He didn't even bother to take care of the wild No. 1 recently... This made his employees suspect that Mr. Yamaki was messing around, even though Yamaki told his subordinates that the "unconfirmed life form" was actually a normal human being. Young people can be trusted, but they have acquired the characteristics of Digimon by accident, and they are partners of human beings. However, it is normal for them who have not seen the power of Taichi with their own eyes to have such doubts.

——There is a big dad in the team who can lie down, why do you need C?

In Yamaki's words, "I'd rather do nothing than make a mistake."

Fortunately, this network administration is not a military-related department, and there are no higher-level leaders, so how to treat Yagami Taichi and the beast trainers depends entirely on Yamaki's attitude, and there will be no other similar In the works... because from the perspective of the safety of all mankind, so

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Even the situation where heroes and monsters fight together.

"I'll do it right away, don't worry, brother."

"It's all up to you, Mr. Yamaki."

Taiyi briefly explained the current situation, and Yamaki could tell that the lost one was a girl.

Shan Mu didn't ask, but he must be able to think of something. Now is a great opportunity for Taiyi's brother to save the beauty, show off his skills, and gain favorability. So he seized the time and walked into the control room full of virtual projection screens to start issuing instructions. Order.

There is only such a huge device in this room full of futuristic technology. It is called "Hupnos", which is a system for monitoring the ever-expanding and growing network world. It can be monitored almost here, especially in Shinjuku. Because of the frequent occurrence of network anomalies all over the Tokyo metropolitan area, those staff members had already noticed this matter before Yamaki said it.

"Brother Taiyi!!"

"What's wrong? Mr. Yamaki, did you find it?"

Taiyi stood over there on pins and needles, holding his mobile phone, looking anxious like he was waiting for his wife who was giving birth.

"We did find the fluctuation of the girl you mentioned, and the fluctuation of that Digimon... But, the situation is not the same as I thought!"

"What do you mean?"

"They don't stay in one place fixedly, but constantly shuttle between different places. It's just... have you ever seen cat and mouse?"

Shan Mu didn't know how to describe the picture he saw. On the screen, the two red dots kept a short distance and were constantly moving.

"Be more specific."

"We can monitor the cyberspace of the entire Tokyo, just like a city map magnified several times, but here is cyberspace, they can ignore the physical rules in reality, even without any means of transportation, it only takes a few minutes Able to fly from Shinjuku to Chiyoda! Sometimes even go outside our network area outside of our detection.”

"What's more troublesome is that she will also stray into other network sites. The situation there is more complicated, and there are one small world after another!"

"They are like wolves and sheep in a maze. I can't give you precise coordinates."

Shan Mu's fists were sweating, he knew that one of the flashing red dots was not data, but a living life!But even he, including all the staff present, couldn't figure out how a human could become data.

——Could it be an inverse quantum transformation?Can quantum mechanics explain everything?

"But at least it is certain that she is still alive and trying to avoid the pursuit of the 'Wild No. 1' who attacked her!"

Taichi frowned, because he couldn't keep in touch with Yamaki after entering the cyberspace, unless Beetlemon was here, so even if he got the approximate location, when he was in place, Ruhime and the Digimon chasing her would also run to Went elsewhere and couldn't find it at all.

——Don't worry, take a deep breath first, it's just a game of peek-a-boo, how could it be difficult for me, Taichi Yagami?

--etc!If Ruhime can move at such a high speed in cyberspace, then she should be able to do it too!

"I have a solution! Mr. Yamaki."

"Oh? What is it?"

"You wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, Taiyi hung up the phone directly, Shanmu stood there with a dazed face, even if he racked his brains and couldn't figure out what Taiyi was going to do, even if he wanted to try a bold plan, he should ask the girl about it Is it the location?

"Director! That unconfirmed living body is moving fast!"

With the exclamation of his subordinates, Shan Mu suddenly looked up at the monitoring screen of the Hypnos system, and a small orange dot was moving rapidly towards the center where they were.

"Could it be that what he wants to do is...??"

Shan Mu was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth. He had already guessed what Tai Yi did, and he couldn't help but be shocked by the other party's astonishing imagination. Soon, perhaps in less than 2 minutes, a vacant and unmanned screen shone brightly. , and then a three-meter-tall golden dragon warrior popped out of the screen, holding a humanoid fox in his arms.


