Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 374: joint meeting four

The mages of the Federation looked at each other in dismay, and could hardly believe what they heard. They imagined various scenarios, and even prepared to prevent Siegel from destroying everyone with powerful elemental energy. Many mages even changed their spell protection system to deal with imaginary dangerous events, but no one thought it would be like this.

They couldn't help but wonder if what Siegel was saying was true. Does he have such ability, does he have such determination, is he deceiving everyone?

Simonton stood up, laughed twice, patted his belly and said, "Okay! Siegel, I decided to stay and change the world with you. You know, I've always wanted to see a thousand A mage releases fireballs at the same time, hahahaha, that must be spectacular!"

After he finished speaking, he sat back, looked around, and tried to raise Erlang's legs with a smug expression. He underestimated the power of fat, and the creaking of the seat under his **** warned him. The evocator lowered his legs, snapped his fingers, and released a mage armor on the chair.

The little conjurer Weywood smiled and said to Siegel: "Young man, your magical abilities and drawings are very interesting, but I would like to see the real thing. After all, you made the Myr core. , of course you can be an armchair. What do we do? Always be practical."

"As you wish." Siegel opened the space bag and took out a straight wand.

"I bought my first wand from the lamp **** at the Tower of Powerfare for an adventure north to the Walled Mountains. You all must remember that nagging salesman who took two thousand one hundred from me. Gold coins." Siegel threw the wand in front of Verwood and said to him, "This is the apprentice wand I made, please identify its function."

The conjurer picked up his wand with interest, used identification on it, and frowned. He glanced around and used the identification technique again, but his brows furrowed even deeper. "It's not a magic item," he said. "Nothing happens with the identification technique."

Next to him, a sharp-eyed mage said, "Did you make a mistake, this thing clearly has magical aura."

Verwood glared at the man. "Of course I know he has a magical aura. I'm not blind." He pointed to his wand and asked Siegel, "Can you explain."

"It's a wand, no doubt, Mr. Verwood, and you can cast spells with it."

The conjurer was skeptical, but he did what he said and released the spell. Although not as easy as your own wand. But it is indeed a qualified wand.

"In addition to this, it can use light, reading magic, and transcription indefinitely every day." Siegel said: "These three spells can be said to be the three most commonly used spells by apprentices. Especially reading magic Spells are the foundation of all wizards, the foundation of the foundation."

Verwood tried it a few times at once, and it was exactly as Siegel said. He was acutely aware of the key. Quickly asked: "How much does this thing cost?"

"At present, I have achieved ninety-two gold coins."

The scene was chaotic, and countless hands reached out to Verwood and asked for the wand. The little conjurer snorted coldly, and raised a circle of flame shields around his body. Sure enough, except for one fat hand, the other hands shrank back.

"If this kind of wand is made in batches, I estimate the cost can be reduced to about fifty gold coins." Siegel did not say his own assembly line. If you take into account the current capacity of the pipeline, it is also possible to reduce it by half. "This wand has its limitations, it can only take effect within the range of Myr's energy core. But everyone also understands that after having the wand, the cost of practicing spells for the mage is greatly reduced, and the benefits for training the mage are self-evident. ."

"Time is limited. I only made this wand. With everyone's ingenuity, I believe that countless new inventions will be created soon. There are many people throwing fireballs, but the only ones who can change the world with their creations are mages. "

"I like your idea," Verwood shoved his wand into Simonton's fat hand, and said to Siegel, "Count me in."

Necromancer Shelley touched the emerald necklace on his chest, and asked in a high-pitched voice, "Siegel, what should I do if there is no Myr core?"

"It's no different from now."

"Your Myr core is very useful, can you build one for me?" Shelley asked.

"Okay, Chenghui 900,000 gold coins," Siegel said.

"You!" Shelley snorted: "The energy core is in your hands, I'm not at ease. Whether the mages cultivated in this way are from the Federation or from Heim. It's really hard to say."

"When there are more mages, I will have a good business to manufacture Myr energy cores." Siegel said: "Don't think it is too expensive. I need enough funds to continue to improve the effect of the energy cores, and gradually change the current internal The current state of technology and chaos. I'd like to see more mages appear. Never thought of going bankrupt."

The necromancer Shelley rolled his eyes and looked at the half-elf Edith. "Old man, what do you think?"

Edith raised his wrinkled eyelids, glanced at her lightly, and said, "I don't have any opinion, isn't this the world of young people? I'm just thinking about the views of the Mage Association. I don't know. Those people heard what happened today. What price will they pay to win over Siegel. Myr can nuclear, smack, association can nuclear?"

