"Why not?"

Tiannu Beast asked back, she has no experience of living in human society, and she doesn't understand what Flower Fairy Beast wants to say, but Taiyi understood what Flower Fairy Beast meant, but he didn't want to answer, so he just pretended to be stupid.

"Ahem, Flower Fairy Beast, let's talk about the next battle."

"I have been away for a long time, and I don't know that Titan beast. I think there should be no Digimon I know there."

The flower fairy beast stroked its vine-like hair and said.

"You should know that with your current strength, this battlefield is still too early for you."

Taichi watched her profile seriously.

"...You really dare to say it."

Hua Xianshou was a little annoyed at first, but after seeing Tai Yi's eyes, she knew that Tai Yi had no malicious intentions, and she also understood that she couldn't keep up with the monster-like strength of these companions.

But it's impossible for her to hide behind after mustering up the courage to come back here from that gentle village.

Thinking of this, she suddenly stopped flying, and the flying celestial maiden holding Taiyi couldn't help but also stop.

"I also know that I am weak. If you think I will drag you down, I can go back there now."

Although it is very unwilling, but lack of strength means lack of strength, Huaxian Beast does not want to hold others back.

"I did not mean that."

"I just hope that you may be able to evolve upward again with my strength like the Celestial Beast."

Taichi still remembers that when he met Huaxianmon, his badge of innocence shone, just like Bichumon at that time, and he successfully inspired the pure green digital soul with this.

Chapter 96 Chapter 93

As they continued to advance, the land gradually began to show more barren and corrupt colors.

When it reaches the ultimate body, it is basically a Digimon at the level of a great lord, and it can do things like changing the terrain if it wants to. If the battle tyrannosaurus is the enemy now, then he can also turn his territory into volcanic lava Because his Gaia energy cannon has this kind of power.

The face of Huaxian Beast also became more and more ugly. After all, it was the thriving garden she once took care of, and every plant and tree had feelings.

She even sighed every time she went to a place.

"I remember that I took a bath here before. It is a hot spring, but it has dried up now."

"This is the village of seed beasts. I used to like playing with them here..."


The flower fairy beast can hardly breathe.

It's the same for everyone, if Taiyi returns to the real world and finds that the city he used to live in has been turned into a post-apocalyptic ruin, of course he will be extremely sad, not to mention that Huaxianshou has lost many important things of his former relatives. people.

Because they didn't want to be directly discovered by the Titan beasts and they would be surrounded heavily, so when they approached the target, they chose to advance on foot. Everyone is numb.

Taiyi is also a little sad. On the one hand, he feels sorry for the flower fairy beast. On the other hand, he may not be able to save the goma beast like he saved the monk and the flower fairy beast. His pollution has been further deepened. The extent of destroying the digital world... For such an object, Taiyi can only completely destroy it, just like the reborn Brightmon of Badamon.

It would be great if there was a means of transportation here... Taiyi suddenly had a wonderful idea, he thought it would be good to build some vehicles in the digital world in the future, one is that flying for a long time will make him very uncomfortable, after all, the celestial beast It is not the kind of Digimon that can be used as a vehicle. She will feel uncomfortable after flying with her for a long time. This cannot be solved with Digisoul, and it also consumes physical strength.

For example, swiping a card directly summons motorcycles, off-road vehicles, etc.

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Pretty good.

"Taiyi...is that a titan?"

The moonlight above the head was suddenly covered by a dark shadow, and I subconsciously thought it was covered by the forest or blocked by clouds, so I didn't care, but Tiannvmon, as a sacred codemon, was very sensitive to the perception of darkness.

Taiyi looked up at the sky, and saw a huge bull-horned demon with a body length of more than 30 meters flying across the sky. It seemed that he was in a hurry to go somewhere, but there was no legion with him, which made Taiyi slightly relieved. .

"It seems that Agumon and the others have made a lot of noise, this guy rushed over to support."

They didn't even bring the army but went to the battlefield alone. It seems that Yagumon and Beetlemon are in a bad situation. The Four Heavenly Kings probably all came together. The Clown King must think that he is attacking Puppetmon's home. That's why the whole army went to support... Taiyi can only hope that Agumon can withstand it until he passes by.

However, before that, he had to eliminate this titan, which was the biggest threat.

Because the strength of the Titan beast is also extremely terrifying in terms of setting. It is the speed of the Twelve Gods of Olympus, and it must be stronger than the Belstar beast. As long as this guy is destroyed, the other three kings will fight almost casually , even if they go together, Taichi has other companions including War Greymon.

"We're going to kill him here, Celestial Beast, let's evolve."

"Don't worry about Tai Yi, wait for me to shoot an arrow first."

Tiannv combed her long hair with both hands and scattered it on her back, and then her whole body began to glow with golden light. She stood on the ground and straightened her waist, pointing to the sky with one finger, aiming at the Titan beast that was about to fly overhead. The guy kept looking forward and didn't notice the abnormality on the ground.