The staff present screamed in fright, but there were also other sounds.

"It's Battle Greymon! It's Battle Greymon!!"

"It's a living War Greymon!!"

It was a young girl in science and technology wearing glasses. She even took off the goggles at this time, her face was flushed and her eyes were full of surprises, as if she had won some lottery prize.

Taiyi glanced over there, and didn't say much... I thought that many of the network administration staff were young people in their 20s, and for them, Digimon should be considered youthful memories, and then they directly canceled the evolution into It looks like Taichi.

"Ah!!! It's Taichi! The paper man came back to life! You, can you sign me?"

"Sorry, sister, I still have something to do, let's talk about it after I rescue my friend."

Taiyi understood her reaction very well, but now was not the time to do such things.

"Brother Taiyi, you really... can always come up with some new tricks."

Shan Mu took off his sunglasses and walked over with a wry smile on his face. He never thought that it would be such a novel way for Taiyi to visit his work place for the first time.

"Calm down, Miss Qianben, our friend can freely enter and exit the digital world, so it is nothing surprising to find us along the network cable."


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Woo... I'm so happy, I don't have any regrets when I die now! "

The scientific researcher surnamed Qianben finally made such an exclamation, and there were no more voices. She also knew that the situation was urgent.

"So, brother, what can you do? Even if you find this place, we still have no way to enter there and find your friend accurately."

"No, I don't need to go to her anymore."

"Let her come to me."

After Taichi finished speaking, he took out the ring and card case from his waist.

"What do you mean?"

Shan Mu couldn't understand.

"I have a way to send the signal to Liu Ji and get in touch with her."

"Then why don't you let me get in touch with you and report to you all the time?"

"Because there is only one of this thing."

Yamaki saw the magical ring in Taiyi's hand, which was the device he used to evolve. Although Yamaki mentioned that he would use it for research, Taiyi rejected it because only he had the right to use it.

"Even if I use it to open the door to the cyberspace and go in, if I leave it with Mr. Yamaki, I won't be able to get out of it."

"Tell me, what exactly are you going to do?"

"...Have you heard of wicked navigation?"

Taiyi showed a bit of a bad smile, and Shan Mu only showed a puzzled expression after thinking for a while.

——Can you still play like this?

Chapter 174 Chapter 160 The Ice Devil Beast

Makino Ruuhime never thought about what would happen to her.

Because Digimons came to this world, either for refuge, or they were accidentally affected. I have never heard of anyone who would deliberately attack humans, even if they attack humans, it should not be in a city with millions of people The slightly troublesome pink bubbles that happened to be staring at him were also analyzed by Tai Yi. They could not come to this world independently, and could only move in the digital domain at most.

Moreover, this matter is only two or three hours back and forth, so it is not a big deal.

But she probably overlooked one thing, that is, she is now an animal trainer. Although her name is different, she is still a kind of chosen child.

--I am so silly.

——Look at those two animations, which girl was chosen not to have her own unit set, be kidnapped or something?

Liu Ji couldn't help lamenting that art is really based on reality and higher than reality.

She was about to tease Tai Yi, but she didn't expect that there was a very tyrannical force behind her that sucked her in... She fell freely in a very awkward posture, and when she finally realized, she had already arrived at the in space.

Then what was waiting for her was an Ice Evil Beast, this kind of Digimon is a subspecies of Evil Beast, and it has the cold attribute on the basis of the undead type.

"Good morning, Miss Makino Ruki."

"I'll just say it straightforwardly, I hope you will abandon your current partner and become my animal trainer."

The ice demon beast gave Liu Ji the first impression of that kind. On the surface, it looks gentle and refined, but in fact, it is a man with perverted habits behind the scenes, a classic scum image in various crime movies.

"I'm much stronger than your current partner, you should be very clear, right?"

"With me, you can truly become the 'Queen of Digimon', don't you think so? An excellent animal trainer like you should have a partner that matches your level!"

