Qiren felt strange in his heart, but he was not angry.

Although he had some opinions on Liu Ji before, since Taiyi has a good relationship with her, it means that she is not the kind of person he thinks, Taiyi believes that there must be no bad people, this is the standard of Qiren's judgment.

"Everyone will be companions from now on, right? Beast trainers should unite and help each other. I think Taichi thinks the same way."

"This kind of words are used to urge myself, not to educate others. What I want to do is my freedom."

The exchange of just two sentences was a bit of a smell of gunpowder, and Taiyi was caught in the middle of them, and it was not easy to speak for anyone.

But he wasn't worried about it, because he knew that these two got along very well, Qiren showed his kindness and gentleness unreservedly, while Liu Ji would give silently, and didn't want others to see her Kindness and tenderness, that's why they have small conflicts.

"Don't worry about Qiren, Liu Ji speaks like this, just get used to it."

Taiyi put his arms around Qiren's shoulders and communicated with him like a good brother.

"Jianliang, don't think about it, let's have dinner quickly. I just ran a long way and I'm starving."

"Feel sorry."

Jian Liang smiled and recovered from his contemplation.

"Do you think that suddenly there is government interference, and things will not be easy? Don't think about it. When it comes to Digimon issues, you are far more reliable than those government personnel who eat public food. To be honest, if I were a network People from the management bureau, I will definitely recruit you to me as a part-time job, and I will also pay you wages."

"In that case, if the number of

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Code beasts appear more and more frequently, maybe the animal trainer will really become a job like a civil servant... In that case, the three of us may be the first to eat crabs? "

Jianliang also half-jokingly replied.

——This is true, but your world is not destined to be like this.

Although some accidents happened, Taiyi's birthday party was still held step by step.

It's just that Taiyi a month ago never imagined that at the 18th birthday party, there would be no Celestial Beast, no Flower Fairy Beast, and no Jiaer... but the third generation of the three-primary-color protagonist group and their respective Digimon Accompany yourself through.

"By the way, Taiyi! Jianliang and I have prepared a gift for you!"

Before moving his chopsticks, Qiren went to the cabinet in the room, where his birthday cake was placed on it, and there were other things piled up beside it.

"This is... a divine plan?"

Taiyi opens the box and finds that it is a toy package, on which is a picture of himself and Agumon when he was a child. Inside the transparent plastic lies a delicate white tyrannosaurus machine, which is exactly what Taiyi lacks.

"Hey, it's the peripherals. Because it's an animation many years ago, it's out of print. It's not easy to get this, and it cost me a lot of money." Qiren said blushing and scratching his head. "I want to make up for your regret that you don't have this thing."

"Thank you, I like it very much."

"Mine is the music album of the "Digimon Adventure" animation. It not only contains all the episodes, but also includes two theme songs sung by Mr. Wada for the animation."

Jianliang handed over his share to Taiyi, and he smiled, but Taiyi was stunned for a moment.

—The dead childhood suddenly attacked me.

"The theme song is very nice! The background music of evolution is also very exciting, you will definitely like it!"

"Thank you, Jianliang...this is a very precious gift."

Taiyi didn't show any more expressions, but just accepted it very touched.

"Taiyi, well, Liu Ji is not too embarrassed, let me pass it on to you."

Yaohu felt that Liu Ji must be embarrassed, so he planned to transfer it on his own, but Liu Ji held her down without saying a word, and then silently took out a packaged sneaker from under his feet.

"Gift~ No need to thank you, you have to give me back a copy on my birthday, it can't be cheaper than what I gave."

The girl raised her eyebrows lightly, pretending not to care.

Seeing this scene, Yaohu Beast showed a somewhat relieved smile.

There is a pair of white main tone with blue styles. Looking at the world-renowned trademark, you know that it must be very valuable.

"If you say that, then I have to start preparing early."

"Hey, anyway... Taiyi!!"

Kaito took the lead with a smile, and everyone and other Digimon also shouted in unison.

"Happy birthday!!!"

