"I didn't let her, Gulemon did it well!"

"Football is so fun! Hehe! Taichi, come play football after eating the birthday cake today, okay?"

Gu Le Beast hugged the football and smiled happily.

"of course can."

Qiren and Jianliang have been notified about Taiyi’s birthday today. The main reason is that Taiyi thinks it’s meaningless to be alone with him and Liu Ji. Under the circumstances, she didn't say much, now is a great time to let the three protagonists of the three primary colors hug each other.

"No... Taiyi, I'm not convinced."

The more you think about it, the more you feel something is wrong, and the more you think about it, the more angry you become. She still can't believe that a strong Digimon like herself can play such a simple sport, and she can't break through the ordinary Tai who can't open the Digisoul.

"Teach me better!"

"Well, there's really nothing you can do about it, demon fox beast."

Taiyi taught her very earnestly, almost hand in hand, and even knelt down to touch her feet, helped her adjust the power point and angle, as well as tricks such as using fake movements to deceive the opponent, beside Gulemon With cheers on, the fox beast finally touched the doorway, successfully kicked a C-shaped arc ball, bypassed Taiyi's body and flew into the goal.

"Success, I succeeded!"

The pair of dead fish eyes of the demon fox beast rarely revealed a look of surprise.

"very good!!"

Taiyi also excitedly ran over to hug her to celebrate this little success, and couldn't help stroking her fox head. The fox was a little flattered, and even blushed, but she was too embarrassed to refuse, so she could only let Taiyi fiddling.

Now she somewhat understands why he can become the savior who gathers the hearts of all the people in another digital world, if her animal trainer is him...

— No, what am I thinking?How could I have the idea of ​​betraying Liu Ji?

"Very good, very good, very good, very good, very good!! Well done, you fox beast, your shooting skills are already better than most guys in the field!"

Just when Tai Yi was expressing his feelings, he suddenly saw a man with yellow hair and sunglasses in a suit approaching them quietly.

Chapter 166 Chapter 150 IX Unconfirmed Life Form No. 4

Taichi really can't remember the name of this man, but he should be someone from the Japanese government, affiliated to a national network security agency, responsible for dealing with this kind of digital monsters that frequently appear in the real world Send it back to the digital world.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a child?"

Tai Yi deliberately put on the face of a little gangster, and threatened him with disdain.

"My name is Mitsuo Yamaki, and I want to talk to you about these creatures... Digimon."

He also behaved very calmly, and even took out a cigarette slowly from his pocket, and played with his high-end retro flint lighter a few times skillfully, ready to light a cigarette.

In fact, most of the people who carry lighters are also smokers, but there are no relevant scenes in the animation. After all, it is a sub-director, and releasing such scenes is prone to accidents, but this does not mean that the real Yamaki does not smoke.

However, Taiyi would not allow this guy to be dragged in front of him, not to mention there are children like Gule Beast here.


After a long distance, Tai breathed lightly, and Shanmu's lighter went out immediately. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't start the fire. The steel wheel kept rubbing sparks, but the fire just couldn't start.

"This is a public place, and there are children."

Taiyi walked towards him slowly

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Go, with a grim, haughty look on his face.

"Pay attention to quality."

"I didn't expect a creature like you to care about such things."

Yamaki Mitsuo smiled, then put the unlit cigarette back into his pocket, and then gradually approached Taiyi.

"My kind of creature? Did you have some wonderful misunderstanding?"

Tai found the way he spoke interesting.

Indeed, yesterday he witnessed the scene where he evolved into a battle tyrannosaurus with his own eyes, so in his eyes, maybe he is the kind of Digimon wearing a human vest?For example, the relationship between Alpha Beast and Kyoko?Or does he think he's just a Digimon with the ability to change his appearance?

"I don't intend to argue with you, I just want to talk to you."

"Taiyi, don't listen to him!"

The demon fox beast quickly came to Tai Yi's side to protect him.

Although I don't quite understand what's going on, this person is not a good thing at first glance. He is wearing a black suit with yellow hair, and he is wearing sunglasses on this cloudy day without the sun. He has a dangerous aura rushing towards his face, just like a fox occasionally patrolling the street. Ruki once warned her not to get close to people who dressed like this, so she had to protect Taiyi as a matter of course.

"It's okay, fox beast, tell Liu Ji that I might be a little late. If they are hungry, they can just eat and don't have to wait for me."

