"Hmm... the Clown King of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, Infinitydramon, Puppetmon, Steel Seadramon, and Black SteelGarurumon and that Titanmon."

"Steel Garuru?"

Chapter 88 Which one will be slaughtered first?

Tai kept frowning. The worst assumption he had made before was that the remaining two Digimon had evolved into ultimate bodies, but he did not expect this to be the case.

"Yes! Senior Yagumon and that guy have fought each other many times, and they are very angry... Whenever they meet, they will fight." Biqiumon said helplessly with a bitter face.

It's normal, the world line is ending, Zhanhuang and Steel Wolf are destined to become rivals.

"Senior Yagumon is still messing around like that, and basically won't participate in our collective battles. His goal is only the Clown King, and he has been tracking down that guy's whereabouts for two years."

"Although he doesn't fight with us, because of him, our frontal pressure has been relieved a lot. In this respect, we are a bit similar to Taiyi."

"When did I mess up?"

Taichi looked at Bichumon suspiciously.

Isn't he always acting carefully?I also try my best to attract as many people as I can, which is different from Yagumon who just wants to prove himself.

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"It was when I was in File Island at the very beginning, I planned to join forces with Evil Beast to ambush you." Biqiu Beast rubbed its head with its wings and smiled foolishly. "In my opinion, you are new here and you are not familiar with the place. A normal person's reaction should be to step by step, slowly understand the situation of the whole island first."

"But I didn't expect that you would go directly to Evil Beast, making all my plans go to waste. When I realized it, Evil Beast had been killed by you, and even the black gear he had saved was gone."

"Then I ran out of bargaining chips, so I had to pretend to join you... and lead you to the isolated sea before attacking, but in the end I still lost."

"Don't mention that again, Bichumon, do you want me to hate you even more?"

When mentioning the incident of being backstabbed by the Bhikshu beast at sea, the Celestial Nv Beast was furious. Although the result was good, she felt that their impulsive behavior of not listening to Taiyi's advice at that time almost caused them to die before they were born. A great shame, black history.

"I'm just making an analogy, senior, please don't be angry."

Bhikkhu quickly apologized.

"So that is to say, sometimes not acting according to the plan will bring unexpected good results, and being reckless is not necessarily a bad thing. The current Agumon-senpai is very similar to Taiyi at that time."

"We are indeed very similar... He has his own considerations, so let him fight to the fullest and use his strength."

Taichi understood his thoughts and was not too worried.

BattleGreymon is such a Digimon eager to fight, and Agumon's mature and perfect body are all virus species, so the ultimate body is probably Black BattleGreymon, with him to go to the front to cause trouble, Also a nice thing.

As for the titan, Taiyi knew that in this world where ultimate bodies are still extremely scarce, that titan would definitely not be a good stubble, and there is indeed a possibility of evolving into a titan in the evolution route of the goma beast. The Great Heavenly King + two erroneously evolved ultimate bodies, plus a whole nightmare army, including zombie satan beasts, female evil beasts and many other complete bodies, is the main lineup of the enemy.

"Taiyi, you're finally here."

After coming to the place where Beetlemon was, Taiyi saw a map of the control room, which included half of the digital world, including the file island and the server continent he had been to, etc., and there were many distinctive icons on it , marking the spheres of influence that they can currently control, as well as the spheres of influence of the enemy's four heavenly kings.

"Long time no see, Beetlemon."

He is still the same old man, although he looks silly, he has a rational and intelligent voice

"Let's talk about the old days later. I want you to take a look at this map. We have no time... We must immediately formulate a counterattack strategy." Otherwise, once the four guys react, it will be very difficult for us to fight four against one. unfavorable. "

Beetlemon is still very serious, because he and Taiyi did not turn enemies into friends like Bichumon, from self-defeating to living to death and finally becoming a true companion, but this does not mean that he is not as reliable as Bichumon .

"Okay, I have that idea too."

"Then look at this map."

"That's right...it turns out that we still have so many spheres of influence. It's really hard work for you."

Taiyi carefully looked at the map, it was painted in various colors, as if he was playing a game of a club, now he is not only a selected child, but also commanding and launching a war of salvation. Without human companions, we can only unite the strength of Digimon as much as possible.

If I made my own experience into an animation, the title should not be called a big adventure, it should be called Taichi's Digimon War.

