Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 65: City Wall Mountains III

The cook was so frightened that she hurriedly lay down behind the table and slowly moved towards the back door.

"I knew you would do something stupid, commoner. Pull out a weapon from the defender, and he is a spy."

"Justice is within the protection of weapons." Siegel took a step back, let the tables on either side cover his sides, and then the wand slipped out of his left sleeve and rested in his grasp. "Power is within the reach of magic," he said.

"Come on! Come on! You two fools!" shouted the knight of knuckles.

Everything happened at the same time. The public face attendant picked up the wine glass on the table and threw it over, while Siegel turned his head to avoid it. The drink was spilled on the wall, and the glass fell to pieces. The fat knight rushed over from the other side and hit the table without slowing down, making the space occupied by Siegel rapidly reduced. The pimple knight flicked his arm, and a vague silver shadow shot towards Siegel's thigh. The tip of the wand glowed, and a small bolt of lightning struck the silver light, deflecting it to the ground. It was a dagger, which was supposed to immobilize Siegel, but was stuck on the floor, trembling slightly.

"Three is too few, I need a whole dozen." Siegel smiled and seemed to have returned to the top of Mora, facing the charge of a large group of dwarf children. Such a scene seemed familiar. The knuckle knight turned over the chair, holding a long sword in both hands; the public-faced attendant was about to go around the table and surrounded him from behind, and he also took out a dagger; the fat grand attendant overturned the table with force, using it as a rushing cart, pushing it Squeeze towards Siegel. But when the melody of the elf machete begins to play, none of that is a problem.

Siegel jumped to the side of the attendant with the public face, hooked up the chair with his feet, and kicked the Knotty Knight, forcing him to split with his long sword. A strong light shot out, just dazzling the eyes of the public face. Although Siegel has yet to master the blinding spell, the dazzling effect is easy to create. Not everyone has learned to keep their composure without being able to see, let alone defending and attacking. The dagger was thrown at random, without a single head, and the squire's long sword was swung indiscriminately. Siegel wiped the blade with his machete and swept it down, but was blocked by the hilt's guard, so frightened that the sword holder hurriedly retreated.

Janet hid in the corner and threw the stool into the battlefield, hitting the fat squire. However, her strength was not enough, and she just made the guy yell angrily. When he tried to run up to catch Janet, the knight of the lump would reprimand him: "Damn it, focus!"

The long sword pierced towards Siegel, was blocked by the machete, made a crisp sound, and then the light from the tip of the wand. Thanks to this dark room, the brilliance created by magic is particularly bright and dazzling. Siegel squinted his eyes in preparation, but his opponent could only endure the dazzling glare. Immediately they raise their hands to protect their eyes, and then show an unsuspecting space.

Siegel slashed the attendant's arm with a machete, a wound from the man's shoulder to the elbow, blood quickly stained the tattered sleeve, and the long sword fell to the ground. Seeing that he had temporarily lost his threat, Siegel got under the arm of the fat servant and killed the last man. Seeing that the situation was not going well, the knight of the pimple quickly stepped back. He passed the stove in the middle of the room, grabbed the mushroom soup pot and poured it over. Siegel hurriedly dodged, but was still doused, mushrooms and chunks of meat dripped from his body, and he was embarrassed. The knuckle knight chased after him, picked up the firewood and threw it over. Siegel swung his machete to split the firewood, and the sparks were splashed all over the place. He kept walking and moved forward in an orderly manner.

"Hurry up and stop him!" The Knoll Knight shouted loudly. The fat grand attendant swooped over, his eyes full of fierce and crazy eyes. Siegel hesitated, and the machete deflected from the squire's neck, leaving only a rolled and bleeding wound on his chest. The fat grand attendant didn't appreciate Siegel's mercy at all, he stretched out his arms and hugged Siegel at once.

Being squeezed, the blood flowed faster from the wounds everywhere, but the fat servant didn't care at all, there was only the thought of perishing together in his mind. The other grabbed the dagger with his thumb and stabbed it in the direction of Siegel's eye socket. Siegel was annoyed at himself, but he would show mercy to the enemy, and was thinking of kindness that would not hurt his life? This is already a life-and-death struggle, and it is no longer a friendly discussion with the giant Kerry. Instead of retaining his strength, he slammed the grappler's knee with his heel, and the steel heel smashed the bones into pieces. No matter how brave the fat servant was, he could only fall down howling. Taking advantage of his arm loosening, Siegel's machete pushed outwards, bent down and escaped from his embrace. The stabbed dagger tried to keep up with Siegel's movement, but could only pierce the thick arm of the blood-stained squire.

The wand was sharp and hard, and penetrated the head of the public-faced attendant from bottom to top, making a new hole in his chin, and bubbling blood mixed with saliva dripping down. Janet stabbed the fat man in the back of the head with a dragon tooth dagger from behind, giving him a fatal blow. With the sound of the two corpses falling to the ground, the Knotty Knight ran away, and the door of the inn followed his heels and slammed shut.

"Come on! He'll attract the patrol." Siegel shouted, jumped from the ground, and followed him out of the hotel. Just as he stepped out of the door, a silver light pierced his abdomen. The pimple knight hid at the door, holding his breath, just waiting for someone to come out. At that moment, the bright sunlight outside will affect people who have just come out of the dark room, making it difficult for them to see their surroundings immediately.

