
Seeing this, the Celestial Girl immediately flew to his side, grabbed Taiyi's back and legs and hugged him like a princess.

"Heavenly Beast, I am really surprised, you are more powerful than I imagined."

"It's all because of Taiyi that I can fight like this."

Few people would praise themselves, and most of them hated and feared her. Hearing this, Houtian female beast couldn't help being a little embarrassed, of course, because Tai Yi was wearing the iron mask, she didn't notice her subtle reaction.

"I can't do it by myself, Tiannv Beast, please stand up boldly."


——The aptitude you have is the reason for being the 'savior'.

Taiyi was thinking like this, but unexpectedly, he was hit on the head by two bouncing things again.

"Does Taiyi want me to do this? Keep your chest up?"

"……That was not what I meant."

Tai Yi was squeezed until his face was deformed, the most important thing was that what he felt at this moment was not only the soft elastic touch, but also the two pieces of golden wings and armor were so stiff and cold that they shaved his face sorely.

"What I want to say is that you are already very strong. We are not the two last-minute options you said before. We are not a forced combination. We are the two most correct people."

To win the final victory may not require too much strength, only the right people are enough.

"Is that so? But isn't Agumon what Taiyi wants most?"

Tiannv Beast turned her face away and said in a sour tone on purpose.

——You, a big sister who is a head taller than me, don't act like a tsundere person!

"Sorry, I didn't consider your feelings when I said that before, but I don't think so anymore, I don't think we are inappropriate anymore, Celestial Beast."

——What kind of Agumon do you need? It’s not an ancient species, but it’s been deflated all the time!Wouldn't it be nice to be a Celestial Beast who can fight, be soft, and restrain dark bosses?

Tiannvmon didn't say anything, but she was very sweet in her heart. She was really happy to hear Taiyi say that, yes...Taiyi alone is enough for her, and she doesn't need other Digimon partners!



After returning to the Infinity Mountain on the ground, Tiannv Beast immediately released the evolution and returned to the state of Tilu Beast. She had to exert a lot of strength in this battle, and now there is really no need to keep it. The temple of the evil beast on the ground has disappeared, and the mountain top The old scenery was restored... But just when they were about to go down the mountain to find Lion Beast and the others, the ground suddenly cracked, a circular device appeared, and then a rainbow of light shot out.

"Too careful!"

"It's okay, it's not an enemy this time."

Taiyi walked past Tailu Beast, and it happened that an old man also appeared in the light.

The little old man was very short. Although he was wearing a strange robe, he had a kind face and a lot of beard, so he wouldn't give people a dangerous feeling.

This guy is Xuannei, an NPC-like existence in the original work, who is actually a constant agent responsible for guiding the chosen children.

"I really didn't expect... Under such circumstances, the chosen child still appeared."

The old man smiled slightly when he saw the refreshing young man in front of him.

"My name is Gennai."

"Iori Taichi, this is Tailmon." Taichi gave a brief introduction. "I didn't expect to be able to come to the digital world, so, do you have anything to tell me?"

"Seeing that you are much older than the previous batch of children, it is indeed much easier to speak. It seems that you have understood a lot of things." Xuan Nei cleared his throat and replied. "Evil Beast must have been defeated by you, right? Your partner is... Tailu Beast?"

The old man observed the young man in front of him, then looked at the white kitten beside him, his eyes widened instantly, and he quickly realized that something was wrong.

"Wait! Are you alone?"

"That's right, I want teammates but the conditions don't seem to allow it." Tai Yi smiled wryly.

"...You defeated the Evil Beast by yourself? How is this possible? That guy's strength is not something that can be resisted at maturity, even the Dilu Beast with the sacred ring can't do it."

"My Tilumon can evolve, Mr. Xuannai."


Gennai, who had been squinting his eyes all this time, opened his eyes for the second time in amazement.

"But...you don't have a badge, an evolution key, or even a divine plan. How can you let your partner evolve to a full body?"

"Maybe it's because I'm a perfect tense." Taichi said after thinking about it. "I already have those noble qualities, so naturally I don't need to grow any more."

