【Ding!The blazing roaring tiger defeated the biting land shark and gained 775 experience points! 】

"Doubles, the first round, Jiang Chen and Ji Man from Jiangcheng University won!"

Neither Su Zheng nor Shi Jiaojiao expected their elves to be defeated so easily in just a few rounds.

Especially Su Zheng, biting Lu Shark is already his most powerful elf.

But it is really not reconciled to hand over the victory like this.

In the doubles match, one person can send two spirits.

Su Zheng and Shi Jiaojiao sent their last two elves to participate.

Su Zheng sent a level 46 Rose Redo.

Shi Jiaojiao sent a level 45 lizard king.

Jiang Chen didn't change the spirit, it was still Gyarados, while Ji Man replaced it with Nine Tails.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger had been used as a meat shield several times in the previous rounds, and some were injured. Ji Man put it in the elf ball and slowly recovered.

The two elves sent by Su Zheng and Shi Jiaojiao were not even as high as Nine Tails.

"Nine Tails, use the flame vortex."

Nine Tails, opened its mouth wide and spit out crimson flames.

These flames swirled in the air, forming a huge vortex, soaring into the sky, surrounding Roseredo and the Lizard King.

Just when Roseredo and Lizard King were about to use skills to defend or rush out.

"Gyarados, use big characters to explode."

The crimson flames began to condense in the mouth of the Gyarados.

Trapped in the vortex of flames, Roseletto and Lizard King couldn't dodge at all.

A flame in the shape of a large character spewed out from the mouth of the Gyarados, and went straight to Roseredo and the Lizard King.

"¨. Lass!!!(ó﹏ò?)"

"Just babble!!!⊙︿⊙"

Roseletto and the Lizard King, who were struggling in the vortex of flames, looked at the big character explosion that was close at hand, and couldn't do anything other than screaming in horror.

"Boom!" There was a violent explosion.

When the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, Roseletto and Lizard King, who were covered in black, fell unconscious at the center of the explosion.

This wave of battles is simply a piece of cake.

"In the doubles match, Xia Zhenyue of Jiangcheng University won!"

(Okay Zhao)

"Jiangcheng University won both the singles and doubles matches, and successfully advanced to the finals!"

As the referee's voice fell.

At Jiangcheng University and the Elf Battle Arena, there was a tidal wave of applause and cheers.

Countless cameras were aimed at Jiang Chen and Ji Man.

Today's game was very exciting, and the ups and downs fluctuated a lot.

Lost in the team competition, won the singles competition, and won the doubles competition.

The audience at the scene experienced a great ups and downs.

After a short break, all of Jiangcheng University will go to the press conference!


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 213 Post-match press conference, re-entering the secret land of East Lake!

The losing team will be given priority to participate in the press conference.

But no media reporters were interested in them.

Ten minutes later, a staff member notified Jiangcheng University to attend the post-match press conference.

Since the start of the four divisions of the National University Elite League, each game has a press conference.

Although the people who pay attention to these divisional competitions are not all over the country.

But the finals were heated up through various news media.

The national top [-] finals held in Shanghai, although these student contestants won't get a penny.

But as the organizer of the event, the National College Student Elf Association can earn a lot of income.

Whether it is tickets, broadcast rights, advertising fees, and peripheral products, it is a lot of income.

So any hot news, they will arrange hype.

The venue for the press conference was arranged outside the Elf Battle Arena.

It can accommodate more than 300 reporters, plus camera crews and staff, the entire press conference is packed.

When Gao Xiangyi led the players from Jiangcheng University into the press conference.


Hundreds of reporters or photographers raised their cameras.




Hundreds of cameras and hundreds of flashes took pictures of the Jiangcheng University team frantically at the same time.

All the members of Jiangcheng University's school team were dazzled by the flashing lights, and they couldn't see what was in front of them clearly. They only felt a white light.

It wasn't until the host of the press conference signaled several times that the cameras stopped taking pictures.

Moderator, please calm down and start today's news interview.

The host squeezed into the microphone and said, "The press conference lasts for half an hour, and everyone has the opportunity to ask questions to the contestants on the rostrum!"

"When I point to the reporter, everyone has only one chance to ask questions!"

