When Su Chen heard the voice, he also turned around and looked behind him. It seemed that he only realized Mingyue's arrival now, and he smiled.

Mingyue said softly: "It's quite a coincidence, what is Mr. Su doing?"

"This big brother, like Sister Mingyue, is treating us and not charging us." Before Su Chen could answer, one of the (.) children said loudly for him.

Su Chen smiled and said: "When I was wandering around in the city, I saw that the conditions of the people in this area seemed to be very poor, and there were many injured and sick people. Because of their family conditions, they could not be treated in time, so they rescued them casually." A few patients. I didn't expect that Miss Mingyue has such a great reputation here."

Mingyue said: "My family lives in Wushuang City, and I usually come here often, so everyone knows me. I never thought that Mr. Su would have such superb medical skills."

Su Chen said: "Walking in the rivers and lakes will inevitably lead to injuries. Sometimes it is inconvenient to find someone to seek medical treatment, so I also learned some medical skills myself."

Next, Su Chen and Mingyue treated some ordinary people in Wushuang City for their injuries and exchanged medical skills at the same time.

After a few days, Mingyue felt that being with Su Chen made her feel particularly comfortable, and the understanding between the two became more and more tacit.

Su Chen's imprint on her heart is getting deeper and deeper.

On this day, after Su Chen and Mingyue had treated the people, Su Chen offered to send Mingyue home, but Mingyue did not refuse.

So, the two headed towards the Ming family together.

When the two arrived at the door of Ming's house, they saw boxes full of betrothal gifts in Ming's courtyard, with big red happy characters pasted on them, which looked particularly eye-catching.

Seeing this scene, Mingyue's face suddenly turned a little pale.

Su Chen asked aloud: "Miss Mingyue, what's the situation? Also, are you feeling unwell?"

"Mingyue, you are back!"

At this moment, a joyful voice came from the courtyard of the Ming family.

When the voice fell, a handsome young man who looked to be in his early twenties walked out quickly.

But this person is the young lord of Wushuang City, Dugu Ming, the son of Dugu Fang!

Dugu Ming was originally full of joy, but when he saw Su Chen beside Mingyue, the smile on his face suddenly subsided, and he said coldly: "Who are you? Why are you with Mingyue?".

Chapter 280 Abandoned Duguming, an unreasonable mirror! 【Seek full order】

Su Chen took a look at Du Guming, and said lightly: "Who are you? The matter between me and Mingyue has nothing to do with you?"

Dugu Ming was immediately furious when he heard the words, "Bastard, I am the young master of Wushuang City, and Mingyue is my fiancée. You dare to pester Mingyue, you really want to die!"

Mingyue heard Duguming's words, and hurriedly said: "Young City Master, Mr. Su and I are just friends, don't think too much about it."

Mingyue didn't know how strong Su Chen was. She hurriedly explained, mainly because she was worried that Su Chen would be hurt by Dugu's father~son.

However, it's fine if Mingyue doesn't explain, but her explanation seems even more suspicious to Duguming!

Moreover, Duguming could tell Mingyue's thoughts at a glance, "Well, Mingyue, I have a deep love for you, and now I have asked my father to propose marriage to your grandma, but you actually brought a wild man back, and you still want to marry me?" Trying to excuse him, it's just a friend, you will be so nervous about him? Are you a fool when you think of me as my young master?"

When Su Chen heard Duguming's words, he couldn't help muttering to himself, you are really a fool!

At this time, Dugu Fang and Ming Jing inside also heard the movement outside, and they also walked out from the inner courtyard.

"Mingyue, why don't you salute the city lord?" After Ming Jing came out, he yelled at Mingyue.

Her stern appearance is on the one hand to show Dugu and his son, and on the other hand, it is also to give Mingyue a step down.

When Mingyue heard her grandma's words, she immediately saluted Dugu Fang and said respectfully, "Mingyue pays homage to the city lord."

Dugu waved his hand and said: "Don't be too polite, your grandma and I heard you and Ming'er quarreling inside, what's going on? You two will be a family soon, you treat this old man like your father, If there is anything wrong with Ming'er, you can tell the old man, and the old man will help you decide."

Before Mingyue could speak, Duguming said loudly: "Father, what's wrong with me? Today is the day when I came to propose marriage to Mingyue, but Mingyue brought a wild man back, it's too much! If I go out, where will I put my face?"

While speaking, Duguming looked at Su Chen beside Mingyue with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Mingyue, you are too ignorant for Dugu City Lord to propose marriage in person." Ming Jing heard this, his face was gloomy, he stared at Mingyue, and yelled loudly.

