"Second Young Master, retreat quickly, or it will be too late!"

The general of the Xuanjia Army under Li Shimin, seeing Li Shimin in a daze, tried to persuade him again.

"Okay, let's go!"

Li Shimin took a deep breath, suppressed the thoughts in his heart, glanced in Su Chen's direction, and then said to the Xuanjia Army general beside him.

However, it was too late for him to retreat at this time!

Seeing that the Li Clan's army had been defeated, Su Chen immediately stopped chasing and killing those Li Clan's soldiers, but began to search for Li Shimin on the battlefield.

In the hegemony game of the Great Sui Empire, there is no doubt that his biggest opponent is Li Shimin, the second son of the Li Clan.

Now that there is an opportunity to get rid of Li Shimin, Su Chen certainly doesn't want to miss it!

Not long ago, Su Chen's cultivation broke through to the late stage of Heaven and Man. In the stone chamber, he absorbed most of the energy of the evil emperor's relics. Coupled with the double break with Zhu Yuyan, his cultivation broke through another level and reached the peak of Heaven and Human Realm!

With his current cultivation strength, whether it is vision or spiritual power, they are extremely powerful, and it didn't take long to find Li Shimin on the battlefield.

Immediately, Su Chen's figure flickered, and the Lightning God under his feet walked out, and soon he chased after Li Shimin.

"Protect the second son!"

The general of the Xuanjia Army under Li Shimin saw Su Chen chasing him, his expression changed drastically, he yelled, holding a saber in his hand, he led a group of Xuanjia Army, stood in front of Li Shimin, and formed a formation for Li Shimin 313 meat shield!

However, the Xuanjia Army, which is only a small group, is not worth mentioning in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen just waved the Lingshuang sword in his hand casually, and this small group of Xuanjia soldiers were all killed on the spot!

Then, in Li Shimin's horrified and desperate eyes, Su Chen directly pierced his throat with a sword!

Unexpectedly, I, Li Shimin, would be defeated so easily!

The last thought flashed through Li Shimin's mind, and then he completely lost his vitality, and the corpse fell directly from the horse's back to the ground with a "plop"!

"Those who kneel and surrender will not be killed, but those who stand up and resist will be killed!"

After finishing Li Shimin, Su Chen stood in the air and shouted loudly.

Hearing Su Chen's voice, many soldiers of the Li family who had not had time to escape directly put down their weapons and knelt down and surrendered.

The Xuanjia Army under Su Chen also gave up killing them.

However, there are also a small number of recalcitrant elements, and their end is naturally dead.

In addition, there are still a few people who committed suicide on the spot and devoted themselves to Li Shimin!

Zhu Yuyan, Houhou and the others saw that the overall situation had been settled, so they didn't continue to kill. They dodged and landed at the exit of Duke Yang's treasury. Looking at the tragic battlefield, emotions flashed across their expressions.

But at this time, in Su Chen's mind, the familiar prompt sound from the system sounded again.

[Ding, the host killed Li Shimin, an important character in the original plot, changed the plot, and got a chance to draw a lottery! 】.

Chapter 193 Double rewards, new goals! 【Seek full order】

Su Chen was planning to draw a lottery when Zhu Yuyan came to him and asked aloud, "What are you going to do with that bitch Fan Qinghui and her apprentice?"

Hearing Zhu Yuyan's words, Su Chen withdrew his thoughts temporarily, and responded casually: "How does Master want to deal with them?"

Zhu Yuyan said bitterly: "If it is according to my opinion, Fan Qinghui, that bitch, would naturally cut her body into thousands of pieces! But you didn't kill her just now, so you must not have planned to kill her, did you?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Master and I really have a heart-to-heart. I also hated Fan Qinghui very much and wanted to tear her into pieces. However, when I was about to kill her, I suddenly had a new idea in my heart. "

"Don't be glib, just get to the point!"

Zhu Yuyan couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat when Su Chen said the word "heart has a consonance", she quickly suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and asked pretendingly coldly.

Su Chen said: "I intend to subdue Fan Qinghui, or to control it more accurately. Master should also be able to see that Shi Zhixuan had to succumb to me because I controlled his mind."

"My plan is to control Fan Qinghui's mind. When the time comes, how master wants to beat her, scold her and torture her, she will not dare to resist at all. Moreover, we can use Fan Qinghui to influence some so-called martial arts forces."

"At that time, those so-called righteous ways of martial arts, on the surface, obey the orders of Fan Qinghui and Cihang Jingzhai, but in fact they are doing things for our Yingui faction, which can speed up our pace of dominating the martial arts and even the imperial court. Wouldn't it be better than killing Fan Qinghui?"

Zhu Yuyan took a deep look at Su Chen when she heard the words, and said lightly: "In that case, let's do as you said, but be careful not to let Shi Zhixuan and Fan Qinghui have a chance to get out of control."