Shelley choked suddenly. Now Siegel has no shortage of potential collaborators, and the Mages Association has much more to offer than the Federation's refugees. Couldn't he execute the plan himself, even without a collaborator? Siegel is not only a mage, he is also a lord, he controls nearly 20,000 square kilometers of land and a population of hundreds of thousands. Even if one percent of the mages are born, there will be thousands of mages. Everyone estimated the cost of this thing in their hearts - although it is high, it is not impossible.

The Mages Association offered prices to many people, but they didn't know what they offered Siegel. If you count the Myr energy core, I am afraid it will be no problem to give him the vice president or honorary president of the Sigal Mage Association, and then give him unlimited resource mobilization rights.

Shelley also had ambitions of his own. The Myr energy core "can only" supply the four elements now, but if one day it can output negative energy... No, the element army is much more useful than the undead army, and the energy core should not be used in this way. Positive energy, let it output positive energy!

Now that the power of the four elements is in our hands, will positive and negative energies be far behind? Maybe positive energy can't bring eternal life, but it can solve many problems. Shelley thought of this and agreed in her heart. She said to Siegel: "In order not to let the Mages Association get a foot in it, I'm willing to help."

This is a good thing, all the mages have formed a consensus. But it takes a lot of hard work to prevent good things from turning into bad things.

Now that the federation has no military divisions, the "Big Three" system cannot be implemented. Although everyone believed that Master William was still alive, he was trapped on the top of Mora and could not be counted on for the time being. The mages all agreed to unite everyone with a relatively tight set of rules to change the status quo of fighting each other. At the suggestion of the prophet Jara, everyone brainstormed and began to revise the original association's constitution.

"Every intelligent creature has the right to pursue magic and the right to be free from persecution by spellcasters, and the Federation will make unremitting efforts to this end."

In order to prevent the Federation from becoming a law enforcement agency such as a court, the new system requires the establishment of a Security Council, with the chiefs of the seven factions as fixed members, and the second seats of no less than eight members are selected by voting and by lottery. Only with the consent of this Security Council can the Federation send mages to carry out the task of arresting, imprisoning, trying and executing other spellcasters.

In order to respect the authority of the military division, the military division of the Security Council has a one-vote veto. But each time there are no more than five teachers with veto power, should be selected by lottery. Siegel fought for the right to have a permanent veto on all matters involving the Myr Nuclear.

Then he sat down quietly, watching the heated discussions among the others.

Edith sat next to him, looked him up and down again, and then said, "The meeting went well, and the Federation can take root in Helm this time."

"There is still a lot of work to do, but today is just the simplest." Siegel replied with a smile: "The whole plan is very complicated, and I really need manpower. Isn't it a good thing to have more spellcasters? "

Edith shook his head first, then nodded again, and finally began to shake his head again. "Young people, things are not that simple. Now all the lords who hold the power are lords without magic, and they are assisted by the advisors of the academy. The pressure brought by the increase of mages is not just as simple as money."

"It's never been easy, but now is the best time ever," Siegel said. "If I don't do it now, I'm afraid I'll never have a chance like this again."

Edith agrees with this statement. He then said: "This is the end of the matter, I wish you success. If you need my help, you are welcome. In the end, I am also a mage."

He stretched out his hand and held it with Siegel, then leaned in and whispered, "If the Mages Association wants to ask you to make a Myr energy that possible?"

The light of the immortal flame flickered in Siegel's eyes, and he exerted a little force on his hand, which belonged to the swordsman and the knight lord, and became stronger and stronger because of the recovery of physical training.

"Considering the travel expenses to and fro, two million gold coins. But it's better to pay with magic items such as scrolls or various alchemy materials. If the Mages Association no longer has any hands on the Federation, then one million gold coins will do."

Edith smiled, the wrinkles on his face were denser than ever before, he actually endured the pain and did not withdraw his hand. He shook his hand firmly, then patted it, turned and walked away with a smile.

Wendy leaned over, tilted her head beside Siegel, pouted and asked, "He seems to have been helping, has the association become kind?"

"How do I know?" The master replied: "It takes a lot of energy to guess and guess, it is better to become a master first."

"I will help you keep an eye on him." Wendy clenched her fists: "I will protect the new federation and your ideals."

Siegel let out a long breath, not knowing how to answer. (To be continued.)

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