"You will soon be a member of the Dugu family, how can you associate with other men? It's a shame to my Ming family!"

Mingyue's eyes were flushed, and she said aggrievedly: "Grandma, you didn't even tell me about the marriage proposal, how would I know?"

Ming Jing said in a deep voice: "Since ancient times, marriage matters have been ordered by parents and the matchmaker's words. Now that your parents are gone, it is naturally my grandma who decides for you. How can you speak?"

Mingyue argued: "But, you don't even know to call me, it's too much, isn't it?"

Dugu Fang said in a deep voice at this time: "Senior Ming, what do you mean by this marriage? Are you going to break the oath of your ancestors in the Ming family?"

Ming Jing said: "Of course the marriage will be held as usual. Mingyue married, and Wushuang Yinjian is the dowry. My Ming family will never break the oath of our ancestors!"

After replying to Dugu Fang, Ming Jing looked at Su Chen again, and said in a deep voice: "Boy, I don't care who you are, our Ming family doesn't welcome you, so get out of here immediately. If you are still pestering Mingyue, I will be the first to spare you!"

Su Chen heard the words and said lightly: "Where I want to go, it's not up to others to decide? What I want to do, others are resting and interfering! The more you don't let me get close to Mingyue, the more I want to get close to Mingyue."

After finishing speaking, Su Chen stretched out his hand and took Mingyue into his arms.

Seeing this, the expressions of several people in the field changed drastically. Even Mingyue was stunned and didn't react at all.

"Bastard, you are looking for death! Let go of Mingyue!"

Seeing this, Dugu Ming yelled angrily, and at the same time drew his sword out of its sheath, and stabbed at Su Chen!

Su Chen said quietly: "Obviously, Mingyue doesn't want to marry you at all, so don't even think about eating swan meat, you toad."

When the voice fell, Su Chen waved his hand casually, and several sword auras came out.

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The sword energy streaked across Dugu Ming's arm, instantly cutting off the meridians of his hands.


Duguming immediately let out a shrill scream, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, his eyes showed endless hatred!

"Bold! How dare you hurt me, Ming'er, in front of this old man!"

Seeing this, Dugu yelled angrily, and stood in front of Dugu Ming in a flash. He quickly healed Dugu Ming's injuries, and looked at Su Chen with killing intent!

Ming Jing also yelled loudly at this time: "Mingyue, if you don't come here, are you trying to piss me off?"

Caught off guard, Mingyue was embraced by Su Chen, but she felt an unspeakable sense of security and an urge not to leave.

Seeing Duguming being hurt by Su Chen, she was a little happy instead.

But at this moment, after hearing Ming Jing's words, Ming Yue couldn't help but fell into entanglement again.

The main reason is that Mingyue has lived with Mingjing since she was a child, and has been instilled with too many thoughts by Mingjing. When facing Mingjing, she has a feeling that she cannot refuse.

Su Chen said with a smile: "Senior Ming, Dugu Ming is already a useless person, don't you have the heart to let Mingyue marry a useless person?"

Ming Jing heard the words and said angrily: "It's all your fault! If you hadn't made trouble, the marriage between the Young City Lord and Mingyue would have been perfect. Even if the Young City Lord became useless, Mingyue would have to marry the Young City Lord. Don't even think about it." Abduct my granddaughter!"

"Father, help me kill him and avenge me!"

Dugu Ming was already full of hatred for Su Chen, but when he heard Su Chen's words, he became even more furious, and yelled directly at Dugu Fang.

"Okay, Ming'er, just wait, Daddy will avenge you now!"

When Dugu heard the words, he comforted Dugu Ming, then drew his sword out of its sheath, and directly killed Su Chen!

"Let me experience the brilliant moves of City Lord Wushuang!"

Seeing this, Su Chen chuckled, embraced the bright moon with one hand, and pulled out the Frost Sword from his waist with the other, facing Dugu's attack... the knife.

Chapter 281 Despicable means, excessive conditions! 【Seek full order】


The two swords struck each other, making a crisp sound.

At the same time, a terrifying counter-shock force came from the tip of the sword.


In the next instant, Dugu Fang was directly shaken by the counter-shock force and retreated four or five steps in succession before he stabilized his figure.

Sensing this scene, Dugu Fang's face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of solemnity when he looked at Su Chen.

"It seems that City Lord Dugu is nothing more than that." Su Chen shook his head slightly, looking very disappointed.

In fact, if Su Chen is willing, he can kill Dugu with one sword!

It's just that Dugu's side is still useful for the time being, so Su Chen didn't kill directly.

"Who the hell are you?"