Su Chen nodded and said: "Master, don't worry, I will control them well."

Zhu Yuyan said: "If there is nothing else, Houhou and I will return to the Yingui Sect first. After you have dealt with Fan Qinghui's master and apprentice and the army, go back too."

"Okay", Su Chen heard the words, and didn't do much to keep him, he just nodded and agreed.

He knew that for the time being, it would be better to give Zhu Yuyan some alone space.

After Zhu Yuyan finished talking with Su Chen, she found Houhou again, expressing her intention to take her back to the Yingui Sect.

Hou Hou then said goodbye to Su Chen, and left with Zhu Yuyan.

After Su Chen watched Zhu Yuyan's master and apprentice leave, he took Fan Qinghui to avoid Shi Feixuan's sight, and directly applied the Purdue Heart Sutra to her.

Soon, Fan Qinghui became Su Chen's faithful follower just like Shi Zhixuan.

Then, Su Chen healed Fan Qinghui's injury casually, explained to her again, brought her back to the crowd, and released Shi Feixuan's control.

"Master, are you okay¨¨?"

After Concubine Shixuan recovered, she saw Fan Qinghui leaving and returning, so she hurriedly asked with concern.

Fan Qinghui shook his head and said: "It's okay, I have already reached an agreement with Mr. Su. The Yingui faction and Cihang Jingzhai will temporarily stop their internal fighting. The two sides will first support a force to calm the world as soon as possible, and then the two sides will have a showdown in the end. That's it. , can also promote the unification of the Sui Empire as soon as possible and reduce the harm to the people."

When Concubine Shixuan heard what Fan Qinghui said, she couldn't help but look at Su Chen in surprise.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Why is Fairy Shi looking at me like that? Could it be that she was moved by my integrity, so she fell in love with me?"


Concubine Shixuan snorted coldly when she heard the words, but did not speak.

Fan Qinghui said again at this time: "In addition, Feixuan, you must temporarily follow Mr. Su's side, as a liaison between us, and at the same time, you can also be said to be a hostage."

"Master, I..." Shi Feixuan's expression changed slightly when she heard Fan Qinghui's words.

Su Chen said: "Give you a chance to talk alone."

After finishing speaking, Su Chen left the two of them directly, and checked the system again.

Because just now, when he was transforming into Fan Qinghui, the system unexpectedly prompted him to get another chance to draw a lottery.

Now he has two chances in the lottery.

Su Chen directly gave the lottery drawing instructions to the system from the bottom of his heart.

Following Su Chen's order, the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in Su Chen's sight and spun rapidly.

When the lottery roulette stopped spinning, the system's lottery notification sound also rang again.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, you have won the human crown!Note: After wearing the human crown, you can have the temperament of a human emperor, easily conquer talents from all walks of life, and gradually affect all living beings in the world, so that more people will recognize the rule of the wearer. 】

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, for getting the "Fengshen Leg"! 】

"Human crown, it's interesting! And this Fengshen kick, it's not bad!"

Hearing the content of the system reward, Su Chen nodded slightly, feeling a little satisfied.

The role of the human crown has already been explained by the system. Sooner or later, Su Chen will dominate the world, which can be regarded as the icing on the cake.

As for the Fengshen legs, they are from the Fengyun series. This set of legs contains the meaning of "wind has no form", and it is an extremely fast and fierce kick.

Originally created by the old man Sanjue, it was later mastered by Xiongba and taught to the protagonist Nie Feng. It was Nie Feng's main martial arts in the early and mid-term.

The Fengshen leg pays attention to the advance and retreat of the body, comes and goes without a trace, and has amazing power. It and Nie Feng are symbols of each other.

Nie Feng also became famous all over the world for this, and won the reputation of "God of the Wind".

In Fengyun, Fengshen Legs, Paiyun Palm, and Tianshuang Fist are ranked as the three best, and there is a relationship between mutual generation and mutual restraint.

The Fengshen Kick is not only an attacking kick, but also a body technique. In short, it is a rather brilliant and powerful martial art.

Without any hesitation, Su Chen directly took out the human crown and put it on the top of his head, replacing the original flat crown.

After that, he took out the cheat book on Fengshen's legs and read it through, and quickly practiced it in his heart, mastering this set of leg skills.

At this time, Fan Qinghui also finished talking with Shi Feixuan.

In fact, there is nothing unusual. Fan Qinghui directly proposed the tradition of Cihang Jingzhai's "`" feeding demons with her body", and asked Concubine Shixuan to learn from Bi Xiuxin, so that she could influence and even control Su Chenji.

Of course, this is also what Su Chen and Fan Qinghui discussed.

Moreover, (too good Zhao) Su Chen also asked Fan Qinghui to declare this to the outside world in the future, so that people outside could misunderstand the relationship between them.

"Young Master Su, the poor nun is leaving!"