"Taiyi, let me follow you, it's too dangerous!"

"Do you think I need your protection?"

Tai raised an eyebrow.


It may be that the instinct of the partner Digimon is at work, and the fox beast forgot for a while that Taichi is not a pure animal trainer.

"Then be careful, Taiyi."

The demon fox glanced at Mitsuo Yamaki with sharp eyes like a sword, then backed away, picked up Gulemon and played the football with them all morning, turned into a black shadow and disappeared after a few flashes.

"It seems that you are also a beast trainer at the same time." Shan Mu smiled meaningfully when he saw this scene. "What is this? Have you domesticated your own kind?"

"I have to explain something first, Mr. Yamaki." Standing there, Taiyi raised his left hand and tapped his temple, smiling. "I'm not a Digimon, I'm a real human being."

"My name is Yagami Taiichi, I am 18 years old, I live in a residential area of ​​Odaiba, Tokyo, I am unmarried, I graduated from Tsukishima Comprehensive High School, I don't smoke, I drink a little bit, I always drink a glass of milk and do it for 20 minutes before going to bed The warm-up exercise does not leave any fatigue and stress, so until the next morning, I go for a physical examination every year, and the doctor said that my body is very healthy."

"……what are you saying?"

Faced with Taichi's very formal self-introduction, Yamaki was a little confused.

"I'm explaining to you that I'm human, not what you think I am."

"Then I also want to explain to you, Iori-kun, I am the head of the Network Management Office of the Network Management Bureau. My main responsibility is to deal with various Digimon incidents that have recently appeared in the real world. The existence of Digimon has seriously threatened The stability and security of human society, so I want to talk to you."

"Why did you ask me for what Digimon did? I'm not a Digimon."

Tai smiled.

"Yesterday, you turned into a Digimon in the park, right? Can you explain to me what happened? My colleagues and I are very curious about this."

"Why should I tell you? Buying information also costs money, Mr. Yamaki." Taichi didn't want to repeat it again, he had already repeated the story of his own world to Ruki and others twice. "Besides, I feel that you don't know anything about Digimon. Even if I tell you, you won't understand."

"You actually say I don't know anything?"

Shan Mu was a little bit off guard now.

"Do you know that so many Digimon came to this world through the digital realm, who is blocking them? Who is it that took time and effort to clean up the scene after your battle to suppress the news?"

"That's your job, but like I said, you don't know anything about Digimon."

"I really don't know anything about you, but Digimon, these creatures, I think their existence is a mistake, they must be cleaned up, and this is my job, I shouldn't let you and those other little ghosts show up, You have been confused by them by mixing with Digimon, so wake up!"

Mitsuo Yamaki didn't intend to speak so bluntly at first, this is a negotiating technique, and he needs to suppress the opponent's speech space a little bit, and finally took out Wang Zang, but the arrogant attitude of the opponent really made him unbearable.

"You know, Mr. Yamaki, most of the reasons why a person hates something is because of a lack of understanding of that thing."

Tai Yi's speech is not fast, but very steady, which can attract people to keep listening.

"...If this is the case, you might as well cooperate with me, so that we have the opportunity to learn more about the existence of Digimon."

Yamaki thinks it makes sense.

"In your perception, what kind of creature is a Digimon?"

"It's just a group of scientists with dreams. The seeds planted on the Internet in the early years are now taking root and sprouting, and they have become reality by chance." Although Shan Mu is wearing sunglasses, he is obviously frowning and his expression is very serious. "These life forms that act chaotically on the Internet, we call them 'Wild No. 1', when they are released in the real world, they will produce particles like dense fog."

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"The area covered by these mist is the digital domain. The electromagnetic waves inside will change with the signal of 'Wild No. 1', causing the elements in the air to condense rapidly, and undergo quantum conversion into substances that look like proteins. When they are completely solidified, Digimon get the entities they need to survive in the real world."

"That's it, the analysis makes sense."

What Shan Mu said was the rules by which Digimon can appear in reality, but Taichi still thinks it is outrageous, but this is the physical rule of this universe, Digimon actually exist, you don’t need to worry about whether he explains it forcibly, they just exist .

"However, your existence has refreshed our cognition. We can't figure out whether you are a human or a Digimon. Therefore, we named you 'Unconfirmed Lifeform No. 1'."

"No. 1 is not very good, let's change it to No. 4."

Taichi replied only half-jokingly after listening.