The longsword stabbed in against the lower edge of the breastplate, toward Siegel's kidneys and intestines—that would cause the most painful and slow death. Siegel was unprepared, and it wasn't until the feeling of a crash on the dwarf's gold belt that he knew that a sharp weapon had just nearly taken his life.

The long sword slid away, and Siegel felt a sharp pain in his waist, but he also understood that it was just a bruise caused by the impact and would not be fatal. The machete slashed in a horizontal arc in the air, slitting the Knotted Knight's throat; then another slash, slashing his sword-carrying arm vertically, ending the battle for good. Siegel waited for his opponent to fall, still having lingering fears, leaning on the wall with his hands and gasping for breath. Then he looked at his waist and abdomen: a bruised bruise on the side of the body was slowly swelling up, and there was a large gap on the gold belt. Although it had not been scrapped, it would definitely affect the efficacy of this magic item.

Anyway, life was saved.

"Idiot!" He cursed himself, reminding himself to remember this lesson: "It can't be like this again," he said.

At this time, he heard a whining sound from the stable. It seemed that someone was talking but he couldn't hear it clearly. Siegel was on guard and walked cautiously in that direction. Turning around the corner, he saw a man trapped in his hands and feet, with a cloth ball in his mouth, looking at himself with surprise.

Siegel and the man were stunned for a moment. They realized that they knew each other. The guy who was bound was Jeff Gold Coin, the blacksmith's entourage that Sir Bill had recruited in the hub.

"Why are you in this place? Where is the sergeant?" Siegel took out his dagger, cut the rope, and took out the ball of cloth in his mouth.

"Thank goodness, Siegel, it was God who sent you to me." Jeff rubbed his cheeks, which were all bruised by fists. In addition to this, he also lost a few teeth, one eye was so swollen that he couldn't open it, his clothes were tattered, and the exposed skin was full of whip marks. However, Jeff's spirit is still good, and his strong physique that he has trained in ironing still supports him.

"Jazz is all right, he's fine," Jeff said. "I mean he's safe, but not too good. I'm out there for him, but I swear I won't give any information. You Siegel, I can only say a little bit."

"I haven't heard from Sir for a long time, where is he now?" Siegel hurriedly asked.

"It's only a five-day journey from here, with many people, you don't have to worry about safety." Jeff stood up and squeezed a smile: "Little Master, can you get me some wine first, and then let me eat something?"

Siegel supported Jeff's shoulders, led him across the corpse on the ground, and walked back to the hotel. Janet was tugging at the cook's hair and holding the dagger down her throat. The old woman kept shouting: "Forgive your life, spare your life!"

Seeing Siegel come in, Janet hurriedly said, "I found out that he wanted to escape through the back door to report."

Jeff looked at Janet, then asked Siegel, "Who is this, the maid you bought?"

"It's much closer than that," Siegel replied. Then he introduced Janet: "This is Jeff, Sir Bill's blacksmith entourage I mentioned to you, my own."

"Little girl, let me solve this matter." Jeff said with a smile, "it's useless for you to kill her, it's just a dead old lady, let me tell her."

Janet retracted the dagger and loosened the cook's hair. Jeff spread his hands in front of Siegel and took the latter's wallet. He set up an overturned table, sat beside him, took out a gold coin and kept tapping on the table, then said, "It's not the first time I've come here, Saffron, it's not the first time. But who told the secret this time?"

"It's not me, it's not us, my lord." The old woman said quickly: "The people in the village are very poor, but they are not informers. We also hope that you can bring more trade to support our group of orphans and widows. We will never betray you."

"Then why do people under Slint follow me and know which house in the village I'm hiding in?"

"My lord, after these people came in and ordered food, I prepared mushroom soup and black bread according to their wishes. I don't know what they found, but they went out when I served the onions. UU Reading www. After a while these two adults came and started fighting. Please, I really didn't say anything. Now that Viscount Slynt's men are dead here, you and I are already in the same boat The mother of the earth is the proof, what I tell you is the truth."

"The truth can't save your life, only lies can." Jeff put the gold coin on the table and let her take a good look: "What about the three people?"

"They... they were all robbers..." Before Saffron could finish speaking, Jeff slid the gold coin from the table, away from the old woman's direction. So the cook immediately changed her words: "What three people? Oh, three knights did come down from the mountain today, but they didn't stay in the town for too long, took my bread and meat sticks, and rode to the grasslands."

Jeff pushed the gold coin over, and said, "Very good, take it. Find someone to bury the body and deal with the horse, so that no one can see it."

"What? I understand, no one can see anything!" The old man bit the gold coin with his teeth, smiled happily, and hurriedly put away the gold coin.

"Don't forget that the food I asked you to prepare, from the prairie people, was paid with real money and silver." Jeff reminded: "Don't let me find out that it is short or shoddy. The villages at the foot of the mountain that are willing to engage in smuggling are not the only ones here."

"Yes, my lord, everything will be ready," Saffron said. She turned around, pushed open the back door, and shouted into the village: "Are there any people who can breathe? Come and help deal with the robbers, and the three horses of the robbers. Make no mistake! There are two adults who are brave and brave. Yes. Come and do your work, and go home with some food!"

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