The white winged gloves of the Celestial Beast stretch out into the shape of a bow, but unlike ordinary sacred bows and arrows, in addition to these two slender winged bows, there is also a giant golden bow shadow that is almost the same height as the Celestial Beast. The arrow she collected energy to shoot Millennium Beast was almost exactly the same.

"Holy Bow!!"

No need to use the strength of the legs to pull it anymore, the Tiannv beast touched the bow shadow with its right hand and pulled out a shining string, and then the crescent-shaped bow turned into a crescent light arrow, and rushed straight to the Titan beast in the sky.

This blow seemed very small in front of Titan's huge body, but it didn't mean that the damage was weak. Titan was almost defenseless and was shot down directly. The lethality caused is no less than that of being attacked by an ultimate body. The guy's mountain-like body fell to the ground, his feet smashed two deep holes on the ground, and there were bursts of dust and smoke.

The sense of oppression that hits the face, even if you are far away, you can still feel the oppressive force of that huge demon.

"Let's go, Taichi."

Tiannv Beast also felt the pressure, shook its neck slightly, and then walked forward fearlessly.

"Digital soul filling."

"Ultimate evolution."

——Tennyomon evolves, Belstarmon!

The white-winged female angel walked forward with a black evil light shining on her body, and she turned into a demon lady in a blink of an eye, but her body shape remained unchanged except for a little plumpness. The enemy is still extremely small in front of him, but he is not weaker than the opponent in terms of momentum. Taiyi watched her gradually walk towards the titan beast, as if in some games played in the previous life, he manipulated the heroic and beautiful female character on the screen to face the huge BOSS Same.

In this seemingly final place of death, two demons are about to compete.

The Titan didn't say anything, or he might have lost his mind, or he might just be too lazy to say it. In short, he directly pulled out his weapon "Zhanshen Dao". At the moment when the knife was drawn, there seemed to be countless ghosts howling, which was frightening, including the skull armor on the Titan beast, which seemed to be howling from evil spirits.

His movements were wide open and closed, and he swept towards the Beersta beast, but the Beersta beast was very steady, seized the moment when the sword came, jumped and rolled to avoid it, and then drew his gun and started pointing at the Titan The beast shot wildly.

Facing such a ferocious and violent melee Digimon, Belstarmon did not choose to fight with a knife, because she knew that it was impossible to win against her opponent in terms of strength.

Therefore, she chose a more bloody fighting method, relying on two guns and lotus roots, close to the body and taking the advantage of agility to carry out continuous shooting combat. Hurry up to avoid the Titan Beast's slashing attack, and whenever there is a chance, he will shoot a hurricane around the Titan Beast, circling in circles, and the Titan Beast's huge body will make him withstand more bombardment.

Belstar bent down, and Titan's Zhanshen knife cut off a few strands of her hair, brushed her scalp and passed, she immediately shot forward twice, then flipped back to offset the recoil, and at the same time shot two large projectile!

Finally, the Titan Beast couldn't bear such a fierce attack, and finally knelt down on one knee and gasped.

"Well done, Belstarmon."

Chapter 97 Chapter 94 Flower Fairy Beast, Be My Partner

Even Tai Yi couldn't help being stunned by her combat experience, she seemed like a wild shooter who had experienced many battles, which fit her personality.

However, Taichi also understood that the Titan was not defeated so easily... As expected, just as Belstar was about to launch the final finishing attack, the half-kneeling Titan suddenly let out a shocking roar, blood-red eyes even more

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More ferocious and evil light bloomed, and the moment he got up, the skeleton armor all over his body released a violent shock wave, directly forcing Belstamon to retreat several steps in a row.


The angry Titan completely unleashed all its power, and now its momentum is even more terrifying than before. It stepped on the ground and burst a large number of broken rocks. Now Belstar couldn't even stand still, only He can prop up the cloak to let himself hang in the air, but at the same time, the Titan Beast swings the Zhanshen Dao in his hand like crazy. With his huge and powerful body, every knife he swings can bring out ghostly air waves , this power is really devastating.

Taiyi was very worried about his partner, seeing that Belstamon was entangled in the frenzied sword shadow and could not escape, even if it was only cut once, its life would be in danger, and if it was cut twice, it would directly degenerate.

—Beltstarmon is trapped, so the next battle will be very difficult.

At this moment, Belstar was unable to fight back, and could only dodge Titan's attack with the greatest effort. She tried her best to fly upwards, dodging left and right to avoid the energy blade cut by Titan, and then waited until he finally stopped When slashing wildly, use all your strength to kick the titan on the forehead!


A heavy kick from Belstamon directly hit the hard forehead, her beautiful eyes widened, and the gun barrel at the heel converted the data of the whole body into a large fly projectile to give a detonation kick, this kick The powerful force combined with the explosion knocked the Titan back again and again, staggered a few steps, opened its mouth and closed its eyes and howled, propping its body up with a big sword and half kneeling on the ground.

