"What? One year!"

Shang Xiuxun's expression changed again when he heard the words.

At this time, Shang Xiuxun was in a state of confusion, thinking about what happened to her mother and hating Lu Miaozi for a while; then thinking about her mother telling her not to hate Lu Miaozi, but to get along well with Lu Miaozi.

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Moreover, Lu Miaozi is her only relative in the world now, if she dies like this, she really doesn't know how to deal with it.

"I wonder if Mr. Su has a cure?"

After a while, Shang Xiuxun asked Su Chen again.

Su Chen nodded and said: "Of course there are. If the owner of the mall wants to treat Senior Lu Miaozi, he can invite Senior Lu Miaozi to come."

When Shang Xiuxun heard the words, he immediately relaxed, but he was not too eager. He shook his head slightly and said, "Let's finish dealing with the Pegasus Ranch first, and we'll talk about the wound treatment later."

When Su Chen heard the words, he didn't try to persuade him.

Next, Shang Xiuxun will be Lian Ye and the senior management of Pegasus Ranch, who will carry out the finishing work after the war.

As for Su Chen and the others, they went back to the guest room to rest in peace.

Su Chen and his party stayed at the Pegasus Ranch for another three days before bidding farewell to Shang Xiuxun.


When Shang Xiuxun heard that Su Chen was going to leave, he couldn't help but feel tense, and hurriedly asked to stay: "Mr. Su and the three girls, why don't you play in the ranch for a while longer?"

Su Chen said: "Actually, when I came this time, I planned to buy some war horses from the mall owner. However, the mall owner seems to be too busy now, and I received the news that I have something to deal with temporarily, so I plan to temporarily Farewell, it won't be too late to discuss the purchase of war horses later."

Shang Xiuxun immediately said after hearing the words: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with the Pegasus Ranch at the moment. The matter of that night has been resolved, and the mole in the Pegasus Ranch has been eliminated. Speaking of which, I have to thank Mr. Su for that." yes."

After a pause, Shang Xiuxun said again: "If Mr. Su wants to buy a war horse, just tell him directly, Xiuxun will definitely give you as much discount as possible."

Su Chen smiled and said: "It doesn't matter what the discount is, but I need a huge number of war horses, I'm afraid the business owner will not agree."

Shang Xiuxun said: "Then how many war horses does Mr. Su need?"

"Eighty thousand!" Su Chen pondered for a moment, and casually reported a number.

The number reported by Su Chen is exactly the number of adult horses currently owned by Pegasus Ranch that can be directly used in war.

"Eighty thousand horses", Shang Xiuxun frowned slightly when he heard Su Chen's words.

If she sold all these horses to Su Chen at once, she would not be able to continue trading with other forces.

Su Chen smiled and said: "If the owner of the mall is in trouble, it's fine. I happen to have something to go to the Great Yuan Empire this time, and then I'll see if I can get a batch of war horses back from the Great Yuan Empire." Dao.

Chapter 221 Returning to Guangmingding, the theory of the four great secret realms! 【Subscribe】

Shang Xiuxun pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Su, please stay for a few days to help treat Lu Miaozi. I will directly satisfy Mr. Su regarding the matter of the war horse."

In fact, Shang Xiuxun also went to see Lu Miaozi alone in the past two days.

Although Lu Miaozi did not admit that his life was not long, Shang Xiuxun still got the answer from Lu Miaozi's words.

Shang Xiuxun was also worried that if Su Chen left directly and could not return within a year, then Lu Miaozi might have to wait to die.

Su Chen said: "Since that's the case, then it's a deal."

Shang Xiuxun said: "Master Su, put it down, although Xiuxun is a woman, she also knows the truth of promises, and she will never disappoint Master Su."

Su Chen nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Of course I trust Miss Shang. If so, let's go and treat Senior Lu Miaozi now."

"Master Su, please follow me!"

Shang Xiuxun agreed, and then stretched out his hand to indicate the direction to "three six three" Su Chen.

Seeing this, Su Chen didn't hesitate, and followed the direction Shang Xiuxun instructed.

Soon, under the leadership of Shang Xiuxun, a group of people arrived at Lu Miaozi's comfort zone.

Although Lu Miaozi was stubborn, she was very relieved to see Shang Xiuxun asking Su Chen to treat him.

After arriving at the comfort zone, Su Chen asked Shang Xiuxun and the others to go out on the pretext that he wanted to be treated alone.

After they went out, under Su Chen's treatment, Lu Miaozi's injury soon completely healed.

After treating Lu Miaozi, Su Chen thought about it, and directly used the Purdue Heart Sutra to convert Lu Miaozi.

