After Ning Daoqi retreated, there were only a group of people from the Demon Sect left in Duke Yang's treasury.

Without the existence of foreign enemies, the union between them naturally ceased to exist.

In order to fight for the ownership of the evil emperor's relic, 300 Shi Zhixuan, Zuo Youxian, Xi Ying, and An Long joined hands to deal with Zhu Yuyan and Houhou's master and apprentice.

Zhu Yuyan already harbored old hatred towards Shi Zhixuan, but seeing Shi Zhixuan instigating other people to join forces to deal with their Yin Gui Sect, she was even more angry, and couldn't help fighting Shi Zhixuan directly!

At the same time, Houhou is alone against the three masters of Zuo Youxian, Xi Ying and Anlong!

Fortunately, Zuo Youxian and An Long were injured to a certain extent when they dealt with the four great monks.

In addition, with the help of Su Chen, Hou Hou has already reached the peak of the master, which is not inferior to Xi Ying, who is the strongest among the three.

Therefore, we can try our best to deal with it for the time being.

In contrast, Zhu Yuyan's situation is much more critical.

Although Zhu Yuyan, with the help of Su Chen, has raised her cultivation level to the middle stage of Grand Master, there is still a certain gap between her and Shi Zhixuan.

In addition, Zhu Yuyan was once injured by Shi Zhixuan, when facing Shi Zhixuan, she lost control of her emotions, and her fighting consciousness seemed weaker.

And Zhu Yuyan still has a love for Shi Zhixuan in her heart, she seems to be desperate, but she seems unable to bear to kill at the critical moment.

Due to the accumulation of various reasons, Zhu Yuyan was seriously injured by Shi Zhixuan's men not long after the two fought.

"You are courting death!"

When Su Chen saw the situation in Duke Yang's treasury, he immediately uttered an angry voice, and at the same time, he activated his magic skill again, and kicked Shi Zhixuan's chest like lightning! .

Chapter 188 A ruthless shot, won three lucky draws in a row! 【Please customize】

Shi Zhixuan was fighting with Zhu Yuyan, when he suddenly saw the huge black footprints pressed down like the curtain of the day, his expression changed immediately, he quickly waved his hands, pushing the imprint of immortality to the extreme, wanting to use the extreme speed of life and death to transform Strength, transforming Su Chen's attack into energy for his blood recovery.

However, his invincible seal of immortality lost its due effect this time!

Hearing a "bang", Su Chen's huge black footprints were like the sky falling, and he was crushed under the ground of Duke Yang's treasury!

Before Shi Zhixuan got up from the ground, Su Chen's next kick came again!

Another huge black footprint covering the sky, fell heavily, and kicked hard on Shi Zhixuan's body.


Under the terrifying footprints, Shi Zhixuan's body was directly embedded into the ground of Duke Yang's treasure house, like a piece of sculpture, without the slightest ability to move!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Then, Su Chen stepped out more than a dozen feet in a row, and the terrifying footprints directly made the ground around Shi Zhixuan as smooth as a mirror, and at the same time, it was countless times harder than steel!

At this time, Shi Zhixuan seemed to be a human-shaped stain that was accidentally burned in when the mirror was fired, and it couldn't even be buckled!


Seeing this scene, Xi Ying, An Long, and Zuo Youxian couldn't help but gasped, feeling even more terrified.

Although they were reluctant to admit it, they all knew very well that among the eight masters of the Demon Sect, Shi Zhixuan and Zhu Yuyan were much stronger than them.

Shi Zhixuan is the strongest among the eight of them!

But as strong as Shi Zhixuan, now in front of Su Chen, he didn't even have the slightest strength to fight back, and was easily kicked into the floor by Su Chen, embedded in the ground.

In particular, seeing Shi Zhixuan's angry eyes still wide open, obviously still breathing, made them feel a chill in their hearts.

Such a terrifying scene is even more frightening to them than Su Chen directly killing Shi Zhixuan!

Even Zhu Yuyan and Houhou were quite shocked when they saw Su Chen's terrifying strength and that amazing method!


Suddenly, Fat Jia Anlong let out a sharp voice, and quickly ran towards the exit of Yang Gong's treasure house!

As a businessman, he is obviously the most adaptable.

Seeing this, Zuo Youxian and Xi Ying reacted immediately, and rushed towards the exit of Duke Yang's treasure house at the same time!

"Get back to me¨¨!"

Seeing the three of them wanting to escape, Su Chen let out a sharp shout, and with a thought, the Heavenly Heart Tribulation of the Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart suddenly activated.