Chapter 170 Chapter 160 Three Miracles and Magic Exist

Two days passed after my birthday.

During this period, Taiyi kept in touch with the three of them all the time. Now under his suggestion, the trio of three primary colors has basically established the goal of "fighting against the enemies that will definitely happen in the future and not losing to the Apocalypse Beast level". Faith, whether Qiren or Jianliang, no longer resists fighting.

"The opponent is an enemy that even Taiyi can't deal with, isn't it? If we can't help him win this battle, he won't be able to return home, and even our world will be in danger."

The reason for Qiren to fight is that simple, but there is Taiyi, and they are all adults with different personalities, but their minds have already matured, so it is unlikely that there will be a situation where there is too much haste.

Just every day... Qiren and Jianliang will train each other, and then it turns out that the big-eared beast can evolve to a mature stage long ago, and the Kirmon also completed its evolution when facing an evil dragon beast that broke into the real world, becoming Gula beast.

Now, the trio of three primary colors are growing in an orderly manner according to Taiyi's plan.



One day on the weekend, because I stayed up late last night, Taiyi slept under the covers until 8:[-] in the morning.

In fact, Taiyi himself does not have this habit, but after buying a mobile phone recently, Taiyi found that the network information in this world is different from his world, so he accidentally read a novel for a long time last night.

It was a fan novel about Digimon. In this world where only Digimon Adventures 1 and 2 exist, it is still very difficult for someone to write a story about only Digimon, but I wrote it very well, a bit X evolution has that kind of taste, but because there are too few types of Digimon, and there is no "royal knight" setting, there are still certain limitations.

In fact, Taichi is also very curious, why Digimon did not continue to launch related animations.

This seems to have become an unsolved mystery in the world of ACG circles. Obviously, the popularity is exploding, but any company with normal business sense will choose to ride the wind at this time, seize the time to launch sequels, peripherals, and develop into games. What, but "Digimon" has become a short-lived miracle. Although the plot of the second generation has been criticized by many people, it will not really go out of business.

No one knows why, even if some bigwigs analyze it online, after all these years, no one really cares about this kind of thing. After all, no matter how you analyze it, the Digimon series will not be restarted.

Therefore, the sad fans can only produce their own food and enjoy themselves while suffering.

I saw their sentence on the Internet

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Taichi is also very touched by the heart-pounding words... If there is a chance one day, Taichi will let the whole world, people who still love Digimon, know that the so-called miracles and magic exist, and he Yagami Taichi is here.

Just imagine, if you are a fan of the Digimon series living in the three-generation world, one day a monster suddenly appeared in reality, and then a battle tyrannosaurus appeared to defeat it, what a ecstatic picture it would be ?

As for the reason why Digimon did not launch a sequel, Taichi felt that it probably had something to do with the scientists of those "wild research groups". After getting the above news, Mou Ying did not dare to continue.

Repetition got up early today, and she was dressed very formally. Although the university did not have such a strict requirement, she still dressed like a graduate going for an interview, a dark suit with trousers and leather shoes.

"Heavenly Beast...don't be angry, you will definitely like her too..."

As soon as he opened the door, he heard a sleepy man talking on the bed.

——?What are you dreaming about?

Liu Ji frowned, although she had no evidence, she always had a bad feeling.

The boy lay there with a unique hairstyle, his lips were slightly parted, his clean and angular face was shadowed by the sunlight that came in after the door was opened, and he let out a sound of steady breathing.

She first squatted beside Tai Yi, wanting to hear his other strange dreams.

"... No way... Everyone is my wing... No, fight."


Although Liu Ji didn't quite understand the meaning of these words, she had heard enough.

"Get up, hello! Wake up!"

Ruhime gently pushed the sleeping boy with her hands, and Taichi opened his eyes sleepily.

"Liu Ji...you know, I've always liked girls like you..."

Maybe he thought he was in a dream and was a little confused from reality, so he said this sentence with a smile.

