"This form is my favorite form. I can fight in whatever way I like. I like it very much."

Li Angel Beast let go of Taiyi and punched the air vigorously a few times, her whole body seemed to have endless vitality. Although it felt that her power had indeed evolved, her mind seemed to have become the same as before. Road beast feeling.

"I used to be a little sulking when I saw you always giving the badge to others, but now I don't care anymore!"

She exudes the charm of a young girl with every frown and smile, and her two golden ponytails swing back and forth with her little movements.

——It’s broken, you can’t even beat her for being cute now, Flower Fairy Beast.

"Now that the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness and all my partners have been wiped out, does it mean that everything is over?"

It took Li Angel Beast to calm down for a while, thinking that there seemed to be no enemies to deal with. The evil beasts, blood-sucking monsters, and the Clown King they had expected at the beginning were all fell under her iron fist, so she felt that she should be consummated with Taiyi Completed this task.

"It's not that simple. The man behind the scenes hasn't shown up yet... Although we don't know what he's waiting for, we have to find the ultimate V-dramon first, and then return to the digital world."

The chilling meaning of death spreads everywhere in this dark field, and various ominous energies of dark green and crimson swim in the darkness. Taiyi relies on the ring that has been given the authority of the divine plan... like the children asked to send themselves Just like returning to the digital world, he also thought in his heart that he wanted to return to the digital world, so

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Almost a rainbow channel opened naturally.

But before leaving, Taiyi had to bring back the ultimate V-dragon beast, and he couldn't be allowed to stay in this place forever, it would be no different from being dead.

Since he could rely on the badge to guide him to find the direction of the Digimon, Taichi took out the friendship badge and used it to sense the location of the ultimate V-dramon with whom he had established a "friendship" bond.

"Found... eh?"

Taiyi just sensed the target position, but suddenly found that the energy shape of the ultimate V-dragon beast seemed to be not quite right.

...He wasn't trapped in a dream like himself or the Celestial Beast, but kept moving at a constant speed?what happened?Could it be that he made his own claim again and discovered other enemies in the dark realm to pursue?

——No, you have to stop him immediately!On his own, he can't be the opponent of Apocalypse Beast.

"Ring, send that guy to me!"

As if giving orders to it, Taichi conveyed his new will, and felt the call of the master and the only able person Yagami Taichi, the ring immediately changed the direction of the rainbow portal, so Taichi and the beautiful angel beast While waiting nervously... There was a scream from far to near from above.


Li Angelmon reacted immediately, and clapped its hands downward to create a transparent wall, just in time for the falling Ultimate V-dramon to land on it. Ultimate V-dramon covered its chest with one hand and kept panting heavily, its eyes still flickering. frightened.

"What's the matter with you guy?"

Li Angel Beast pinched its waist and asked curiously.

Ultimate V Dragon Beast was stunned when he saw Li Angel Beast, and then realized that this is another ultimate evolution route of Dilu Beast, and he cares more about himself than these!He gritted his teeth and stood up, clenched his fists and roared.

"...I, I... I fell for three full ten minutes!! That bastard clown!! I'm going to tear his hands off!!"

The deep resentment can be felt even by Tai Yi, it is really pitiful.

But, it's too funny, especially with the mighty appearance of the ultimate V-dragon beast, Taiyi really can't hold back. I didn't expect this guy to be worse than himself, but doesn't he have wings? ?Are those dragon wings just for display?

"Pfft, hahahahaha."

Almost at the same time, Taichi and Li Angelmon couldn't hold back their laughter at the same time.

"what are you laughing at?"

Ultimate Vdramon gave Tai a fierce look.

"I just thought of happy things, and I didn't laugh at you anymore."

Tai Yi tried his best to hold back his laughter, then walked to Li Angel Beast to stop her shoulders.

"I made Tennyomon achieve the correct ultimate evolution~"

"... Woohoo! You guys are laughing at me!" Ultimate V-Dragonmon was angrily, talking more and more like Yagumon. "Do you know how miserable I was tortured! I've been falling! This ghostly place can't fly even if I want to, it's so evil! I can't do anything, I can only keep falling!"

"That's a trick of the Zombie Satan Beast, but both he and the Clown King have been taken care of by me and Tai Yi."

Li Angel Beast explained, but there was still a smile on his face.

"Already, is it over?"