After explaining to her concubine Xuan, Fan Qinghui walked over to Su Chen, bowed slightly, and said goodbye.

Su Chen put on a show and said, "Master Fanzhai, please!"

Fan Qinghui saluted Su Chen again, glanced at Shi Feixuan, then turned and left quickly.

Concubine Shixuan watched Fan Qinghui's back gradually disappear from sight, thinking of Fan Qinghui's confession to her just now, she couldn't help but feel agitated, turning back and forth non-stop.

Su Chen didn't pay attention to Shi Feixuan's thoughts, and ordered Shi Zhixuan to lead the Xuanjia Army to reorganize the captives, and then pretended to be Li Shimin's subordinates, quickly left the sphere of influence of the Li Clan, passed through the old Sui Dynasty, and entered Xiao Xian's Guangdong and Guangxi lands as soon as possible.

Afterwards, Su Chen took Fu Junmao and Shi Feixuan, planning to go to Luoyang Jingnian Temple. His goal was another lucky item in the plot of Tang Dynasty Twin Dragons, He Shibi! .

Chapter 194 The Buddha's palm presses down on the Buddhist temple, making an empty choice! 【Please customize】

The Sui Empire, the eastern capital of Luoyang, and the suburbs to the south of the city.

There is a majestic monastery hidden among the thicket of trees and forests.

There are more than hundreds of buildings in the temple, just like a small city, with the sound of chanting sutras and the faint sound of Sanskrit from time to time.

This monastery is just as famous as Cihang Jingzhai in the Great Sui Empire, and the leader of the righteous way is Jingnian Zen Temple!

When Su Chen brought Fu Junmao and Shi Feixuan to Jingnian Temple, he felt that it was night time.

Although it was night, the three of them could clearly see the situation in Jingnian Temple.

At the very center of Jingnian Chanyuan, there is a small copper hall with a width of three feet and a depth of three feet, and a height of half a foot.

The main buildings in the Jingnian Temple are arranged in sequence on the central axis facing the temple gate, with the bronze hall as the center, and the scale is complete and uniform.

Except for the copper hall, all the buildings are covered with three-color glazed tiles, and the color is as new, but it is not known whether it is because the monks in the temple are diligent in cleaning, or the quality of the tiles is so good.

"Master Su, I don't know what is your purpose for coming to the meditation hall?"

Concubine Shixuan followed Su Chen and Fu Junmao all the way, but she didn't expect to come to Jingnian Temple in the end, and she couldn't help asking Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Do you think there is anything in the Jingnian Temple that can attract me?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Shi Feixuan's expression changed slightly.

Concubine Shixuan naturally knew about He's Bi hiding in Jingnian Temple. 317

Seeing what Su Chen meant, he obviously knew this too, and he came here for He Shibi, which made Shi Feixuan worried.

Concubine Shixuan was not like her master Fan Qinghui, who was converted by Su Chen with the Purdue Heart Sutra, so she still had great resistance to Su Chen and the Yingui Sect, so she naturally didn't want such treasures as He Shibi to be lost. It's in Su Chen's hands!

Shi Feixuan only hoped that her guess was wrong.

Otherwise, she simply doesn't know how Jingnian Temple can keep He's Bi under Su Chen's hands!

Although Shi Feixuan knew that the strength of Jingnian Temple was not weak, but she saw the horror of Su Chen's strength in Yang Gong's treasury.

When they were in Duke Yang's treasury, Ning Daoqi asked their master and apprentice to leave first, but Ning Daoqi did not come out later.

Shi Feixuan knew in her heart that Ning Daoqi was probably dead in the treasury.

Even Ning Daoqi, the No.1 of the Sui Dynasty, died at the hands of the Demon Sect. Shi Feixuan really couldn't help worrying about Jing Nian Temple!

Su Chen ignored Shi Feixuan's thoughts, and took her and Fu Junmao straight to the bronze hall in the center of Jingnian Chanyuan.

Not long after, a group of three arrived outside the Copper Hall.

At this time, four monks with powerful breaths flew over (.) suddenly, and landed in front of the three of them in an instant.

Behind the four monks, there were dozens of other monks from the Jingnian Temple, who surrounded the three of Su Chen with vigilance.

The four headed monks are the four guardians of Jingnian Temple: no anger, no ignorance, no greed, no fear!

When they saw Concubine Shixuan among the three, the vigilance on their expressions faded a lot.

Buan looked at the concubine Shi Xuan and said: "My nephew brought two guests to the meditation hall late at night, I don't know why?"

After hearing the words, the concubine Shi Xuan hurriedly said: "Responding to what Master Buan said, these two are Mr. Su Chensu, the holy son of the Yingui Sect, and Miss Fu Junmei, the disciple of Fu Cailin, the master of Gaoli Yijian. I didn't bring them here to quiet. As a Buddhist, I am only following Mr. Su's side under the order of my master."

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