Chapter 167C160 Young people, don't be too aggressive!

"Why number 4? Are there three other people like you in front?"

Shan Mu didn't understand the meaning of this title, but felt that Taiyi's sudden jump from position 1 to position 4 really sent a chill down his spine.

"No, don't get me wrong, I just like this serial number better."

Too much thinking that this is not the world of "Infinity Zone". He must be the only human being who can become a Digimon. The main reason is that his power came by coincidence. It is a combination of science and theology, but let it go. Openly speaking, it can also be a complete science. After all, constancy is also composed of a series of codes, and then materialized by the "scientific" principle that Shan Mu said.

"It's rare, do you think 4 is your lucky number?"

Shanmu became more and more convinced that the young man in front of him was really a human being, mainly because he had also fought in political circles that were crueler than the workplace, and had seen all kinds of people, and the Taiyi in front of him was really exactly what he remembered The kind of young people in the middle school should look like, talking very unreasonably, neither big nor small, but they still have some skills.

"No, I just like the name 'Unconfirmed Lifeform No. 4'."

For example, when playing games, I always like to take the names of some characters I admire, which is a simple joke.

"So, can you tell me, what are you? Even if you are human, I would like to know why you can become what you are now?"

"Actually, you don't need to ask me these questions." Tai Yi didn't soften his mouth, the main thing was that question, you told him, he didn't understand what it meant at all. "Why don't you watch the two animations of "Digimon Adventure", and you will gradually understand everything."

"Animation? You let me watch animation?"

"I'm talking to you about serious real issues! You let me watch anime?"

Shan Mu laughed back angrily, and even couldn't help taking off his sunglasses.

"Digimon have appeared in reality, and you still think it's just animation? Do you know how many 'Wild No. 1' have appeared in those animations?"

"You are too arrogant, Yagami Taichi! I think we are exchanging information fairly, but I try to persuade you, but you keep teasing me!"

Shan Mu almost gritted his teeth, showing that he was extremely angry. He is also considered a high-ranking government official, but he was despised by a high school student like this. How could he bear it?

"I would like to advise you, young people, don't be too arrogant!"

"Aren't you angry and called a young man?"

"I've made it very clear. You are the one who is arrogant. You are arrogant even though you don't know anything about Digimon." Taiyi's expression gradually became cold. "Do you think you can really stop Digimon with your methods? Do you think you can stabilize the situation without those tamers? You think Digimon are just a group of lions who escaped from a zoo called 'Network' A tiger or a gorilla?"

A series of words like a cannonball made Yamaki Mitsuo speechless, but what Taiyi said was indeed true, in Shanki's cognition, he really thought so.

"Anyway, I can't accept such a result. I have already told you what I know, and you have to come up with something of equal value."

After hearing this, Taichi smacked his lips, feeling very troublesome, as if he was going to do science popularization for someone who has never seen Digimon IP and didn’t understand it. Although some people will enjoy it, Taiyi still has an appointment next time , there is really no time.

"Actually, on another day, I have time to accompany you to make up those animations and then tell you my story, but today is my birthday, unfortunately, I am in a hurry, and my friends are still waiting for me. "

"Today is your birthday... Then I'm really sorry to disturb you."

Shan Mu smiled, then picked up his lighter and fiddled with it again, making crisp "click" and "click" sounds.

"Yeah, so I'll show you something special next, and you can leave contented."


"I'll ask you to reassess the Digimon threat."

Taiyi was in a hurry, so he decided not to make any preparations, and just let him see clearly when he could do it. He immediately opened his palm, and the white dazzling holy light suddenly condensed in the palm, Shanmu couldn't help but put on the sunglasses again , I saw a ring-shaped terminal device appearing on Taiyi's hand.

"The door to the digital world is open!"

A beam of rainbow-colored light just fell from the sky, as if it came from Asgard in the comics

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Like a rainbow bridge, Shanmu trembled on the spot, and his pupils under the sunglasses shook. This miraculous scene left him speechless.

He had a premonition somewhere... Maybe his cognition would collapse after a while, and even his worldview would be reshaped.

At the invitation of Taiyi, Yamaki walked nervously under the rainbow beam of light, and then the gravity became unbalanced. He felt as if he had entered outer space, and he took off directly with Taiyi, and the surrounding world kept changing colors until they were in Landed safely in an uninhabited desert.

"Where did you bring me?? Where is this?"

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