"...Really, it seems that if it is you, maybe this world can still be saved, and the light of hope has not been extinguished."

Xuan Nei accepted Tai Yi's words, and he felt infinite emotion in his heart.

"Many years ago, I made an irreparable mistake. I failed to protect those digital eggs...they were all taken away by the Clown King, and even the divine plan... blah blah."

The little old man Xuannei couldn't help crying when he mentioned the sad matter.

"Hey, don't cry, aren't you a guide? You should come to comfort us, right?"

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Taiyi and Di Lushou pinched their waists and looked at each other helplessly, then shook their heads helplessly.

"Besides, all your efforts have not been in vain. Isn't Dilu Beast still alive?"

"Is that so?" Xuannei didn't seem to know about it. "In my impression, it should be that the eight Digi-eggs and the sacred plan were all taken away. Maybe... Maybe it was a coincidence that made you survive, Tailumon."

"I don't know what happened when I was born. I have been living in the wild since I can remember, and many things happened later... But I finally know my destiny." While talking, Tailu beast caught Taiyi hand, with a satisfied face. "And when I met Taiyi, I knew what I should really do."

"That's right, sure enough, you won't give up this world easily."

What Xuannei can think of is the remedial measures that Continuity will take in time after such a vicious incident, save a Tilumon, and then re-select suitable people to enter the digital world. After all, the divine plan is just a tool for the evolution of Digimon , even without it, Digimon can evolve, but it is difficult to guarantee that this power will not be used by bad people.

But the ingenious thing is that the last hero, Yagami Taichi is not a growth-type character but a completion type. No matter what direction he evolves to, there is no need to worry about him doing bad things... That's why an older character was selected. The reason for the child.

Chapter 13 Chapter 12 Bichu Beast

"So, my ultimate goal is to defeat the Clown King, right?"

"Now you are not that guy's opponent, but as long as you continue to travel and increase your strength again and again in the battle, you will definitely be able to catch the light of hope!"

Xuannei answered like this, but just thinking about the oppressive feeling of that masked clown made him feel terrified.

"What is that guy doing now? Does he know about my coming to this world? Will he free his hands to hunt me down?"

Taichi was a little worried.

This is the real digital world. The attack seen in the original animation only causes knockback, and skin trauma and other effects have all changed in the real world that Taiyi saw. When Leomon attacked Tailmon, her face was deformed and her whole body was deformed. Bleeding, and the punch of Tiannv Beast can also smack Evil Beast's face, which doesn't look like the picture that Zigong animation should have.

He must make all preparations. The Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness are no longer characters created by the screenwriter to set off the protagonist, but villains who want to truly dominate the world.

"You don't have to worry about that for now," Xuannei replied. "The Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness are now fighting the Four Holy Beasts in places we don't know. This battle is protracted, but the darkness is always spreading. It is also a matter of time before they are defeated."

"So no matter what, before the defeat of the four holy beasts...get the ultimate power! Go to the server continent across the sea and find the eight left badges!"

"Badge?" Of course Tai Yi also knew the importance of those things. "But, now that there is no divine plan, do badges really have any effect?"

"Badges are props made by the gods that can save the world. Maybe they are not useful at present, but they will definitely play a vital role in the decisive battle that will come one day."

After saying this, Xuannei's projection disappeared.

Before leaving, I also said some words of encouragement to Taiyi. To sum it up, it is roughly—even if there is no divine plan, please save this world.

Although the future may be full of dangers, Taiyi is the kind of character who will actively devote himself to adventure and passively devote himself to the unknown destiny... The world in front of him is so beautiful.

"Don't worry, Taiyi." Dilu Beast looked at him at this time, and the kitten could clearly see himself in the clear eyes. "No matter what posture I evolve into, I will always be your partner."

"Don't say such nasty things, I'm getting goosebumps." Taiyi smiled, then raised her hand and ruaed Dilu Beast. After a closer look, Dilu Beast is also very cute. I really want to hug her Suck it hard in my arms, but I'm afraid she will explode, right?