"No, Taiyi, the area we can control is only this small moment."

The beetle beast manipulated the cursor to land on a red area that was almost invisible in the crack.

"That's right, the blue area south of us, including the desert to the coast, is the territory of the Iron Sea Dragon Beast. The blue line is a river sprayed out by him with the ultimate wave cannon, completely blocking our way. The retreat route... is also the closest enemy to us, the forest in the north is the territory of the puppet beasts, the square area in the south is the steel city of the infinite dragon beasts, and the east is the ghost army of the titan beasts."

"...Do you think we are already surrounded?"

Tai Yi blinked, not knowing what to say.

"No way, in fact, we used to control many areas, but now they are all occupied, but even in the occupied areas, there are still some kind and righteous Digimon harassing them and dealing with them in the rear, and they have not completely eaten them. The server continent, otherwise we would have already gone to the last file island."

"Why didn't I see the territory of the Clown King?"

Tai asked.

"The Clown King's whereabouts are secretive, among us only Yagumon has fought against him, but there is still no way to determine his location... and even if we know, we can't do anything, our strength is really too small compared to the opponent , pitifully few."

Beetlemon rarely showed a frustrated look.

"Don't look at the loud voices of those rebels outside just now. In fact, their morale is already very low. We probably only have less than 200 Digimon in our hands, but the combined forces of the Four Heavenly Kings may not be less than 5000. Among them Renegade native Digimon, and the armies they summon from the Dark Realm."

Bhikkhu couldn't help but said.

"So Taichi...you must win the beautiful first battle

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, Winning is cool, let everyone see hope, and morale can come back! "

"Since the situation is so serious, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Taiyi was very distressed when he heard it. Just thinking about it, he can understand what kind of consciousness they have persisted until now... He really didn’t think too much because of the birth of the Bright Beast, otherwise he would understand after a little calm down. If he can resist the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, why does he need himself, the chosen child?

"The enemies Taiyi faces are also very powerful. I can't let you be distracted at such a critical time, and the passage through the two worlds requires a high degree of concentration. I can't let you come back forcibly after the war just ended, because You are our trump card, and I cannot let you risk it."

Beetle Beetle replied very rationally.

In fact, during the time when Taiyi was sleeping in the human world, they lost the control of the south and the sea to the Iron Sea Dragon Beast. It would not be long before the army of the Four Heavenly Kings came to eat up this place, but fortunately Taiyi was at this juncture came back.

Even knowing that doing so may increase many casualties, but the beetle beast can only do so.

"You... ugh."

He could only sigh helplessly.

"It is precisely because we believe that you will come back that we have persisted until now. Now is finally the time to fight back."

After hearing this, Tiannv Beast was also moved, but her question was still very simple.

"Taiyi, which one shall we kill first?"

Chapter 89 Chapter 86 I have the advantage

"Then let's get rid of the Titans first."

After staring at the map for a while, Taichi came to a conclusion.

"Why? I thought you would choose the weaker puppet beast among the Four Heavenly Kings first."

Beetlemon was surprised by Taichi's choice.

He has just briefly talked about the division of the four heavenly kings' combat power. In his perception, the strength of the Clown King is unfathomable. The battle tyrannosaurus that evolved from Yagumon did not take advantage of him in the battle and was escaped by the opponent. Infinitydramon is next, Titanmon is tied with it, followed by Steel Seadramon, but if he is in the sea, he can also be tied with Infinitydramon, and Puppetmon is the last.

"I once fought against him with the ultimate Black Sangaluko, but I failed to win. In my opinion, the bravery of the Titan is no less than that of the Clown King. Are you really sure?"

"I don't care who is strong and who is weak, it's the same to fight everyone, it's an enemy that we have to face sooner or later."

Tiannv Beast said calmly, brushing her long hair.

"I think so too, but that Titan beast is very likely to have evolved from a Goma beast. If we deal with him first, maybe we can make him our companion and add a powerful combat force."

This is the result of Taiyi's careful consideration.

When the strength of the troops is far inferior to that of the opponent, he can only speak in terms of quality. He does not think that the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness can teach, even if it is a relatively simple puppet beast among them, although it is possible to be directly eliminated and killed like the bright beast, Taiyi It can only be like this, the situation is very serious, and it is not the time to be willful.