At the same time, his hands were claw-like, instantly displaying the terrifying energy-absorbing ability in the Chaos Returning to Yuan Jue.

The three of An Long were about to flee when they heard Su Chen's voice, and their eardrums trembled.

At the same time, the three of them felt a pain in their hearts at the same time, their breathing stopped for a while, and the speed of their bodies naturally slowed down.

Before they figured out what was going on, they felt a sudden suction from behind!

"Bang bang bang!"

In the next moment, the three of Anlong were like three watermelons, sucked back into the treasure house by Su Chen, and fell heavily to the ground, rolling for a long time before stabilizing their figures.


Before the three of them got up, Su Chen's figure suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, and he arrived beside An Long and Xi Ying in an instant. With his hands on their shoulders, the energy-absorbing power of Chaos Returning to Yuan Jue was activated again.

Not long after, all the true energy in the two of them was absorbed by Su Chen, and even their energy became Su Chen's nourishment!

Originally two living martial arts masters turned into two mummified corpses in just a short moment!

"No, let me go! I am willing to work for you from now on!"

Seeing this scene, Zuo Youxian was terrified and yelled out.

Even Shi Zhixuan, who was inlaid on the ground by Su Chen, couldn't help but feel a throbbing in his heart when he saw this scene.

Zhu Yuyan and Houhou were also shocked when they saw Su Chen's methods, but they trusted Su Chen very much, so they didn't feel any fear.

As for Fu Junmao, in her eyes, Su Chen is the god of the Buddha. No matter what Su Chen does, in her opinion, it is the supreme decree of the gods!

Su Chen sneered and said, "No one is qualified to work for this young master!"

After the sound fell, Su Chen's figure flashed, and he came to Zuo Youxian's side again, put his hands on his shoulders, and quickly activated the energy-absorbing ability.


Sensing the loss of true energy in his body and the constant weakening of energy, Zuo Youxian couldn't help but let out a painful scream.

However, this could not change his ending at all.

Not long after, Zuo Youxian followed the fate of An Long and Xi Ying.

So far, only Zhu Yuyan and Shi Zhixuan are left among the eight masters of the Demon Sect!


At this moment, Su Chen sensed that there was a burst of water bursting in his body.

At the same time, the aura on his body instantly increased by countless times!

"The late stage of the Heavenly Human Realm has finally arrived!"

Sensing the situation in his body, Su Chen couldn't help being overjoyed.

He stayed in the middle stage of the Heaven-Human Realm, but he stayed for a long time, and he absorbed quite a lot of masters in the rivers and lakes.

Now, it is finally a breakthrough!

At this time, Zhu Yuyan and Houhou who were on the side also sensed the aura of Su Chenxiu's breakthrough.

"Brother, you are so powerful, you have broken through again, and let people live!" Wan Wan took a step forward, and made a coquettish voice towards Su Chen with a little coquettishness.

Zhu Yuyan and Fu Junmao also stepped forward and congratulated Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and said: "It's just a small breakthrough, it's nothing. As long as you work hard, you will have my current strength sooner or later."

"Forget it, I don't want to be compared with you, senior brother, otherwise, I will be beaten to death." Hearing this, Hou Hou couldn't help replying with a smile.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled, did not continue this topic, but looked at Zhu Yuyan and said, "` "Master, how do you think Shi Zhixuan should be dealt with?" "

Hearing Su Chen's words, Zhu Yuyan couldn't help turning her gaze to Shi Zhixuan who was embedded in the ground, her expression fluctuating for a while.

Although Zhu Yuyan has experienced more than Shi Zhixuan, there is no doubt that Shi Zhixuan is the one she loves the most.

If Shi Zhixuan hadn't abandoned her back then, Zhu Yuyan would definitely have stayed with Shi Zhixuan for the rest of her life and would join hands to strengthen the Demon Sect.

In the original book, after Shi Zhixuan's return, he deceived Zhu Yuyan again, and Zhu Yuyan was fooled again, becoming Shi Zhixuan's tool to dominate the demon sect.

It can also be seen from this that Zhu Yuyan has deep feelings for Shi Zhixuan.

Zhu Yuyan kept saying that she wished she could tear Shi Zhixuan's body into tens of thousands of pieces, in order to avenge her for destroying her body and her cultivation base.

But now, when she really had a chance to decide Shi Zhixuan's life or death, she hesitated again.

Zhu Yuyan's mouth was extremely fierce, but deep down in her heart, there was always tenderness.