The demon lady with black shattered wings hovered in the air, with gunpowder smoke still rising from her right foot.

She suddenly clutched her stomach, and only after finishing this back and forth did she realize that she had just been injured. It was when the Titan beast slashed continuously at a very close distance, and she couldn't dodge and was scratched by the blade on her abdomen.

The cut was not deep, but the length was still very large. At this time, there was a big bloody gash in Belstamon's fair and beautiful abdomen, and blood oozed out. As long as the data has not flowed out, it is not considered a fatal injury. So Belstarmon didn't take it seriously.

However, the wound was no worse than before, and the pain became more intense, as if it had been smeared with poison.

"Damn it...it hurts so much, this wound can't heal?"

She gritted her teeth, feeling that her physical strength was rapidly draining along with the pain.

At this moment, the Titan beast roared again, and stood up shaking its seriously injured body.

"...Kill...the chosen child...and Tailu Beast."

He spoke a normal language for the first time in the battle, but it was enough to see that he had been completely transformed into a war weapon, and he no longer had his own reason. I am afraid that the pollution of this land did not come from his own consciousness.


The eyes of Titan Beast became even more blood red, and once again it burst into an amazing momentum, just like that, with the scars all over its body left by the continuous attacks by Belstarmon, it regained its strength, and now even Belstarmon couldn't help it Feeling jealous.

What she is facing is not a Digimon at all, but a weapon that only knows fighting but not pain.

I'm afraid that even if she can defeat him in the end, she will have to pay a heavy price, but Belstar has no choice. She took a deep breath, endured the pain in her abdomen, took out her two guns again, and prepared for the second round .

Taiyi also saw and heard the reaction of Titan Beast. He felt that maybe Apocalypse Beast transformed Goma Beast into such a demon like a war ghost to get rid of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness just to prevent himself from returning from the real world. He is also the only ultimate body that can fight Belstarmon for such a long time.

He didn't want Belstamon to continue to take such a big risk to fight to the death with the other party. Just seeing her injured made Taichi unbearable, wishing he could become a Digimon to help her.

"Flower Fairy Beast, are you ready?"

Now, Taichi decides it's time to bring the Flower Fairy Beast into play.

If you want to evolve, you need a very strong emotion. Facing other enemies, there will be no such titan beast, and no flower fairy beast can resonate more than this barren land.

"Hiss... Do I want to fight that guy?"

The Flower Fairy Beast trembled all over.

It's not her fault, she has lived a comfortable life for a long time, besides, she has never seen such a scary Digimon before.

"Overcome your fear, think about why you came back, why we came back! Think about the miserable scenes you saw along the way! Flower Fairy Beast... Come up with your courage, let this once green land regain Rejuvenate, restore the natural soul, no?"

"...Okay, I'm not afraid! Taichi...I, I'm ready!"

"Come on then."

Taiyi closed her eyes, holding a green badge in her hand, making it glow again, and the green digital soul was also lit up on her body, the pure heart, it is hope to heal this land and restore peace To return to the earth, the simplest wish.

He grabbed Huaxianmon's hand, stood with her and stared at the front, the green Digisoul shone and bloomed between Taiyi and Huaxianmon like sparks.

"Flower Fairy Beast, I still have a question for you."

Sensing that the resonance does exist, Tai one finally asked her one thing.


"After this battle is over...you, be my partner."

Taiyi's face is also very bright in the warm emerald green data array, the flower fairy beast

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Almost subconsciously, he uttered his truest thoughts.

——Yes, in fact, there is no need to find any human partners, because the human partner she needs most is right here?


She showed a cute smile without any affectation, and her delicate face gradually became blurred in the light.

"Digital soul charging! Ultimate evolution!"

The body of the flower fairy beast turned into a shining bright red light and was finally wrapped in a digital egg-shaped shell. Her little girl's body also grew rapidly in it. It turned into a shooting star in the dark night and directly hit the Titan beast over there.

Belstar was very confused, but when she glanced at Taiyi over there, she understood what happened... The giant egg directly knocked the unsuspecting Titan to the ground, and then the egg on the ground turned into a huge flower The rose flower bloomed proudly again, and a large number of beautiful flying flowers bloomed to surround the birth of a new Digimon.

Her appearance revived the land under her feet, the blackness of death faded, and the green vegetation was covered again.

Flower Fairy Beast Evolution, Rose Beast!

Chapter 98 Chapter 95 Surrounded by two big sisters

Rosemon, the proud Queen of Flowers and Plants, is a Digimon with the figure of an adult beautiful woman. This is also the final form of the Flower Fairy Beast in the evolution route locked by the badge of innocence.

However, her way of appearing on the stage still surprised Tai Yi. I always felt that it seemed a bit too gorgeous for a rose beast like her, and it didn't fit the human design... This kind of style might be more suitable. That evolutionary form, that is, Rafflesiamon.

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