the rocks on the ground were very old, and after being trampled on for a long time, they had become smooth and level. This requires a lot of constant grinding of the soles of the feet to form, but few people come down from the cell. From this, Siegel judged that the cell was only used for later renovation, and it was just an ordinary passage before.

At the end of the steps is a locked iron gate, thin and rusted, that looks like it can be easily removed. But Siegel stopped the orcs from doing so, so as not to alarm the guards. He took out the end of the twine and put it next to the keyhole, quietly reciting the incantation, the twine head was like a tentacle and got into the keyhole. turn. Only a soft click was heard, and the prison door opened.

The end of the thread burned quickly and turned to ashes.

This is the end of the thread that has been twisted with fingers, but it can only withstand one casting. Siegel missed the soft cotton so much now that it was easier and more precise to cast the spell, and it could be used over and over again. But now is not the time to be picky, and we don't know what kind of danger lies ahead.

Not far behind the gate is a hall, which is dimly lit and filled with smoke. The inferior oil lamps are no longer used here, but there are a row of torches on the left and right walls, and the torch stands are the dead bones of human hands. There must have been something like pine oil added to the torch, so the rock overhead was blackened. There are two passages not far away, one is higher and the other turns to the left. The strong smell of golden potion wafted from the curved corridor, mixed with the aroma of ale and roasted meat.

Humke pointed to the higher passage and asked Siegel to follow him closely. The two moved forward quietly, taking their steps lightly. Thirty-six blocks of steep and hurried steps, Siegel heard a soft snoring sound ahead, and looked around. A haggard, wrinkled old man was taking a nap. He had a long white beard, held a short wooden spear in his arms, and his ragged old clothes were stained with oil. He napped in a very bad position and happened to block the passage. Humke motioned to strangle him, but Siegel waved his hand. He was worried that if the kill could not be completed in an instant, maybe the voice of this person's struggle would be heard. As a sentry here, there may be a hidden alarm device.

Siegel took out the dead spider in the palm of his hand, and then gently rubbed the spider's body with his other hand, chanting a spell in a low voice. The corpse was magically turned into a green ointment, only a tiny pile. Siegel smeared on his own hands, then on Hunk's palm.

The ointment has a warm feeling and is very rough. This is a spider walk that mimics the spider's ability to move on a wall, but a weakened version for lack of materials. It can only provide the climbing ability of two people and four hands, and the duration is also much shorter. Siegel demonstrated the magical technique of sucking away from the ceiling with his hands, and Hunk was skeptical and followed suit. The two stepped over the sleeping old man and continued to move up.

Step by step, it seems that the steps will never end, where is this place, is it in hell? Siegel couldn't help but wonder I was locked deep underground, but what about the snow drifting in from the window? There are still sunshine during the day and stars at night. Are those all illusions? Siegel had experienced the torment of the illusion, and there seemed to be a similar feeling here. He looked at Hunk's back and followed silently while counting the number of steps. 100, he promised himself that if he went to another 100 and still climbed, then this is a fake and a trap.

When he counted to sixty-two, the steps finally came to an end. A door inlaid with iron stone blocked the way. Humke put his ear to the door, listened carefully for a while, then twisted the doorbolt with force, dismantled the entire stone door, and the two carefully lowered the door.

A gust of hot air came from the other side, mixed with a huge smell of sulfur. Humke passed through the gate first, with his back firmly against the wall, moving sideways. Siegel took the last few steps, finally realizing where they were.

This is the inner wall of a volcano. If you look up, you can see the circular crater. Starlight shines through the rising smoke. A spiral channel runs from top to bottom, all the way into the lava layer at the bottom of the crater. The passage can allow one person to walk, but the environment here gives people an inexplicable sense of oppression. In order to find a sense of security, everyone unconsciously thinks of biscuits in the oven, with their backs against the wall. Siegel looked down at the lava and saw dozens of flame lizards feeding on it. Their food is the newly born fire elemental, and the lava here provides the necessary environment for the birth of elemental creatures to condense, and also attracts flame predators. There is also an exit at the bottom of the spiral passage, larger and darker, that may be the entrance of the salamander. Siegel looked up. Going out of the crater was the only option for now.

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