Dai Qisi couldn't help but relax a little when she saw the Third Envoy of Fengyunyue being killed by Su Chen.

"Master, did you kill them directly?"

When Xie Xun saw that Su Chen had killed the three envoys of Fengyunyue, he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Su Chen said: "They want to kill me, so naturally I won't let them go, is there any problem?"

Xie Xun hurriedly said: "I'm not saying that it's wrong for the leader to kill them, but the head teacher of Persia is very powerful. If he completely becomes an enemy of the head teacher of Persia, I'm afraid the church will have a lot of trouble."

Su Chen said indifferently: "Mingjiao is dedicated to fighting against the Tartars, and they are not even afraid of the power of the Great Yuan Empire, so why should they be afraid of mere Persian Mingjiao? As for the trouble you mentioned, it will soon be gone!"

"What does the priest mean?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Xie Xun couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Dai Qisi, Zhang Wuji and the others also looked at Su Chen curiously.

Chapter 207 Persian Ming Cult strikes, act first! 【Please customize】

Su Chen chuckled and said: "The people from the Persian Mingjiao are not just the three of them. There are also many people on the ship and approaching our ship. Let's hurry over there to avoid our accidents." The boat was wrecked."

After the sound fell, Su Chen rushed directly towards the beach.

When Xie Xun, Dai Qisi and others heard Su Chen's words, their expressions changed slightly, and they quickly followed.

Soon, the group reached the beach.

I saw rows of big boats slowly approaching the sea boat that Su Chen and his party took when they came. A big red flower flame was painted on each white sail, and black ribbons were hung on the sails.

On the side of each big ship, there are cannons erected, and the muzzles of the cannons are aimed at the sea boat that Su Chen and his party are on, revealing a gloomy cold light!

Among these rows of big ships, there was one that was quite unique, with twelve large embroidered flags embroidered on the bow.

There are twelve tiger-skin chairs on the bow, and there are people sitting on each chair, and the clothes of these twelve people are quite similar.

Dai Qisi and Xie Xun's expressions changed slightly when they saw the twelve people in the top chairs, and their expressions were quite dignified.

Xie Xun said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that the Persian Mingjiao Ten 08 Two Treasure Tree Kings would come to China together. It's really a big deal!"

Zhang Wuji said: "Father, what are the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings?"

Xie Xun said: "Under the head of the Persian Church, there are twelve great sutra masters, known as the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, whose status and status are equivalent to the four guardian Dharma kings of the Middle Earth Ming Cult."

"The first great sage of the Twelve Twelve Tree Kings, the second is wisdom, the third is victorious, the fourth is fire control, the fifth is diligent cultivation, the sixth is equality, the seventh is confidence, the eighth is evil, the ninth is upright, and the tenth is righteousness. Merit and virtue, the eleven are united, and the twelve are all clear."

Su Chen nodded and said: "It seems that the three envoys of the Persian Mingjiao who came to China this time are headed by the three envoys of Fengyunyue and the king of the twelve treasure trees. King, the Persian Ming Cult is bound to collapse, so naturally it will not be able to threaten the Ben Cult.”

Zhang Wuji said: "However, the opponent's boats are all equipped with cannons. If they find that force is not Su's opponent, they order their artillery to shoot, then we will be very dangerous."

Su Chen said: "So, before they react, we must first control the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, and then we will naturally be able to control the Persian Mingjiao fleet."

"You wait on the shore first. I will go to the boat where the Twelve Jewel Tree Kings are on alone, and capture them as hostages as soon as possible."

"Master, the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings should not be ignored, it is too dangerous for you to go alone, let your subordinates go with you!"

When Xie Xun heard Su Chen's words, he immediately asked Ying to speak out.

Zhang Wuji said: "I can also help."

When Dai Qisi saw that Xie Xun and Zhang Wuji offered to help Su Chen deal with the Twelve Twelve Tree Kings, she had no choice but to agree.

Later, Zhu'er and Fu Junmao also expressed their willingness to go together.

Even Shi Feixuan didn't hold back this time.

After all, what Su Chen and his party have to deal with are the Persian Mingjiao people. These are all foreigners and enemies of the Han family!

"Okay, I've made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me!" Su Chen interrupted the words of several people directly with a wave of his hand, and said firmly in his mouth.

Afterwards, Su Chen asked Xie Xun and others to stay on the coast, while he himself directly controlled the Lingshuang sword, and when he used the sword to fly, he flew over the sea ship on which the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings were riding in an instant!