After a long while, Zhu Yuyan turned her head abruptly, stopped looking at Shi Zhixuan, gritted her teeth and said, "Shi Zhixuan was restrained by you, Su Chen, you can decide what to do with it yourself (OK), don't ask my opinion." !"

Su Chen smiled and said: "In that case, the disciple will not refuse. I have a way to make Shi Zhixuan loyally submit to us. From then on, we can only let our Yingui Sect manipulate us!"

Zhu Yuyan heard that Su Chen didn't intend to kill Shi Zhixuan directly, for some reason, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said casually: "You can figure it out. However, Shi Zhixuan is the best at disguising, don't be fooled by him .”

Su Chen nodded and said: "I know, Master, don't worry."

Immediately, Su Chen pulled Shi Zhixuan out of the ground, took Zhu Yuyan out of sight of the three of them, and used the Purdue Heart Sutra to completely transform him.

[Ding, the host subdued Jinlun Fawang, Zhu Wushi, Shi Zhixuan and others, and killed Bashiba, Ning Daoqi and others, which greatly changed the plot of the original book and won three lucky draw opportunities! 】

Just after completing Shi Zhixuan's transition, the familiar prompt sound from the system sounded again in Su Chen's mind.

"Not bad, smoke it!"

Hearing the notification sound from the system, Su Chen couldn't help feeling secretly happy, and directly gave the system a lottery drawing command from the bottom of his heart.

Chapter 189 Rich Rewards, Terrible Evil Emperor Relic! 【Seek full order】

Following Su Chen's order, the familiar lottery roulette reappeared in his line of sight, spinning rapidly and endlessly.

When the lottery roulette stopped spinning, the crisp sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, you have won ten exquisite phoenix-tailed skirts! 】

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host, for obtaining the "Dragon God Art"! 】

[Ding, the lucky draw is successful!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Four Symbols of Heaven's Will"! 】

At the same time, the information of the three rewards was also reflected in Su Chen's mind.

The exquisite phoenix-tailed skirt is a kind of defensive cassock, which is specially customized for women. It can change the color, style, size and other characteristics according to the owner's wishes.

The defense of this vestment is very strong, even the strongest in the heavenly realm, it is difficult to break through its defense in a short time!

The Dragon God Art comes from the fantasy martial arts drama Shuiyuedongtian, and it is the unique skill cultivated by Tong Bo, the protagonist of Shuiyuedongtian, and Yin Zhong, the biggest villain.

Dragon God Art is a fantasy stunt that can turn the user into a dragon. It is very magical. It is a unique family tradition created by the ancestor of the Long family. Long Teng and Long Bo carried it forward.

Dragon God Kungfu is a kind of martial art that is the most rigid and yang in the world, and it is divided into nine layers.

And those who have achieved great success in this skill can fly in the air and change into a 300-shaped dragon to attack the enemy. This skill can expel poison, heal injuries, seize objects, and protect the body. It is versatile and powerful.

As for the last Four Elephants of Heaven's Will, it comes from the magic drama Demon Sword Life and Death Chess, which is the unique skill of the chess master and sword ancestor. Electric God Fury"!

Those who practice this skill, when performing it, there seems to be a corresponding god appearing behind them, and they fight against the enemy together, and they can control wind, fire, thunder and lightning separately, which is very powerful!

The old monk in the play, Bai Li Qu E, has only practiced the first level of Fengshen Fu in this martial arts, and he has become a rare master in the world.

Yan Zangfeng, the protagonist of Devil Sword Life and Death Chess, has grown from an ordinary person to a top powerhouse in the world, thanks to the Four Elephants of Heaven's Will!

"Not bad!"

After sorting out the introduction of the three major rewards in memory, Su Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Dragon Divine Art and Heavenly Will Four Elephant Jue, these two sets of magical arts, Su Chen in his previous life liked it very much when he watched TV dramas.

He is naturally very happy to have the opportunity to practice now.

As for the ten sets of exquisite phoenix-tailed skirts, although he can't use them himself, they can be given to Houhou and Huang Rong for self-defense, which is also very good.

After a while, Su Chen withdrew his thoughts, and said to Zhu Yuyan and the others: "Master, Wan Wan, let's go and see what is so magical about this evil emperor's relic."

"it is good!"

Naturally, Zhu Yuyan and Hou Hou had no objections to this.

Next, Su Chen asked Shi Zhixuan to guard the outside, and he took Zhu Yuyan, the three daughters, and Fu Junyu, and entered the stone room where the evil emperor's relic was placed again.

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