After hearing this, he was dumbfounded.

"Yes, it's over."

"...So, you were fighting the Clown King over there, and I was just doing the falling body exercise alone from the beginning to the end?"


"...Why do I feel like I'm a clown?"

The deeply shocked Ultimate V-dramon let out a long sigh, both helpless and amused.

But I can be considered to have contributed a little bit, absolutely can't say that he won by lying down!At least he beat Black Steel Garuru!At least he discovered the hiding place of the Clown Emperor...Although this also caused Tai Yi and the others to fall into a passive position, he is definitely not lying down!

"Don't be sad, there are still many hidden crises in the digital world, and the world still needs soldiers like you to shine."

Taiyi patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

Although he understood that this was just a scene, Ultra V-dramon forced himself to accept it.

However, just when they were about to return to the digital world... Lily Angelmon suddenly tensed its body and turned around urgently, only to see a black mist approaching in this dark field, quickly enveloping the nearby large-scale space.

"Something's coming, Taichi!"

Chapter 119 Chapter 110 Chapter [-] Apocalypse The Beast Appears

"Our final enemy has come."

Taichi didn't panic, because he knew that this was the last battle before leaving get off work.

Now his mood is like that of a candidate before the final exam. As long as he passes this hurdle, he will be able to get a long and relaxing vacation~ Now that he thinks about it, he still has to prepare for the final exam when he returns... It's so classic, I didn't expect such a thing to happen to me.

——I don’t know if saving two worlds can give me a few more points in the college entrance examination?

Taiyi understands that as long as he has come to this point, he can't lose as long as he continues to perform normally. He is very calm. Before the black mist completely filled, Taiyi had already picked up the ring again, and with his own will, against him. Give precise orders.

At the same time, in the digital world, a beam of rainbow light suddenly fell in front of Rosemon, who was already thinking about his future, and Beetlemon and Bichumon, who were pretending to cry endlessly, were also bathed in this fantastic light at the same time... Then they were drawn and started to teleport, and came to the dark territory

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Domain, in front of Taiyi.

Rosemon recognizes the color of this beam of light, which is exactly the same as the rainbow beam of light she saw in the human world, and the children of Meimei from another world when they returned to the digital world.

"Tai Yi, you are still alive, the Clown King has already..."

Seeing that he is safe and sound, Rosemon is also relieved... Now that I think about the acting skills of Bichumon and Beetlemon, it is really exaggerated, but I was so upset at that time that I didn't recognize it, it was really stupid.

"It has been resolved, but we still have stronger enemies to face, so I summoned you all to this place."

Tai replied with a nod.

"There are enemies other than the Clown King? But... but Taiyi! This is the dark realm, in other words, the hell of the digital world. We don't need to entangle with these dead virus data here, just go back to the digital world. !"

Bichu Beast gave his own opinion, this place is really weird and gloomy, making it difficult for him to breathe.

In her opinion, it was the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness who snatched them away, so the one who transformed them into evil Digimon must also be the Clown King, which is a matter of course.

"If you don't get rid of him here, the digital world will never be able to find peace. It is the source of all current mutations."

"This kind of thing... can you be sure? Taiyi?"

Bichumon seems to be more assertive than before. This is also because Taiyi made him the commander of the rebel army, so he has matured a lot and is better at thinking. She is no longer just a petty thief. .

"Didn't you find it on the file island? There is a wall of fire over there, and there are some terrible things sealed on the other side of the wall."

"I haven't been there for a long time..."

"This is the enemy in the story told by Centaur?"

Li Angel Beast thought that it was a long time ago, not too long, maybe a month or so at most, she and Taiyi really only knew each other for such a short time, but they have already established an unbreakable special bond.

"what story?"

Ultimate V-dramon is also curious.

"From beyond the wall of fire, its name is Apocalypse Beast. It is a huge disaster and an enemy of evolution."

Renangemon tried hard to recall the story told by the Centaur who guarded the ruins of the sacred plan when they were on File Island.

"What does this mean? An enemy of 'evolution'?"

Evolution is generally a verb for Digimon, but here it is obviously a noun, the enemy of evolution, that is, to prevent the evolution of Digimon.

"It means literally."

Taiyi needs to explain this clearly to them so that they are mentally prepared.