"Could it be that the leader is a fairy among the gods? He can fly with a sword!"

Seeing Su Chen's actions, Xie Xun was shocked.

It was also the first time for Zhang Wuji, Zhu'er and Dai Qisi to see Su Chen flying with his sword, and they were equally shocked.

On the contrary, Fu Junmao and Shi Feixuan had already seen it, and also experienced the joy of Yujian flying with Su Chen, so they were less shocked.

On the Persian sea ship, the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings were commanding the ships under him, planning to control the sea ship that Su Chen and his party were on first, and then wait for the news from the third envoy of Fengyunyue.

At this moment, they still don't know that the Third Envoy of Fengyunyue has died on Spirit Snake Island and will never come back again!

When seeing Su Chen Yujian flying in, the expressions of the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings changed drastically.

They didn't expect to meet such a strange person when they came to Middle-earth!

Because they didn't know Su Chen's identity and purpose, they didn't act rashly, but raised their vigilance and looked in Su Chen's direction warily.

"Who is your Excellency? What is the business of coming to our ship?"

Seeing Su Chen landed on their sea boat, the Juming Precious Tree King, the last of the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, asked Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled slightly and said, "I am the leader of the Tumin sect, the twelve of you are the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings of the Persian sect, right?"

King Juming Baoshu couldn't help being surprised when he heard Su Chen's words, and said in surprise: "You said you are the leader of Mingjiao in Zhongtu, so are you Yang Dingtian?"

Although the relationship between the Mingjiao of China and the Mingjiao of Persia is not very close, the Mingjiao of Persia still knows some news about Mingjiao of Zhongtu.

The news that spread to Persia in the early days was that the leader of the Ming Cult was Yang Dingtian, and Yang Dingtian disappeared later.

King Juming Baoshu heard Su Chen say that he was the leader of Mingjiao, and subconsciously thought of Yang Dingtian.

Su Chen frowned immediately when he heard the words: "I am not that bad ghost of Yang Dingtian, since you miss Yang Dingtian so much, then I will send you to see him!"

"What do you mean?"

King Juming Baoshu heard Su Chen's words and asked in puzzlement.

Among the twelve treasure tree kings of Persia, only Ju Ming Baoshu King knew some Chinese, and he was still very superficial. In the original book, he even made a nonsense joke, so he couldn't understand Su Chen's words.

As for the other eleven treasure tree kings, it was like listening to heaven.

"That's what I mean!"

Su Chen smiled slightly, and at the same time as he spoke, his figure flashed, and he arrived at Juming Precious Tree King in an instant. Before he could react, he tapped on him, restraining his acupoints.


Seeing Su Chen suddenly restraining the Juming Treasure Tree King, the faces of the other eleven Treasure Tree Kings on the boat changed, and the leader, the Great Sage Treasure Tree King, uttered a Persian language that Su Chen could not understand.

Immediately, eleven treasure tree kings besieged Su Chen at the same time.

330 "Haha, good time, let me send you to meet Yang Dingtian together!"

Su Chen laughed out loud, and with a thought, the Heavenly Heart Tribulation among the Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart was activated suddenly, and then the Lightning God walked out under his feet, and instantly rushed into the middle of the Eleven Treasure Tree Kings, and took the initiative to launch towards them attack.

Among the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, the strongest Ever Victory Treasure Tree King is only at the level of a great master, far behind Su Chen.

Affected by the Heavenly Heart Tribulation, their hearts suddenly shrank, and their movements were restricted.

But Su Chen took advantage of this opportunity, his feet were blown by the wind, his hands were as fast as lightning, and he kept slapping towards them.

"Clap clap clap!"

In a short while, only the last Changsheng Treasure Tree King and the Great Sage Treasure Tree King were left with some mobility.

The other ten treasure tree kings all had their acupoints sealed by Su Chen and lost their mobility!

The Ever-Victorious Treasure Tree King held swords in both hands, and suddenly stabbed down towards Su Chen's lower abdomen; the Great Sacred Treasure Tree King also held a strange weapon, and fiercely attacked Su Chen's back heart from behind.


Su Chen's figure was slightly sideways, and he cast out his destructive claws, easily grabbed the wrists of the two, and broke their wrists with a "click".


The two screamed and dropped their weapons immediately.

Su Chen then stepped forward quickly, and easily subdued the two of them.

It wasn't until this moment that the ordinary congregants on the boat came to their senses, mumbled something, surrounded Su Chen, but didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

Chapter 208 Confrontation, the threat of artillery! 【Subscribe】

"Let you men, drive this boat to the shore!"

