5.2 The team leader Gao Xiangyi and the team leader of Capital University came to the referee together.

They will conduct venue selection for team competitions.

As they press a button, the process of drawing lots is shown on a large screen.

The rock and soil field was selected for the team competition.

With the game venues drawn out.

The gigantic elevator began to rumble.

The rocky field was slowly raised up.

River City University and Capital University sent their players at the same time.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 240 Pokkisi fights and bites the land shark, quasi-god's dilemma!

The No.1 player sent by Jiangcheng University in the team competition was Xia Zhenyue.

Due to the previous failure, Ji Man was completely excluded from the starting game.

The player sent by Capital University is Yi Xiuqi.

This is a gentle boy with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

"The players on both sides are ready, the game will start now!"

As the referee loudly announced the start of the game.

Xia Zhenyue and Yi Xiuqi sent their elves at the same time.

Xia Zhenyue sent Pokkisi, and she sent Nian Meilong to penetrate the audience in the last game.

In order to avoid being targeted, she sent Pokkisi today.

The elves sent by Yi Xiuqi look exactly like hammerhead sharks.

Its body color is dark blue, red from the lower jaw to the upper part of the abdomen, and the lower part of the abdomen is yellow.

There are two protrusions on its head, an inverted pentagram-shaped yellow spot on the tip of its nose, sharp teeth in its mouth, and three gill slits on both sides of its neck.

It has white single-toed claws, three-toed feet, and two white bone spurs on each of its upper arms and thighs.

Its wings grow on the forearms, similar to the pectoral fins of sharks.

If it folds its body and stretches its wings, it looks like a jet plane.

[Bite Land Shark (Dragon) (Ground)]

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV55 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: Sand Hidden (During a sandstorm, the evasion rate will increase.)]

[Character Talent: Innocent (+Speed, -Special Defense)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (28), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: crushing, sand splashing, impact, dragon's breath, quicksand hell, stomping, biting, splitting, dragon claws, digging holes, sandstorm, slamming, dragon's dive, ghost face, hold, flame teeth, lightning teeth , Hard Hold, Swallow Back, Metal Claw, High Speed ​​Star, Mud Shoot, Rock Blockade, Throwing, Dragon Tail, Stand Up, Sandstorm, Splitting Tiles, Shadow Claw, Tarzan Crest, Poison Attack, Stomp, Rock Avalanche, Sword Dance, Iron Head , Power Gem, Substitute, Dragon Wave, Jet Flame, Power of the Earth, Spike Attack, Ultimate Impact, Double Slash, Surf, Destroy Light, Earthquake, Big Character Explosion, Sleep, Snoring, Meteor Swarm. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

Yi Xiuqi saw that the elf Xia Zhenyue sent was actually Pokkisi.

There was a "thump" in his heart.

He didn't expect that Xia Zhenyue didn't send out Nian Meilong who killed everyone in the last battle.

Biting Land Shark is an elf with dragon and ground attributes, but Pokkisi is an elf with flying attributes.

Ground attribute skills can't hit Pokkisi flying in the air at all.

Conversely, Biting Land Shark is twice as weak as a fairy.

It can be said that he had a bad start and was completely restrained from attributes to skills.

This round of the game is a bit ominous.

"Bite the land shark and use sandstorm."

[Sandstorm: A sandstorm is raised within a certain period of time, and all elves except for rock, ground and steel attributes will be damaged.The special defense of the rock attribute will also be improved. 】

Biting Lu Shark and waving his hands, summoning countless yellow sands.

In the next instant, yellow sand flew up from the rock and soil field, completely covering the entire field in yellow sand!

"Pokkiss, fly up and use triple attack."

【Triple Attack: Attack with [-] types of light.Sometimes paralyzes, burns or freezes the opponent. 】

As soon as Pokkisi spread his wings, he flew directly into the air, out of the range of the sandstorm.

Immediately afterwards, three colors of light radiated from Pokkisi's body.

The rainbow-like rays of light circled Pokkisi to form three-color light clusters, namely purple, green, and red.

In the next moment, the light clusters of three colors shot towards the biting land shark like bullets.

"Bite the land shark and use jet flames."

Biting the land shark opened its bloody mouth wide, and the red flames gathered in the mouth.

In the next moment, a sea of ​​red flames shot at Pokkisi.