After all, it is indeed difficult for a determined person like Lu Miaozi to use normal means to subdue him, and Su Chen is too lazy to waste time.

After curing Lu Miaozi, Shang Xiuxun agreed to Su Chen's conditions as agreed, and agreed to provide [-] war horses for Su Chen's rebel army at one time.

Naturally, Su Chen would not take over the matter himself, but chose to let the Pegasus Ranch send someone to the Jianghuai area to find Li Jing to take over the war horse.

Then, Su Chen used the Purdue Heart Sutra again to convert Shang Xiuxun, and asked Shang Xiuxun to announce to the senior management of Pegasus Ranch that Pegasus Ranch will take refuge in Su Chen from now on.

As for the reason, it was naturally the fact that Su Chen rescued Shang Xiuxun's father.

The senior management of Pegasus Ranch had already seen Su Chen's powerful strength, and Shang Xiuxun disclosed his relationship with Lu Miaozi, so the senior management of Pegasus Ranch also expressed their understanding.

Moreover, after they learned about the powerful forces under Su Chen's command, they were also very satisfied with this choice.

After dealing with the matter of the Pegasus Ranch, Su Chen did not stay any longer, and directly took Shi Feixuan, Shan Wanjing and Fu Junxie to the Great Yuan Empire.

However, on the way, Su Chen found Cao Yinglong who was released by him by the way, and directly subdued Cao Yinglong.

So far, all forces in Hubei have surrendered to Su Chen's subordinates, giving Su Chen more confidence in seizing the great Sui Empire.

In the following journey, there was no delay.

More than half a month later, the group returned to the Great Yuan Empire, the headquarters of Mingjiao, Guangmingding.

"Subordinates wait to see the leader!"

Seeing Su Chen's return, all the high-level members of Mingjiao hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, and at the same time saluted Su Chen respectfully.

Su Chen waved his hand with a smile and said, "Everyone is welcome!"

"Thank you, Sect Master!"

Everyone thanked them, then straightened up and stood in the lobby of Guangmingding.

Su Chen looked around, his thoughts moved slightly, and he took out six holy fire tokens from the system space, and said with a smile:

"Presumably you have also heard what Xie Xun and Dai Qisi said. When I went out to meet Xie Xun this time, I happened to be attacked by the Persian Ming Cult. The last wish of the former Yang leader has come to nothing."

"Master Kamui!"

When everyone heard the words, they all praised respectfully.

Su Chen smiled, and did not continue this topic, but said: "I said before that after Xie Xun's return, there will be some adjustments to the appointment of academic affairs. Now everyone except Elder Yin is here, so I will let you know Announced."

"Ask the Lord to show me!"

Hearing the words, Yang Xiao cupped his fists and saluted Su Chen, speaking respectfully.

Su Chen said: "In view of Hall Master Fan Yao's recent performance, this seat has decided to revoke his reprimand and be promoted to one of the three elders of our religion. As for the Hall Master of Law Enforcement, Xie Xun will be in charge."

"Thank you, the leader, and my subordinates obeyed!"

When Fan Yao and Xie Xun heard Su Chen's arrangement, they stepped forward to salute at the same time, clasped their fists together, and spoke respectfully.

Next, the high-ranking members of Mingjiao reported to Su Chen the development of Mingjiao in the recent period.

After Su Chen listened, he gave a few words of encouragement, and the atmosphere was very lively.

After talking about the major events of Mingjiao, Su Chen took out the broken Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber, and asked Wu Jincao of Ruijin Banner to recast them into three sabers as the weapons of the three elders.

In this regard, Wu Jincao naturally accepted the order without hesitation.

After talking about the Mingjiao matter, Su Chen wanted Yang Xiao and the others to bring up the Tianchi treasure.  …

Hearing Su Chen finished speaking, Yang Xiao suddenly said: "Master, I have heard from Master Yang that there are four major secret realms in this world, namely Tianchi Dragon Ball Secret Realm, Shuiyuedongtian Secret Realm, Moco Boundless Secret Realm, and the most Mysterious, it is said that the secret realm of Jingyan Shrine directly leads to the fairy world!"

Hearing Yang Xiao's words, Su Chen's heart couldn't help but move slightly.

These names seem to be somewhat familiar.

Moreover, Jingyan Shrine can lead directly to the fairy world, which is slightly different from the novels he read in his previous life.

Among the others, except for Shi Feixuan, they were also shocked, obviously hearing this for the first time.

Su Chen took their expressions into his eyes, thoughtful in his heart.

While his thoughts were changing, Su Chen asked Yang Xiao: "You mean, the map hidden in the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Saber actually refers to the Tianchi Dragon Ball Secret Realm, not the Tianchi Lake on the surface?"