Su Chen moved his hands quickly, put the twelve treasure tree kings together like arhats, and then gave orders to the Juming treasure tree king.

While speaking, Su Chen directly pulled out the Lingshuang sword and placed it on the neck of King Ju Ming Baoshu.

Facing Su Chen's threat, Ju Ming Baoshu King had no choice but to babble to the group of Persian Ming Cult followers.

The group of Persian Mingjiao believers hesitated a little when they heard the order of Juming Precious Tree King, but chose to follow suit.

Although the words were not clear, Su Chen was threatening the lives of the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, so they could understand it.

Not long after, under the manipulation of the Persian Ming Cult followers, the big boat approached the shore.

"Let them all disembark and go to other ships!"

Su Chen glanced around, followed the rows of fleets around the big ship, and gave orders to King Juming Treasure Tree again.

Although King Juming Treasure Tree was reluctant, he still had to do it.

Soon, only Su Chen and the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings were left on the big ship.

Su Chen turned towards the place where Xie Xun and the others were hiding on Spirit Snake Island, and shouted: "Xie Xun, Dai Qisi, you all come out and get on this boat!"

Hearing Su Chen's shout, Xie Xun and others flew out of the bushes immediately, and soon boarded the big boat where Su Chen and the Twelve Twelve Tree Kings were.

When they saw that Su Chen had captured the Twelve Jewel Tree Kings of the Persian Ming Cult in such a short period of time, they were shocked.

Especially Xie Xun, he has known Su Chen for a short time, and he has not seen too many methods of Su Chen, so he admires Su Chen even more in his heart now!

Su Chen ignored Xie Xun's thoughts. When Xie Xun and the others arrived, Su Chen said directly: "Bring them all to the shore, but don't lose sight of the Persian Mingjiao fleet."


Hearing Su Chen's words, several people immediately agreed to speak out.

The next few people quickly landed on the Spirit Snake Island with the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings who had lost their ability to move.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the Persian Mingjiao fleet became very anxious, and there was a murmur in their mouths, but Su Chen and the others ignored them at all.

After setting foot on Spirit Snake Island, Su Chen said to the King of the Twelve Treasure Trees: "You guys should stay on the island as guests for a while"¨¨.

King Juming Baoshu said: "What do you want to let us go? Offer your conditions!"

Su Chen said: "My condition is to let all your subordinates leave by sea boat. We will take you back to Middle-earth with us at that time. After returning to land, we will let you go!"

King Juming Baoshu immediately shook his head when he heard the words: "What you said is absolutely impossible! If we let all the fleet leave without the threat of cannons, if you break your promise, wouldn't we have no room for resistance?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Since it doesn't make sense now, you should stay on the island and think about it first. After you have figured it out, come and talk to me."

After finishing speaking, Su Chen ignored the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, and directly said to Xie Xun and the others: "Take care of them, don't let them have any chance to escape!"

"Don't worry, the leader, the subordinates will definitely look after them!"

Xie Xun and Dai Qisi respectfully agreed to speak out at the same time.

At this moment, Dai Qisi finally felt much more relaxed in her heart.

Dai Qisi comes from the Persian Ming Cult, and she is very clear about the organizational structure of the Persian Ming Cult. The Twelve Jewel Tree Kings and the Three Envoys of Fengyunyue are the highest level of the Persian Ming Cult except for the leader and the saint.

Now, the leader of the Persian Ming religion has died, and there are only two other saints left.

But in fact, the power of the Persian Ming Cult is in the hands of the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings.

The three envoys of Fengyunyue have been killed by Su Chen, and now the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings have been captured again. As long as the crisis of the artillery on the Persian Mingjiao ship is resolved, their crisis will be completely resolved.

And she herself doesn't have to worry anymore, she was hunted down by the Persian Ming Cult!

In the following time, the two sides confronted each other temporarily.

The disciples on the Persian Mingjiao fleet wanted to go ashore to rescue the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, but they were worried that Xie Xun and others would directly kill the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings.

Moreover, they are more worried that their own strength is not enough to deal with Su Chen and Xie Xun and others.

But Su Chen planned to delay until night, when he would have the opportunity to take advantage of the night to take away all the artillery on the Persian Mingjiao fleet.

Once there is no threat of artillery, these people of the Persian Mingjiao will be lambs to be slaughtered in front of Su Chen!

The Persian Mingjiao side naturally didn't know what was going on in Su Chen's mind.

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