The triple attack light group and the jet flame meet in the air.


The shock waves of two 360 kinds of power exploded, and the strong wind rolled up, flying sand and rocks.

"Pokkisi, use Fairy Wind."

[Fairy Wind: Blow up the fairy wind and blow at the opponent to attack. 】

Pokkisi exudes countless pink fairy energy.

It took a deep breath, let it out, and this energy turned into a pink breeze and blew towards the biting land shark.

This fairy wind looks gentle, but it has a fatal blow to the biting land shark.

Because the skills of the fairy attribute will cause double the blow effect.

"Bite the land shark and use the dragon's breath."

Biting Lu Shark raised his head, roared wildly, and the purple dragon's breath flames went straight to Pokkisi.


There was another explosion sound caused by energy collision.

Pokkisi flew in the air, always occupying the position of active attack.

Lie Bite Land Shark fell into a struggling predicament of passive defense.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 241 The quasi-god's failure, a specially targeted choice!

Yi Xiuqi was very focused on observing the game on the field, and he couldn't be distracted at this time.

Relatively speaking, Xia Zhenyue is much more relaxed.

Pokkisi is flying in the air, in a state of advancing, attacking, retreating and defending.

"Pokkiss, use wave missiles."

[Wave Missile: Generate the power of wave guide from the body, and then send it out to the opponent, the attack will definitely hit. 】

Pokkisi opened his mouth wide, and the power of the blue waveguide gathered in its mouth, and he spit out the power of the waveguide forcefully, like a football shot out, the waveguide had already flew in front of the fierce land shark.

"Bite the land shark, use it to hold."

The speed of the wave missile was so fast that Yi Xiuqi had no choice but to let Lie Bite Lu Shark defend a wave.

A huge white shield appeared in front of the biting land shark.

"Boom!" A loud bang.

The wave missile, which was enough to instantly kill the biting land shark, was annihilated under the protection of the white shield.

"Pokkisi, use the straw knot."

[Tie the grass knot: entangle and trip the opponent with grass.The heavier the opponent, the greater the power. 】

A cyan light radiated from Pokkisi's body.

Grass suddenly grew on the rocky ground under the body of the biting land shark.

The vigorous vitality of the green grass grew wildly, forming grass knots one by one, entangled the legs of the biting land shark.

This biting land shark is more than 150 meters tall and weighs more than [-] kilograms. After being entangled in grass, it can't move at all.

It never occurred to Yi Xiuqi that this Pokkisi had also learned grass-type skills.

However, his response was also very timely and quick.

"Bite the land shark, use earthquake〃¨."

The feet of the biting land shark were entangled, and it could not complete the jumping action.

This biting land shark directly fell back heavily, hitting the rocky ground, using the body's ability to launch an earthquake.


The entire rock and soil site shook violently, with the biting land shark as the center, and cracks appeared one after another outward.

Although, the biting land shark used the skills of the earthquake to get rid of the entanglement of the grass knot.

However, the earthquake skill it launched when it fell to the ground caused it to lose its defensive posture now.

"Pokkisi, use the speed, use the yawn."

[Yawn: A big yawn causes drowsiness.Put the opponent into a deep sleep for the next period of time. 】

Pokkisi, who used the super-speed skill, appeared in front of the biting land shark like a teleport.

It yawned big at the biting land shark.

Bite Lu Shark suddenly felt very sleepy. It completely forgot that he was at the game site, turned over on the game field and fell asleep directly.

Yi Xiuqi was taken aback, he hurriedly shouted anxiously: "Bite Lu Shark, wake up quickly, don't sleep!"

"Pokkisi, use magic to shine."

[Magic Shine: Launches strong light at the opponent and deals damage. 】

Countless fairy energies emerged from Pokkis.

In the blink of an eye, this energy turned into a beam of strong light, which shot directly at the biting land shark.

The biting land shark hit by the strong light suddenly woke up from his sleep.


It let out a scream, and the strong light burned its body. After a while, the body of the biting land shark was already scarred.

Xia Zhenyue will not let go of the opportunity to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

"Pokkisi, use big characters to explode."

The crimson flames began to condense in Pokkisi's mouth.

The biting land shark that fell on the ground was unable to dodge at all.

A flame in the shape of a large character spewed out from Pokkisi's mouth, and went straight to bite the land shark.

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