"Across the sea... is the enemy."

Looking straight at the endless sea, Di Lumon said so.

"No, there are not only enemies on the other side of the sea, but also dreams."



Next, Taiyi set off immediately without rushing. He and Dilumon returned to the original founding village to report the news of Evil Beast's death to Leomon and Ogamon who fled back in a hurry. Leomon and the children were very happy , only Oga Beast put on an unconvinced look over there.

"...You guys are so clever, you actually killed that evil beast."

"Hey, don't be so frank." Leomon patted Ogamon's shoulder at this time, and explained helplessly to Taiyi. "Don't look at him like this, after you dispelled the cloud just now, he shouted louder than me."

"Really? Hahaha, you are so cute, Ogamon."

Taiyi couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Lionmon, don't say everything! I, I'm so happy!" Ogamon's face turned red suddenly, and its mouth was incoherent. "You are the bad things that ate my food and beat me! Huh, it's a pity that the evil beasts couldn't clean up you."


As if realizing that he had said something that shouldn't have been said outspokenly, he immediately changed his words and muttered something in a low voice.

"Just as

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Please pay me for getting rid of Evil Beasts... Now the island is out of crisis, and I don't have to worry about being controlled by Evil Beasts. "

"Don't get me wrong! This is not a thank you! It's just an equivalent exchange!"

Ogamon emphasized loudly, but there is no silver 300 taels here.

"That's not frank, you bastard."

Dilu Beast couldn't help laughing too, Taiyi was also very happy to see her reaction like this, it would be best if she could get rid of the shadows of the past as soon as possible.

"What are your plans next? Taiyi, Tailumon, are you leaving File Island?"

Lion Beast's attitude towards Taiyi is also a bit more respectful than before, because he is also completely convinced that Taiyi is the savior of this world.

"Dilumon and I will go to File Island first. There may be other Digimon controlled by the black gear. I will rescue them with Dilumon. Then there may be some clues here."

For example, it’s like playing an open world game. You confidently kill the bottom boss, but you haven’t picked up the various props and items on this map. Generally speaking, you first explore the map to pick up props and then kill them. Boss, but now Taichi has reversed.

"In that case, I have a friend here who can help you."


"Her name is Bichumon, and she is also my friend."

Under the introduction of Leomon, a Digimon with a pink and red beak and almost two-thirds of its head came over.

"You are the chosen child and his partner. Nice to meet you!"

Bichumon bowed politely.

"Thank you again for saving the file island, so in return, I will drive you to various important places on each file island."

The appearance is almost the same as that of Su Na's partner Bichumon, but the look and feel is much bigger. This is the gap in the amount of data. The gap between wild and domesticated Digimon. In fact, many of the same Digimon have a gap in size. The more data the Digimon get, the bigger it will be...and Tennyemon will definitely do the same.

——Then if it takes a long time, will I be able to play trampoline on Tiannv Beast?

Ending the messy fantasies, Taichi also responded.

"Bhikkhu? You are so cute, please teach me more."

Dilu Beast frowned, his cold gaze pierced like a cold light, Taiyi felt a chill down his back at this moment.

——What's going on, this kind of chill that seems to be being watched by someone...

"Taiyi, I think we'd better go on our own, so that we can feel like traveling." She walked over slowly, and her gaze fell on Bichu Beast.

"Is it a bhikkhu? Thank you very much for your kindness, but I'm afraid you won't be able to carry me and Taichi in this state."

That's true. I remember that the original Badamon and Bichumon were cute little creatures who had wings but couldn't fly fast. Taichi thought what Dilumon said was right, but why did her tone sound a little scary?Is it an illusion?

"Haha, don't worry, if you want to carry you, of course you can't use this posture."

After speaking, she suddenly spread her wings and flew into the air, and her body began to burst into orange light.

"Phichumon evolves—!"

"Badora beast!"

Chapter 14 Chapter 13 what b movement

Bhikkhu evolved into Badola, a big red bird with flames all over her body, her huge wings fanned out some warm hot air, and then she shook her body a little, and the flames on her body were extinguished.

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