The first (.) reporter who was pointed by the host was a slightly fat female reporter wearing glasses.

"Student Jiang Chen, you have won the place to advance to the finals, how do you feel now?"

"Of course I'm in a good mood, and we are one step closer to our goal of Jiangcheng University!" Jiang Chen replied.

The second reporter picked up by the host was a middle-aged male reporter.

"Student Jiang Chen, what do you think of this competition?"

"Opinion? No opinion! The competition is still very difficult, especially the mistakes in the team competition. There will still be a certain pressure in the singles and doubles competitions!" Jiang Chen replied.

The third reporter pointed out by the host was a young male reporter.

"Student Jiang Chen, do you have anything to say to your opponent this time?"

"Well! Their strength is still very strong. I am optimistic that they will achieve even better results in the national top 16 competition!"


All kinds of questions were raised.

Most of the questions were directed at Jiang Chen.

It was agreed that the three and ten-minute press conference was finally dragged on for four and ten minutes.

After the press conference, due to the convenience of the home court, the members of the Jiangcheng University team went back to their respective homes and disbanded directly.

Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man went straight back to Jiang Chen's villa.

As a maniac for collecting experience and leveling, Jiang Chen will not miss any rest time.

As temporary elf breeders, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man will live in Jiang Chen's villa and take care of his elves.

Jiang Chen didn't go to the secret place of Moshan this time.

Instead, I went to the secret place of East Lake. There are many islands in the secret place of East Lake, and each island is like a different peak of Mount Emei.

He can completely copy the method of leveling up the secret realm of Mount Emei.

Use the third-level scan at the top of the island, and then sweep the entire island in circles, searching for treasures by the way.

Because of the secret place of East Lake, Jiang Chen did not bring Feng Speed ​​Dog this time, but brought Menus as a bodyguard.

The mount is still Pokkisi.

Among the three, the lower-level elves were all brought out by him. This time, they were going to fly into the depths of the East Lake secret realm.

The secret area of ​​East Lake is too big, there are islands everywhere, many places have not been developed, and not many people go to the depths of the secret area.

Xia Zhenyue drove and sent Jiang Chen to the secret place of East Lake.

At the entrance and exit, Xia Zhenyue leaned on the off-road vehicle and watched Jiang Chen communicate with the soldiers on duty at the entrance and exit of the secret realm.

Now, the soldiers on duty didn't expect that someone would enter the secret realm at night, so they questioned them for a long time.

After confirming that Jiang Chen's certificates are complete, Jiang Chen is allowed to enter the secret realm.

Xia Zhenyue saw Jiang Chen enter the secret realm, so she got in the car again, started the car and drove towards Jiangcheng University.

Jiang Chen, who entered the secret realm, found that the entrance and exit were very deserted, after all, it was so late.

He released Pokkisi directly, put a flying device on it, and jumped up.

Pokkisi started with two steps, accelerated with one, flew into the sky, and quickly went away.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 214 Beautiful beach, opponent in the final!

Jiang Chen rode Pokkis and flew in the sky.

Since the body is fixed on Pokkisi's back, the flight is very smooth and not bumpy.

So the speed is actually faster than riding a wind speed dog.

Accompanied by the moonlight in the secret realm.

Pokkisi flew for a long time, and at this time they had entered the depths of the secret place of East Lake.

At this time, through the moonlight, Jiang Chen found a small island not far away with a very large sandy beach.

The sand here is white and delicate, reflecting the moonlight and can be seen from a long distance.

Jiang Chen signaled Pokkisi to stop here.

Such a fine beach just happened to be their campsite today.

Because of Jiang Chen, they have already penetrated into the secret land of East Lake.

It's a deserted place, and it may even have never been - humans have been here.

So the beach that Jiang Chen found is very well preserved.

The mesmerizing swirls of bright white sand merge with the blue waters.

A large beach is formed here in the depression of the island, about seven or eight kilometers long.

In such a beautiful environment, Jiang Chen was very sorry that Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man did not come with them.

Jiang Chen made a mark on the map.

Prepare to have the opportunity to bring Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man here to play.

Jiang Chen quickly set up the tent again.

Then he released all the elves.

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