Yang Xiao said, "This is just my subordinate's guess."

Su Chen said: "I see that your guess is probably correct. However, whether it is a treasure or a secret realm, I plan to explore it. As for the matter of the Mingjiao, it is up to you for the time being." Work hard."

"The subordinate's duty is not hard!"

Yang Xiao and the others returned respectfully at the same time after hearing the words.

Su Chen smiled, didn't say much, just explained a few words casually, and let Yang Xiao and the others go down.

Soon, only Su Chen, Shi Feixuan, Fu Junmao, and Shan 2.2 Wanjing were left in the Great Light Hall.

Su Chen looked at Shi Feixuan and said, "When you were on Spirit Snake Island, did you already know that the treasure map actually refers to the Tianchi Dragon Ball Secret Realm?"

Concubine Shixuan said: "Actually, I'm just guessing. After all, no one has seen the so-called four great secret realms for many years."

Su Chen smiled and said nothing.

Next, Su Chen temporarily sat in Guangmingding for a few days, and taught Yang Xiao and others some martial arts by the way, and chose to directly subdue and eat Shi Feixuan with the Pudu Heart Sutra.

Shan Wanjing looked at Shi Feixuan and Fu Junmao's nourishing days, and couldn't help feeling inexplicable emotions in her heart.

Su Chen seemed to turn a blind eye to this, and after staying in Guangmingding for a few days, he took all three women to the Vulture Palace in Tianshan.

In the Vulture Palace, I enjoyed a few days of romantic life with Mu Nianci and Azhu, and finally bid farewell to the girls, and embarked on the road to search for the secret place of Tianchi alone.

Chapter 222 Another Tianshan?Meet sisters for the first time! 【Please customize】

"Well, I'm not going to time travel again, am I?"

On a vast white snow mountain, Su Chen shook his dizzy head, and couldn't help whispering.

It was Su Chen who entered the Tianchi according to the treasure map he had obtained from the Yitian Sword before, and inside the Tianchi he encountered a light gate like a water curtain.

After passing through the light gate, Su Chen discovered that he had come to the top of a snow mountain!

It stands to reason that he has gone deep into the Tianchi Lake for an unknown number of meters, and it would be more reasonable that there should be a valley behind the Guangmen, but he unexpectedly appeared on the top of a snow-capped mountain.

"Perhaps, the so-called Tianchi Lingzhu secret realm is almost the same as traveling to the new world." Su Chen murmured, calmed down, and then began to sense the surrounding situation.

As a powerhouse at the peak of heaven and man, Su Chen has amazing sensing power, but in a short while, all the scenes within a radius of a hundred miles are clearly sensed!

"Huh? Where is... the Tianshan School?"

Suddenly, Su Chen sensed that, tens of miles away from him, on a broad platform on the top of a mountain, there was actually a sect with a large number of people.

08 Su Chen's figure flickered, and he arrived at the sect before long, but found out that the sect's name was Tianshan sect!

Coincidentally, Su Chen saw a group of young men and women saying goodbye to the elders of the division, as if they were planning to go down the mountain for training.

Su Chen activated the God of Luck, and easily recognized that the group of young men and women with both temperament and beauty was actually Fu Tianjiao, a major disciple of the Tianshan School!

And among the crowd, there was a woman with even better looks and a bit of vivacity, named Fu Tianxiang!

Tianshan faction, sisters Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang, this so-called Tianchi Dragon Ball Secret Realm turned out to be this plot world!

Recognizing the name of the sect in front of him, and the identities of Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang sisters, Su Chen couldn't help whispering in his heart.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the "Dragon Controlling Art" recorded on another piece of silk hidden in the Yitian Sword!

Since it is in this plot world, it is very reasonable to have such a unique skill as Yulong Jue!

After pondering for a while, Su Chen didn't show up directly, but planned to follow the team of Fu Tianjiao and Fu Tianxiang temporarily in the dark.

It's not that Su Chen can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman, but because Su Chen remembers that in the original book, sisters Fu Tianjiao took the disciples of the Tianshan School down the mountain not long before they met the fifth of the Xixia Five Tigers Xie Qian.

More importantly, in Xie Qian's body, there is a dragon ball!

In this plot world, Dragon Ball is undoubtedly the highest level of luck item, and it is a combination, a total of eight!

Su Chen has already mastered the Dragon Control Art, as long as he meets the Dragon Ball, isn't it easy to subdue the Dragon Ball for his own use?

Time flies, and three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Su Chen was secretly following behind a group of Tianshan faction, when he suddenly sensed a "plop" sound from a few miles ahead.

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