Liu Ji knows that although she looks like a rookie in front of Taiyi, she is actually a very sought-after animal trainer. When the fox beast came, there were many Digimon eager to choose them, but now Today is not what it used to be, it is absolutely impossible for Liu Ji to be moved by his few words.

"Since you are already strong, why do you need a beast trainer?"

But Liu Ji didn't refuse in a hurry, but was trying to delay the time.

"I still prefer to bring an originally weak Digimon to a high position, so that I can feel a sense of accomplishment."

Now, she can only pray that her sudden disappearance during the call will make Tai Yi aware of the abnormality, and then come to find herself quickly.

Now that she recalled her meaningless act of anger before she set off, she was very regretful, and she didn't know what she was talking about... Although it was indeed inconvenient to bring the fox beast, it was not impossible.

People are like this, sometimes when they say something, even they feel unbelievable, but because of face, they are too embarrassed to take it back, so they can only eat the bitter fruit themselves and trouble others.

—— Taichi... Come and save me quickly! !

"No, no, that's wrong."

"Digimon can only absorb data by killing other Digimon if they want to evolve, but for me, this progress is too slow and too dangerous."

"You also desire to become stronger, don't you? As the queen of Digimon in a battle game, you are forced to team up with two novices in reality. Are you willing?"

Because Taiyi basically won't interfere with their battles against ordinary Digimon recently, it's normal that the ice demon beast doesn't know his existence. In his opinion, Ruhime is the phoenix that fell into the pheasant group. Because his partner is weak, he was forced to It's such a pity to form a team with such a naive newcomer and share experience!

"If you are still hesitant, I can show you my trophies, so that you will have a clear understanding of my strength."

Ice Evil Beast thought of the same method as Taiyi before, but the difference is that Ruhime will never change partners, she doesn't need a Digimon stronger than Yehumon, because Yehumon is the most suitable Digimon for her

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Beast, if one day she dies, then Liu Ji will never be a beast trainer again.

What's more, even if she wanted to find a replacement for the Demon Fox Beast, Liu Ji would definitely not be able to find the Ice Demon Beast, he was too ugly!If you want to find it, at worst, you can also find a celestial female beast yourself?The main reason is that his celestial female beast that Taiyi talked about is too greedy, strong in fighting power and yet so sensible and mature.

"Then let's go and see how strong you are."

Ruki's expression was very calm.

At this time, she was no longer quick to speak, and simply refused, because she knew that she needed to delay.

Ice Demon Beast is very satisfied with her performance, and it is also within his own plan. Sure enough, everyone will have this kind of selfishness. In the past, he could enjoy the experience alone, but now he has to share it with those two people. You can get a stronger possibility, why not do it?

Holding the expectation like this, he led the way ahead, led Liu Ji to find a glowing network window, and then walked in, Liu Ji could only follow behind.

As soon as I entered, I felt a piercing coolness. This is an ice cave, and it is indeed in line with the characteristics of ice demon beasts.

Liu Ji couldn't help rubbing her arms, but what the Ice Devil Beast didn't expect was that, apart from the shell of the defeated one that he kept for collection... that was also a group of familiar Digimon, including a full-bodied pumpkin The brain shell left by the beast shows how cruel and cold-blooded this ice demon beast really is.

Liu Ji does have a strong desire to fight, but it is definitely not this kind of cold bloodlust. Now she begins to loathe this ice demon beast physically, but she dare not show it.

"How? Have you seen how powerful I am?"

"It's really good." Liu Ji tilted her head. "But how do you prove that you did these things? Is it possible that you just picked up the leaks? Or these spoils of war don't belong to you at all?"

"Beast Tamer, what are you talking about? Of course these things are mine! This is my territory!"

"Evidence, if you can't produce evidence, I can't trust you."

Ruki said firmly.

"Are you trying to stall for time?"

As expected of a demonic beast with a high IQ in the setting, he could tell right away that this animal trainer girl didn't seem to have a good impression of him.

"I tell you! You have to do it today! You have to do it if you don't!"

The Ice Evil Beast showed fierce eyes, and Liu Ji was even more helpless...Maybe because she usually goes straight, so her acting skills are not very good, and the words of the Ice Evil Beast also reminded her of those people who pestered her. Bottom boys.

"Of course not...? What is that?"

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