Dugu "April [-]" didn't come forward impulsively again, looked at Su Chen solemnly, and questioned in his mouth.

Su Chen said lightly: "If you can beat me, I will naturally tell you my identity, be careful! Take my trick, Fengshen Fu!"

When the sound fell, Su Chen waved the Lingshuang sword in his hand, and the Four Elephants of Heaven's Will was cast out instantly!


As Su Chen swung the long sword in his hand, there seemed to be a sudden roar in the sky!

In the shocked eyes of several people, they saw a illusory phantom of a god suddenly appeared in the void, and gradually merged into Su Chen's body!


In the next moment, a terrifying hurricane suddenly blew up on the spot, as if it was going to blow everyone away!

Dugu Ming and Ming Jing were directly staggered by the terrifying hurricane, and almost fell to the ground.

Even on Dugu's side, his figure kept shaking, and he directly mobilized the whole body's skills to barely stabilize his figure.

But at this moment, the hurricane contained a terrifying sword intent, and instantly shrouded Dugu's side!

Seeing this, Dugu's face changed greatly, and he quickly waved the long sword in his hand, trying to resist the terrifying sword intent!


However, even if Dugu tried his best, he still couldn't completely block the sword attack, but in a short while, dozens of bloody sword marks were left on his body!

Even his face was scratched twice, and his appearance was directly disfigured!


Under the pain and anger, Dugu Fang couldn't help but let out a loud cry.

Su Chen shook his head slightly at this time, "I have a total of four moves in this set of martial arts. It's really disappointing that City Lord Dugu couldn't even follow the weakest first move! If that's the case, let City Lord Dugu go on the road." !"

After finishing speaking, Su Chen waved his long sword and changed his movements at will. At the same time, the true energy in his body was circulating, and he directly displayed Vulcan's Wrath!

In the next moment, in the shocked eyes of Dugu Fang's father and son, Ming Jing and Ming Yue, behind Su Chen, a tall and mighty fiery red god phantom once again merged!

The phantom of the god seemed to be doing the same movement as Su Chen, waving a long flaming sword in his hand, and slashed fiercely towards Dugu's side!


When Dugu saw the terrifying power of that sword, he couldn't help feeling the fear of death. He let out a low drink, made a fuss and turned around quickly, thinking about the way to survive!

Suddenly, when Dugu saw Mingyue who was still being held by Su Chen, he suddenly had a plan in his mind. He dodged back suddenly and arrived at Ming Jing's side in an instant. He put the long sword directly on Ming Jing's neck, and at the same time Shout out to Su Chen!

"Stop! Or I will die with her!"

All this is a long story, but in fact it's just a matter of sucking.

Seeing Dugu Fang's actions, Su Chen not only didn't have any worries, but felt very satisfied in his heart, and it was not in vain for him to let Dugu Fang live so long.

The reason why Su Chen temporarily spared Dugu Fang's life was actually because of Mingyue's grandma Mingjing!

Mingyue saw Dugu Fang's long sword resting on her grandmother's neck, and quickly pleaded with Su Chen, "Master Su, please save my grandmother!"

Su Chen immediately withdrew the attack when he heard the words, then looked at Dugu Fang, and said angrily: "Dugu Fang, you are also a hero after all, I didn't expect to be so despicable, and even took Senior Ming as a hostage! Have you forgotten, Senior Ming has always stood by your side..."

Dugu Fang sneered and said: "The Ming family is the subordinate of my Wushuang City. For the safety of the owner of the city, even if the Ming family is completely extinct, it should be done! What's more, if it wasn't because Mingyue betrayed Wushuang City, how could I What will happen now?"

When Mingyue heard Dugu Fang's words, her face turned red with anger, but Ming Jing remained expressionless, as if she didn't hear Dugu Fang's words, or felt that what Dugu Fang said was right.

Su Chen said lightly: "You despicable villain, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, let Senior Ming go, I will let you father and son leave!"

When Dugu heard Su Chen's words, his eyes rolled around, and he said: "Who knows if you will backtrack? And, just this is not enough! Just in case, you stand still and don't move, let Mingyue Zhan Lower your arms, then I will put a mirror on!"

Speaking of this, Dugu turned to Mingyue again, and said with sorrow: "Mingyue, you should choose your grandma or your wild man, you have to think about it!"

When Su Chen heard Dugu Fang's words, his eyes could not help but be filled with murderous intent, and he suddenly glanced at Ming Jing.


The struggling expression on Ming Jing's face disappeared in a flash, and soon turned into a face full of anger, cursing at Dugu Fang: "Dugu Fang, I never thought that my Ming family is so insignificant in your heart!"

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