"Taiyi, if you attack the Titan Beast, you must let me participate!"

Hua Xianshou said angrily.

"Of course, I need your strength too."

Tai looked at her and smiled.

Celestial Beast frowned slightly. She actually felt that this was not good, because Flower Fairy Beast was only a perfect body, and their current enemies were almost all ultimate bodies.

But this is Taiyi's decision, she will not interfere, she will only trust unconditionally.

"It makes sense, let's listen to you, let's fight the Titans first! What are you going to do?"

"That's right, but..."

Taiyi frowned, he knew that this was not a simple strategy game, and that the other party was not a villain who foolishly asked himself to eliminate one by one, but the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness who had already swept the darkness across the entire world. They really would not know that they had already Is this thing coming back?Will they really foolishly wait for themselves to eliminate one by one, while others are willing to wait for OMO?

You can't make a mistake here, otherwise the situation will be very passive. Even if Taiyi and Tiannvmon are not afraid of any of the Four Heavenly Kings, if they join forces, and with so many Digimon troops under them, the result will be hard to say.

"No, I still need to change it."

"Taiyi, who do we want to eliminate first??"

Tiannv Beast was confused.

"Steel sea dragon beast."

Taiyi gave his own answer.

That is the Four Heavenly Kings closest to this base, and it is close to the sea. As long as his hidden dangers are eliminated, there is no need to worry that the Four Heavenly Kings will send troops from all directions to harass them. Only by breaking one of their four pillars can they fall into a trap. Chaos, the rebel forces can relieve their worries, this is the best solution to break the situation.



At this moment, somewhere in the Digital World, in a tall castle temple, the Clown King temporarily used his spells to contact the other three companions, preparing for a temporary battle meeting.

Because the four of them are now carrying out regional occupation plans separately in various regions, the only way to contact them is through this remote method.

Soon, the projections of four different ultimate Digimon appeared in the hall. The Clown Emperor sat on the throne, with the projections of Puppet and Infinity Dragon on the left and right, and Iron Seadramon on the opposite. Although they were of different sizes , but in this virtual projection, they are all the same size.

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"I received information that the chosen child has returned to this world."

The Clown King cut to the chase and went straight to the point.

"Oh, are you here?"

"The blood-sucking monster and the bada beast failed to come back. I think you probably understand what happened. You must not underestimate this guy... He is the last child to be called, and he must be the strongest one."

"Don't worry." Infinite Dragon Beast said coldly. "The previous batch of four holy beasts were so powerful, so they were still sealed by us in the end?"

"If there is no permanence to intervene, they won't even be able to evolve into the four holy beasts. This result is also to encourage the seedlings to grow, and they don't have the strength that the four holy beasts should have. That guy thinks about the same situation. Persistence can no longer stop us. "

"Yes, I thought so too."

The Clown King saw that his teammates were full of confidence, and he also settled down a lot.

"But that black fighting tyrannosaurus is really annoying. I heard that he has been looking for me. It seems that he really wants to fight me. Moreover, his fighting power is not bad, even the infinite dragon is in his hands. It’s a loss, isn’t it?”

"...I was just careless at that time. I didn't flash his claws. He himself has nothing to say, but those weapons are really powerful."

Infinite Dragon Beast tilted its head and mouth stiffened.

To be honest, they are almost invincible in this world, but that battle tyrannosaurus has been fighting against them. Fortunately, he and that human are not in partnership, otherwise the four dark kings would be a little scared.

"I have fought against him. He seems to trust that human being very much, and he is a lunatic who pursues fighting. I think that being able to convince such a Digimon is definitely not an ordinary weak human being."

"What are you afraid of? Clown King, this doesn't look like you."

The steel sea dragon couldn't help laughing.

"I'm not afraid of him, but I won't underestimate him either."

The Clown King rested his chin on his hands, his half-black and half-white mask revealed a cold gaze.

"Don't think too much, let's hurry up and wipe out the rebel army. Now the steel sea dragon beast has occupied all the areas away from this continent, and the beetle beast and the flame dragon beast can't escape."

Infinite Dragon Beast persuaded.

"Yeah, he's just a human kid. What's there to be afraid of? Even if I lend him ten guts, he won't dare to mess with me."

"Don't talk too much, Iron Sea Dragon Beast, what if that little human kid suddenly brought those rebels across the river to attack you?"

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