But Liu Ji's eyes widened immediately, and she didn't know why, although it was not the first time that she was said to be "liked" by others, but she had never encountered such a situation... At this moment, what she was thinking was not whether Tai Yi was secretly in love with herself, but But what strange dream is going on in his head?What kind of image did he become in his dream?



Taichi shuddered all over and finally opened his eyes completely.

"What, it's Liu Ji... What are you doing?" He rubbed his eyes and said something impatiently, then he habitually touched the phone by the bedside, and when he saw that the time was only past eight o'clock, he immediately pouted. "I only slept for less than three hours!"

"Did you forget that I'm going on a long trip today?"

Liu Ji was speechless, this man really does not give people a sense of security in life, and he is not at all as reliable as he is in the face of battle.

But then again, if he was such a perfect person in life, then Liu Ji would not know how to face him, and their relationship would not be as good as it is now, precisely because he is also a very good person on weekdays. Only a guy with real temperament can successfully become friends with Taiyi.

"What does your trip have to do with me?"

Taichi scratched his hair and closed his eyes again, then suddenly opened them again.

"What? Do you want me to accompany you?"

"Tsk." Liu Ji smacked her lips. "Help me take care of the demon fox!"

"The demon fox is not a child...wait a minute."

In fact, Liu Ji told Taiyi about this matter yesterday, and Taiyi also agreed to it at that time, but now he suddenly felt something was wrong.

It stands to reason that she is a beast trainer, and the fox is not only her partner, but also her most reliable personal bodyguard, so this kind of behavior is actually risky. With a high-intelligence commander who is like a vampire beast behind him, especially for beast trainers, Tai Yi will definitely accompany her personally, even if she doesn't want to, she will forcefully follow her.

Taiyi suddenly thought of something, and fell asleep all of a sudden.

"I think you should take her with you, it's not safe for you to be alone."

"Do you think I'm a fifth grader?" Liu Ji stood up and pinched her waist and said displeasedly. "I traveled to Kagoshima by myself last year."

"I didn't mean that, I meant Digimon."

Taiyi persuaded.

"I'm going to take the tram for a long time. Did you let the fox lie on the roof?"

Liu Ji didn't know why, maybe she felt that she would lose face when she heard Tai Yi's words at this time, and it seemed that she was not independent enough. Say something that even you find incredible afterwards.

"And we also agreed before that you will take care of her for me for a day. In fact, you don't have to take care of her, as long as you don't let her run around."

Of course Tai Yi also understood her current psychology, so he blinked his eyes and thought about it.

"Okay then, you go early and come back early."

Chapter 171Chapter 160Four Speak Out!It's now!

After Liu Ji left home, Taiyi also left with Gulemon and Yaohumon.

Because if her mother knew that Taiyi had nothing to do and refused to accompany her daughter, this "girlfriend" to go to college, she would definitely be dissatisfied. It's still the honeymoon period, mainly because he himself doesn't want to be hated by beautiful women.

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"Taiyi, is it really okay for us to do this?"

Yaohushou opened the car door, sat in the co-pilot's seat, then carefully fastened the seat belt, and then looked at the boy sitting next to him in the main driver's seat.

She was worried, one was worried that what they did would make Liu Ji unhappy, and the other was worried about Taiyi's driving skills, because he obviously just passed the age for his driver's license yesterday.

"You're not in the mood to play anyway, are you?"

"You said that Liu Ji might be targeted." The demon fox sighed. "I don't understand, Taiyi, since you already felt that Liu Ji was being targeted, why did you let her go alone?"

"Because I have no proof."

Taiyi sighed, then inserted the car key and started the engine, and the car under him that he rented with the money from Shan Mu started.

"I can't make Ruki believe me, and I'm not 100% sure, I just did it for insurance."

Because he was worried that something would happen to Ruhime, Taichi went to a car rental company to rent a car shortly after she left, planning to go to her destination Yokohama to secretly follow and protect her.

"You know Ruki has some character flaws too, so I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing."

"? I don't quite understand, Taichi."

The demon fox is very confused.

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