"It has been threatening the digital world since a long time ago, it was temporarily repelled by the last batch of chosen children, but as you can see, things have not really been resolved, and now he has made a comeback, I think those evil Digimon , The Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness are all created by it."

"Including the destruction of the divine plan, it was also this guy's idea that all of you, except Tailu Beast, be implanted with dark crystals."

Taiyi explained to them very seriously that the necessity of this battle cannot be ignored just because the enemy is hiding here and not looking for trouble. , but still not the same as the students who didn't start to move at the end.

"Even if the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness are defeated by us now, maybe there will be Five Heavenly Kings, Four Knights, and Three Phantom Gods in the future, so instead of waiting for him to come to us, it is better to get rid of him now, so as to truly save the digital world. .”

"...Actually, I just want to fight, so just give me a target! Taichi!"

Ultimate V-Dragon doesn't want to think so much, he only regrets not being able to personally participate in the crusade against the Clown King, so he is looking forward to how strong the next enemy will be.

There is no time for them to think about each other, because the enemy has already appeared from the black mist, it is a strange polyhedral box, like some kind of magic box that seals the devil, and then it begins to unfold its own On multiple sides, many tentacle-like chains stretched out to connect the claws, and on the top, a dark blue-toned cloaked demon showed his true face.

"Taichi, this guy gives me a weird feeling different from any Digimon."

Li Angelmon tried to perceive the opponent, but couldn't get any results, because that thing couldn't be regarded as a Digimon at all.

Phichumon and Beetlemon immediately undergo ultimate evolution. Although their physical strength is running low and their injuries are not fully healed, they have recovered after taking a short breath. Flamedramon and Black Sangalukomon reappeared. , at this moment, all five Digimon are facing the final test of this world in their strongest form.

"Our resentment...is endless!"

The Apocalypse Beast opened its arms, and let out a terrifying howl. The sound was like the cry of all ghosts, and it silenced all the Angel Beast and others.

"Don't go crazy here."

Taiyi walked out of the queue, stepped on the void, and stood on the same line as the frontmost beautiful angel beast.

"I have something to ask you."

"How on earth did you destroy the divine plan? Who is helping you?"

Tai Yi did not forget the doubts that remained in his heart at the beginning. It is reasonable to say that such items as the divine plan cannot be destroyed unless he has external help.

So Taichi was a little worried, could the guy who helped Apocalypsemon be Lilithmon?again

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Or some other unknown enemy that would stab them when they were most relaxed?

"Nobody helped me."

"All of this is fate! Chosen child! Fate has given me the possibility to completely kill the digital world and realize my great ambition! Do you understand Yagami Taichi!"

"I am unstoppable! It doesn't matter whether the divine plan exists or not! Because no matter how great the evolution of the chosen child is, it means nothing in front of Me!"


After the Apocalypse Beast finished its declaration, it immediately released a super-strong energy shock wave, which hit like a sea wave, and these shock waves are not just as simple as tormenting people, but affected, all the Digimon around Tai Yi, including Angelmon The inner part degenerates, and Liangemon becomes Tiannvmon, then Dilumon, and finally Puppymon.

Beetlemon and Bichumon, who have just re-evolved with enough strength, are no exception. They all degenerate into infancy and become newborn babies.

Chapter 120 Chapter 110 Seven This World Has Never Been Beautiful

"Ugh... how painful, Taichi!"

Affected by the Apocalypse Beast's degraded light, Li Angel Beast suddenly felt uncomfortable, and staggered back and forth. Taiyi reached out to hold her waist to make her stand still, but she was still full of energy just now, and seemed to be able to hit ten Now she is like a weak little girl, unable to stand still.

In the end, her feet were weak, and she fell backwards, lying on Taiyi's arms like that, gritted her teeth unwillingly.

"I don't want to degenerate... Taichi..."

Her hand was tightly clutching Taichi's collar, and she bit on it with all her might, and she would not let go even to the death, because she knew that if she let go, she would be forced to degenerate like the other companions!But holding on like this will only make her more and more painful.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter even if it degenerates! I will definitely find a way to defeat him, don't insist anymore!"

"Taichi, I'm sorry."

Knowing that the other party has the power to control evolution, even if the Li Angel Beast has more strength, it can only swallow it back and eat it. There is no other way, so she slowly becomes a Celestial Beast in Taiyi's arms, and then It's Tailmon, and the last one is Pupmon in the growth stage.

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